Should Venom and Carnage be changed?

You know what I realised today, Spideys sig ability is his Spider sense so he shouldn't be able to evade from Venom because in the Comics Spidey's Spider sense could not register that Venom was attacking because the symbiote bonded to his DNA and his Spider Sense didn't see him as a threat
Should Venom and Carnage be changed? 48 votes
Carnage needs quite a bit of adjusting.
Increased stats
Better buff generation
Smoother bleed generation
Some form of regen
Better victory pose.
I think both need an anti evade component.
I'm seeing something completely different to his old l2
I did not think Carnage had the same ability? I thought Venom could only do that because the symbioite learned so much about Peter Parker.
He could do that because the symbiote had bonded to parkers DNA and I'm pretty sure that Carnage had too
Venom may have been cutting edge a year ago when Kabam was pumping out Joe Fixit, LC, and shulk but… like all decent/average champs w doesn't hold a CANLDLE to abyone past the civil war even except for maybe Duck and Carnage
Well GG and IP are the same person and GG gives Electro a power boost while he's getting electrocuted (LOL