Continue to Explore the Battlerealm with Carina in Act 6 Chapter 2!



  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    edited June 2019

    @xNig wrote:

    I don’t exploit the game, nor bounties when it was in the game...

    Don’t see a need to feel shame. On the other hand..

    Act 6.2 is released with:
    1. Mr Sinister boss fight was BUGGED. And all you did was bragging it was your idea they changed one of the nodes;

    2. Champion boss fight was BUGGED and those last 10% are pure cash grab. But all you could do was pointing to some videos of people managing to beat it. There is a video also of a guy climbing Yosemite's El Capitan with no ropes. If he can do it, so can we?

    On my opinion, there are only two possible conclusions:
    1. Beta testers pointed all this too Kabam and they didn't care. If so, beta testers are redundant;
    2. Beta testers are, well, you know, not good at their job.

    Next time I want this guy as beta tester:

    1. Sinister had a bugged interaction because Buffed Up was changed to Caustic Temper post beta.

    2. Champion was bugged situationally and this didn’t occur in the beta. Post beta, he was nerfed down significantly after feedback was given. Whether the bug was introduced pre or post beta, no one knows.

    People were complaining it’s a cash grab, so videos of others soloing the fight were given to prove that it’s not a cash grab. Similar to how Thanos was first seen as one, it has always been those who aren’t skilled enough to handle content giving such complaints. Get good.

    If beta testers didn’t give feedback on the content tested, you would have been stuck with, off the top of my head,
    1. No Retreat node that stacks degen each time you swiped back.
    2. Class Gates that were +1 in requirements.
    3. A Sinister fight that had 3 possible counters in the entire game, inclusive of Heimdall synergies.
    4. A Mordo with 20s Plagued Mind on top of Hurt Locker and Combo Party.
    5. A Champion final boss that regenerates to full health each time you failed the fight.

    So before you wanna insult beta testers who spend their time and effort to test end game content for the community for free, while also providing feedback on how the fight can be improved to meet other objectives of the developers, take a deep look at yourself and ask yourself how you have contributed in providing solutions to the community.

    In response to Kiryu’s video, I agree with most of his points but throughout the whole video, besides the ranting, there’s ONE constructive criticism ie to not restrict the class gate to rarity as well. Besides that, there weren’t any suggestions on how to improve the fights, opponents, mechanics, nodes etc. It was more of a rant video. (No offense to him though. I deeply respect him. One of the best players around. If you’re reading this, Kiryu, good war last season. 😊)
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  • edited June 2019
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  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★
    I can honestly say just saying get good at the game doesn't help anything. KT1 has a top 100 roster literally and he couldn't one shot the Champion multiple times. The percentage of people able to complete act 6.2 legitimately will be very small in comparison to 6.1. If this was act 6.4 the complaints wouldn't be so rampant but we as players just don't know where this will end. We still have 2 more acts to do that will certainly be harder. LOL content was introduced as supposed to be challenging and material left open for months just as ROL was initially, Act 6.2 has not be presented in the same light because all the material prior was able to completed by anyone who plays map 5 or above consistently. Which I think is the disconnect for some players who have finished already who don't understand the average players skill level.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Markg25 said:

    @xNig is alway patrolling the forums with his god complex attitude ... yes he might be good at the game but his attitude stinks, he’s toxic and he’s borderline trollish in the forums. Anyone who disagrees with him is basically told to get good, he will then be backed up by a handful of his loyal followers. ( no need to mention names )

    @TheKiryu is much more in grounded and intouch with the community. That’s why he’s liked by many, something nig with never achieve.

    @Kabam Miike might be worth looking into the beta program and get some feedback from members who haven’t let the “beta tester “ thing go to their heads, also telling members that they are more suited to play candy crush is a joke. 🙄

    The forums don’t need people like @xNig

    You may not agree with the delivery (which I don't personally have a problem with) but Nig isn't wrong when a response to most complaints is either practice or be patient. Hearing every single slightly difficult thing in the game be called a cash grab gets old very quickly.

    I'm not a huge fan of a lot of 6.2 and agree with most of KT1's criticisms as well. My two major complaints would be the 6.2.2 sinister and 6.2.5 mordo. Outside of those fights I wouldn't really call any of it a cash grab, just frustrating and annoying for the most part.

