I mean, 424K SP3. I'm sure others have hit higher. Just unreal.
What is funny, is that these characters are not very strong and Kabam do they level Gods, and to leave much more OP, put synergies appeals, there picks up character as Sentry and Dormammu that are the most powerful that have been added in the game and make them a very weak, regrettable.
Maybe now that I have all of the stones in game I can snap all the OG gods back to pre-12.0 status. Maybe bring back PBT, parrying specials and block breaks too.
Or we could accept the new reality. I'm in for the latter.
This only happened because you didn't target the green special bar. So yeah, the damage could be higher lol
Right? I'm itching to do a LoL run with him at some point just to see what he can do against opponents with those health pools
50k damage cap unless he has some way around that. So still wont be his full potential
I’m guessing Rout semi-bypasses that damage cap. Don’t know how hard his L2 can hit for but each hit triggers Rout and if there’s 4-5 hits on his L2 that hit the cap, he should essentially be able to double the damage output without hindrance.
Maybe now that I have all of the stones in game I can snap all the OG gods back to pre-12.0 status. Maybe bring back PBT, parrying specials and block breaks too.
Or we could accept the new reality. I'm in for the latter.
Parrying specials was the best thing ever. Actually had skill involved. Such a shame.
I’m guessing Rout semi-bypasses that damage cap. Don’t know how hard his L2 can hit for but each hit triggers Rout and if there’s 4-5 hits on his L2 that hit the cap, he should essentially be able to double the damage output without hindrance.
Might try this later to report back. The SP3 theoretically should do 100 or 110K potentially if the rout part doesn't have the same 50K cap (which could potentially be 60K being 120% of the first hit)
In most game play people would be running full suicides / max recoil / full buffs / top synergy team etc. facing easy defenders. yes it nice to see a “max” damage but that’s typically notable higher than Day to day damage.
Will he still hit hard day to day? Ya he is a beast but don’t overact to some big numbers in this spot. it’s like the 5-7 hit domino kill on WS... Cull didn’t top that
How does that ramp so high? Just fury and Thanos's favour? Or something else as well?
looks like he used boosts,suicides and rout.
No boosts. We still have the infinity stones so everybody looks like it's boosting but trust me, I wasn't. Did have suicides on and had the Fury/Goldpool synergy to wipe out the double edge damage to Cull.
And Rout, yeah, that's kind of Culls ability so it makes sense to display that
In most game play people would be running full suicides / max recoil / full buffs / top synergy team etc. facing easy defenders. yes it nice to see a “max” damage but that’s typically notable higher than Day to day damage.
Will he still hit hard day to day? Ya he is a beast but don’t overact to some big numbers in this spot. it’s like the 5-7 hit domino kill on WS... Cull didn’t top that
I'll drop some Act 6 video shortly. He wrecks so much of it. All or nothing 6.1.6 is a joke for Cull (until you meet that Electro of course).
@DalBot honest question, how do you him against limber/stun immume/ immunity nodes?
Limber/stun immune you bait heavies and specials and counter with heavies. His reach is insane. Immunity nodes will be much together but he'll still get the Thanos Favor and Rout to hit much harder. Nullify champs will be tougher but even then he can still stack the armor breaks.
@DalBot interesting stuff, thanks! I dont have him so cant properly explore his abilities. I was interested in that since he relies on armor break from heavy that can be difficult to do on a stun immune enemy sometimes. Big reach on his heavy, wow. Nice to see another god tier xl champ
he is what Hulk should have been either nerf him only, or buff 60 other champs to around his level of damage I think kabam will go with the first option as they are too lazy to fix 60+ old champs
Or they'll ignore suggestions like this that aren't constructive. Do you suggest they need Ghost/Domino/Hyperion/Medusa and every other super hard hitting champ as well?
Every game tends to have some who have significant performance advantages over others. Nature of the beast.
Balance could also mean if there are an equal number of gods versus scrubs, that's balanced, is that not accurate? Not every new champ will be Cull, just like not every new champ will be Maw. There are plenty of middle of the road champs too like Ronin, Human Torch and so on.
Balance doesn't have to mean that all champs are nearly the same for strength and use.
I need to awaken my 6 cull.. he kinda needs the dupe
He does and he doesn't. If you want the immediate ramp up in the first fight that extra routs and furies provide it's great, but for most content by the second or third fight he's destroying things anyways duped or unduped.
he is what Hulk should have been either nerf him only, or buff 60 other champs to around his level of damage I think kabam will go with the first option as they are too lazy to fix 60+ old champs
Or they'll ignore suggestions like this that aren't constructive. Do you suggest they need Ghost/Domino/Hyperion/Medusa and every other super hard hitting champ as well?
Every game tends to have some who have significant performance advantages over others. Nature of the beast.
I did not meant to suggest anything I meant if not obvious that they WILL do one of the things and it is most likely that they will nerf him instead of buff 60+ champs
if you want domino over kamala then domino need nerf if you want ghost over colossos then ghost need nerf if you want corvus over cyclops then corvus need nerf if you want hyperion over iron patriot then hyperion need nerf
it is simple, kabam have said they are going fo GAME BALANCE and if they dont want to be 100% liers they are gonna need to start nerfing top champs AND buff bottom champs Im glad the maw turned out to be mediocre and only a corvus "counter" in aw as we had enough of super OP new champs while we have 30 champions that use the same heavy or have the same fight style and really suck
again I did not suggest kabam should do anything I said they will do one of the two things i said, not sure if you got upset because you perhaps own cull?
game balance is the motto of kabam, they keep saying it, it is time they start to deliver, hopefully namor and invisible girl will be mediocre as well
Better yet, let’s just give every champ the same exact abilities, just different skins and then we will have true balance. Oh wait, there won’t be balance because bigger champs will have more range. Back to the drawing board.
Maybe Thor would only need another armor break though
Or we could accept the new reality. I'm in for the latter.
Oops. I was trying to edit.
Will he still hit hard day to day? Ya he is a beast but don’t overact to some big numbers in this spot. it’s like the 5-7 hit domino kill on WS... Cull didn’t top that
And Rout, yeah, that's kind of Culls ability so it makes sense to display that
I'll drop some Act 6 video shortly. He wrecks so much of it. All or nothing 6.1.6 is a joke for Cull (until you meet that Electro of course).
Every game tends to have some who have significant performance advantages over others. Nature of the beast.
Balance could also mean if there are an equal number of gods versus scrubs, that's balanced, is that not accurate? Not every new champ will be Cull, just like not every new champ will be Maw. There are plenty of middle of the road champs too like Ronin, Human Torch and so on.
Balance doesn't have to mean that all champs are nearly the same for strength and use.