When did you have the most fun playing MCOC?

We all have our favorite moments. Maybe it was when you finally got that first 4* out of a freemium crystal.... or defeating a boss that had you almost throwing your phone against the wall because it was too hard. One of my favorite time periods was way back when they had that Ultron 5 or 7 day alliance event where you scored points for beating Ultron's drones in arena and big points for finding and defeating Ultron. Something about that event for me helped make something that was extremely tedious (grinding arena) into something fun and helpful for a more collective reason.
So what was it for you?
So what was it for you?
Around that time, I was growing my roster enough to be able to regularly get the 4* basic in arena (before many 5*’s were around). Over a year-plus period, I remember missing only 1-2 basic arenas and significantly expanding my 4* roster.
It was a lot of fun. Less RNG dependent, sense of being part of a game that was going places.
Dr. Zola
A Real big Deal was the first time clearing aw (old map) to 100% with my Alliance. Defenders feared were 4* 4/40 Groot, ultron and electro....