    The amount of stick I've seen Nig get lately is completely unwarranted iny opinion. As someone who was in the 6.1 beta and barely touched any of it bc I was so put off by the initial no retreat design, I'm glad someone out there is willing to plod through poorly put together content and give legitimate feedback on it at least.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★

    Markg25 said:

    @xNig is alway patrolling the forums with his god complex attitude ... yes he might be good at the game but his attitude stinks, he’s toxic and he’s borderline trollish in the forums. Anyone who disagrees with him is basically told to get good, he will then be backed up by a handful of his loyal followers. ( no need to mention names )

    @TheKiryu is much more in grounded and intouch with the community. That’s why he’s liked by many, something nig with never achieve.

    @Kabam Miike might be worth looking into the beta program and get some feedback from members who haven’t let the “beta tester “ thing go to their heads, also telling members that they are more suited to play candy crush is a joke. 🙄

    The forums don’t need people like @xNig

    You may not agree with the delivery (which I don't personally have a problem with) but Nig isn't wrong when a response to most complaints is either practice or be patient. Hearing every single slightly difficult thing in the game be called a cash grab gets old very quickly.

    I'm not a huge fan of a lot of 6.2 and agree with most of KT1's criticisms as well. My two major complaints would be the 6.2.2 sinister and 6.2.5 mordo. Outside of those fights I wouldn't really call any of it a cash grab, just frustrating and annoying for the most part.

    The amount of stick I've seen Nig get lately is completely unwarranted iny opinion. As someone who was in the 6.1 beta and barely touched any of it bc I was so put off by the initial no retreat design, I'm glad someone out there is willing to plod through poorly put together content and give legitimate feedback on it at least.
    Haha. Thanks bro. Helping the community is mainly a "no thanks" kind of thing. As long as my mates in both my alliances stick together, I see it more of helping them and those who want to be helped.

    Those who prefer to complain and refuse to accept the truth that either they lack skills or roster, or just generally are impatient and think they are entitled to get things done once content drops... well.. you can't help those who don't know or refuse to admit that they need help. =)

    (Side note, I did feedback about the Strength in Numbers node, I think. Been 2-3 months since the feedback was sent.)
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  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★

    Took 1 revive. But unfortunately a lot of my time practicing just to get to that 10% mark
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,454 Guardian

    Lainua said:

    I would love to hear other beta tester opinions.

    I don't understand why only one beta tester have spoken so far.
    Almost certainly because most beta testers don't want to subject themselves to public scrutiny. A lot of beta testers might not even be frequent forum posters at all, since that's not a requirement. And when the beta test had forums, I actually recommended to people that they remain silent by default, unless they really wanted to get into it, because in my experience closed beta testers quickly cease to be "us" and start to become "then" and once you lose the social protection of being us and become them, it becomes open season. And I've been in more closed beta tests for various online games than most people.

    In every closed beta I've participated in within this game, I've disclosed that fact (it has always been allowed after the test concluded), but I have a lot of experience (not just testing, but life on the internet in general) and I'm fireproof. I wasn't in the 6.2 closed beta (probably because I hadn't completed 6.1 at the moment the beta invites went out which would have been a requirement). But I can say that in the 6.1 beta unlike in other betas there was no shared forum for the testers to discuss things (that I could find) so everyone was testing independently which in my opinion is not the best way to run a closed beta test. I think Kabam is still trying to figure out how to run closed beta tests, and they were experimenting with trying to get independent feedback. But in my experience, that's not appropriate for closed beta tests.

    You also want at least two iterations of testing, preferably at least three. Kabam has been doing basically one. That also is problematic, because if the closed beta testers find a serious problem, the major changes you have to make to solve it become untested (as has been mentioned in this thread). You usually want to do one pass for major problems, then another for tuning, and one last one for quality control. That means closed beta testing has to last for at least a month.
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  • Wrath_and_HavocWrath_and_Havoc Member Posts: 61
    The beta testers shouldn’t get a ton of heat, unless they actively ignored the big bugs that we knew about.

    I’m still interested to hear about compensation directly linked to players affected by those bugs, especially since I experienced the Champion indestructible bug AFTER it was declared resolved, at least once.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    xNig said:

    Markg25 said:

    @xNig is alway patrolling the forums with his god complex attitude ... yes he might be good at the game but his attitude stinks, he’s toxic and he’s borderline trollish in the forums. Anyone who disagrees with him is basically told to get good, he will then be backed up by a handful of his loyal followers. ( no need to mention names )

    @TheKiryu is much more in grounded and intouch with the community. That’s why he’s liked by many, something nig with never achieve.

    @Kabam Miike might be worth looking into the beta program and get some feedback from members who haven’t let the “beta tester “ thing go to their heads, also telling members that they are more suited to play candy crush is a joke. 🙄

    The forums don’t need people like @xNig

    You may not agree with the delivery (which I don't personally have a problem with) but Nig isn't wrong when a response to most complaints is either practice or be patient. Hearing every single slightly difficult thing in the game be called a cash grab gets old very quickly.

    I'm not a huge fan of a lot of 6.2 and agree with most of KT1's criticisms as well. My two major complaints would be the 6.2.2 sinister and 6.2.5 mordo. Outside of those fights I wouldn't really call any of it a cash grab, just frustrating and annoying for the most part.

    The amount of stick I've seen Nig get lately is completely unwarranted iny opinion. As someone who was in the 6.1 beta and barely touched any of it bc I was so put off by the initial no retreat design, I'm glad someone out there is willing to plod through poorly put together content and give legitimate feedback on it at least.
    Haha. Thanks bro. Helping the community is mainly a "no thanks" kind of thing. As long as my mates in both my alliances stick together, I see it more of helping them and those who want to be helped.

    Those who prefer to complain and refuse to accept the truth that either they lack skills or roster, or just generally are impatient and think they are entitled to get things done once content drops... well.. you can't help those who don't know or refuse to admit that they need help. =)

    (Side note, I did feedback about the Strength in Numbers node, I think. Been 2-3 months since the feedback was sent.)
    Like I said man, you're more patient than I am bc I really was looking forward to the 6.1 beta and omg did I have the wind taken out of my sails immediately. Maybe if no retreat would have been later in the act it would have been different but as it was, I gave up within a day or two and didn't touch the rest.

    I always try to be helpful when it comes to legitimate questions here if I have any insight but I'm definitely with you on getting frustrated that every single difficult fight introduced is just spammed as a "cash grab" for weeks. It gets old.

    All I can say is thanks for being more patient than I am lol
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  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    xNig said:

    Markg25 said:

    @xNig is alway patrolling the forums with his god complex attitude ... yes he might be good at the game but his attitude stinks, he’s toxic and he’s borderline trollish in the forums. Anyone who disagrees with him is basically told to get good, he will then be backed up by a handful of his loyal followers. ( no need to mention names )

    @TheKiryu is much more in grounded and intouch with the community. That’s why he’s liked by many, something nig with never achieve.

    @Kabam Miike might be worth looking into the beta program and get some feedback from members who haven’t let the “beta tester “ thing go to their heads, also telling members that they are more suited to play candy crush is a joke. 🙄

    The forums don’t need people like @xNig

    You may not agree with the delivery (which I don't personally have a problem with) but Nig isn't wrong when a response to most complaints is either practice or be patient. Hearing every single slightly difficult thing in the game be called a cash grab gets old very quickly.

    I'm not a huge fan of a lot of 6.2 and agree with most of KT1's criticisms as well. My two major complaints would be the 6.2.2 sinister and 6.2.5 mordo. Outside of those fights I wouldn't really call any of it a cash grab, just frustrating and annoying for the most part.

    The amount of stick I've seen Nig get lately is completely unwarranted iny opinion. As someone who was in the 6.1 beta and barely touched any of it bc I was so put off by the initial no retreat design, I'm glad someone out there is willing to plod through poorly put together content and give legitimate feedback on it at least.
    Haha. Thanks bro. Helping the community is mainly a "no thanks" kind of thing. As long as my mates in both my alliances stick together, I see it more of helping them and those who want to be helped.

    Those who prefer to complain and refuse to accept the truth that either they lack skills or roster, or just generally are impatient and think they are entitled to get things done once content drops... well.. you can't help those who don't know or refuse to admit that they need help. =)

    (Side note, I did feedback about the Strength in Numbers node, I think. Been 2-3 months since the feedback was sent.)
    Like I said man, you're more patient than I am bc I really was looking forward to the 6.1 beta and omg did I have the wind taken out of my sails immediately. Maybe if no retreat would have been later in the act it would have been different but as it was, I gave up within a day or two and didn't touch the rest.

    I always try to be helpful when it comes to legitimate questions here if I have any insight but I'm definitely with you on getting frustrated that every single difficult fight introduced is just spammed as a "cash grab" for weeks. It gets old.

    All I can say is thanks for being more patient than I am lol
    Same. The original no retreat was messed up and there wasnt much motivation going from there
    I just remember getting absolutely wrecked with a R4 Gulk trying to bait specials and thinking, if it's this bad already I don't even care about the rest
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,454 Guardian

    xNig said:

    Markg25 said:

    @xNig is alway patrolling the forums with his god complex attitude ... yes he might be good at the game but his attitude stinks, he’s toxic and he’s borderline trollish in the forums. Anyone who disagrees with him is basically told to get good, he will then be backed up by a handful of his loyal followers. ( no need to mention names )

    @TheKiryu is much more in grounded and intouch with the community. That’s why he’s liked by many, something nig with never achieve.

    @Kabam Miike might be worth looking into the beta program and get some feedback from members who haven’t let the “beta tester “ thing go to their heads, also telling members that they are more suited to play candy crush is a joke. 🙄

    The forums don’t need people like @xNig

    You may not agree with the delivery (which I don't personally have a problem with) but Nig isn't wrong when a response to most complaints is either practice or be patient. Hearing every single slightly difficult thing in the game be called a cash grab gets old very quickly.

    I'm not a huge fan of a lot of 6.2 and agree with most of KT1's criticisms as well. My two major complaints would be the 6.2.2 sinister and 6.2.5 mordo. Outside of those fights I wouldn't really call any of it a cash grab, just frustrating and annoying for the most part.

    The amount of stick I've seen Nig get lately is completely unwarranted iny opinion. As someone who was in the 6.1 beta and barely touched any of it bc I was so put off by the initial no retreat design, I'm glad someone out there is willing to plod through poorly put together content and give legitimate feedback on it at least.
    Haha. Thanks bro. Helping the community is mainly a "no thanks" kind of thing. As long as my mates in both my alliances stick together, I see it more of helping them and those who want to be helped.

    Those who prefer to complain and refuse to accept the truth that either they lack skills or roster, or just generally are impatient and think they are entitled to get things done once content drops... well.. you can't help those who don't know or refuse to admit that they need help. =)

    (Side note, I did feedback about the Strength in Numbers node, I think. Been 2-3 months since the feedback was sent.)
    Like I said man, you're more patient than I am bc I really was looking forward to the 6.1 beta and omg did I have the wind taken out of my sails immediately. Maybe if no retreat would have been later in the act it would have been different but as it was, I gave up within a day or two and didn't touch the rest.

    I always try to be helpful when it comes to legitimate questions here if I have any insight but I'm definitely with you on getting frustrated that every single difficult fight introduced is just spammed as a "cash grab" for weeks. It gets old.

    All I can say is thanks for being more patient than I am lol
    Same. The original no retreat was messed up and there wasnt much motivation going from there
    I find it interesting that multiple people decided to flag disagree on this post, when there's literally no possible way to reasonably disagree with someone describing their feelings.

    Interesting, because just as the people who were foolishly doing repeated drive-by flagging before were just shooting themselves in their own foot, they are now destroying the credibility of the disagree flag by using it to I guess throw temper tantrums randomly. I suppose it is like the close door button in elevators. It isn't there to give control of the system to anyone, it is there to give people the illusion they are in control of the system.
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  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    Maybe I should be more direct when the responses are an outright “Get good” or “Be patient”. Lol

    Generally people are just unwilling to accept that they have a lack of skill when content proves to them that they do. They then throw a tantrum and hope they gain enough support to influence Kabam to make it easier for them so their lack of skill isn’t as apparent.

    Like I said before, people who can’t win tend to want to stick together to mutually repair their broken egos.
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