Wasn't new AW Map supposed to start today?



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,949 ★★★★★

    Again, look at the overall picture. From an interaction point of view at every level of the game. The whole underlying rationale for everything in the game and Kabams approach. From a customer relationship management point of view.

    Sure you don’t have to be in an alliances to do event quests. But doing them helps improve your roster which makes you a more valuable alliance member.

    Alliance modes as a platform in the game are essentially being diluted in value by all these changes. Hey community here’s a beta you can do and spend your time in it for fun, spend resources that we give you in beta only to use in the beta and nowhere else. Spend all your time helping us for no reward whatsoever...

    That perspective doesn't exist. You're compounding issues and grievances and using that as a justification to give people more Rewards. "You owe us because of this, this, and that!".
  • edited June 2019
    This content has been removed.
  • synergy247synergy247 Member Posts: 306

    Drooped2 said:

    @Kabam Miike ok, so we're not getting a full 2 weeks of wars then to get used to the new map for the season.

    How about you leave the same map for the season and focus instead on increasing the rewards? At least incrementally. That would go a long way toward assuaging the high levels of dissatisfaction with the game that the vast majority of the community is expressing.

    Then use the Season 11 as the new node map layout, released in the season break, with a full two week break to practice on it, and Season 12 being the one with the defence tactics, again with a full two week off season to practice on it, with rewards bumped up significantly.

    With the state of the game as it is, burnout is a major factor with the new AQ Thenos boss and all the changes across the board. After having to cope with two months of major bugged content...

    Were getting 5 instead of 6 wars it's not some massive deal to change everything back another month over
    Lol well maybe they can increase rewards by the same factor. 1/6th less practice wars, increase rewards by 16.66% 🥴
    Dude you’re just trying to make a big deal out of something small and minor and trying to be smart about it.
    By the 3rd war I’m sure officers are going to have it sorted
    The original post has been addressed. The only overhaul you’d like to see is more rewards
    Lol I was being very tongue in cheek about this. And the post hasn’t been addressed by a mod so let’s wait and see.
  • synergy247synergy247 Member Posts: 306

    Again, look at the overall picture. From an interaction point of view at every level of the game. The whole underlying rationale for everything in the game and Kabams approach. From a customer relationship management point of view.

    Sure you don’t have to be in an alliances to do event quests. But doing them helps improve your roster which makes you a more valuable alliance member.

    Alliance modes as a platform in the game are essentially being diluted in value by all these changes. Hey community here’s a beta you can do and spend your time in it for fun, spend resources that we give you in beta only to use in the beta and nowhere else. Spend all your time helping us for no reward whatsoever...

    That perspective doesn't exist. You're compounding issues and grievances and using that as a justification to give people more Rewards. "You owe us because of this, this, and that!".

    Actually the perspective does exist, I have it and I’m sure I’m not alone. Don’t put words in my mouth by summing up as you did. I know of a few guys who have basically retired because of the state of the game, changing too much too quickly and not addressing the severe imbalance in the rewards. This is meant to be an enjoyable pastime not a second job and the fun is quickly being taken out of it.
  • synergy247synergy247 Member Posts: 306
    Drooped2 said:

    I don’t see the need to change the war map at all from its present state. It works it’s stable and can support having an alliance with multinational members. I have severe doubts that the new map will do the same. Won’t know for sure until it rolls out but seems like Prima facie it will require more energy.

    Sure defence tactics in Season 11 are gonna require a lot of planning but I feel like they’re messing with something (war maps) that doesn’t need to be meddled with right now.

    We’ve already seen how much controversy was generated in previous seasons when Kabam decided to do things like Global buffs for bleed immunity (never seen again), removing defender diversity points. This forced a change to bring back the points and adjust scoring. And before that removing points for defender kills and giving gold instead I think it was.

    So I suspect we haven’t seen the last on this subject

    I dont see the need to leave it the same boring stale version. Heck since stabe.and works is what's important let's go back.to.the original map
    Hmm interestingly if we did as you suggested, the rewards would be the same as they are now... so the maps aren’t the only thing boring and stale.

    Sure they are probably due for an update sometime soon but how about Kabam focuses on getting things right first, for example matchmaking. New maps for a AQ to adjust to plus AW is overkill
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,949 ★★★★★

    Again, look at the overall picture. From an interaction point of view at every level of the game. The whole underlying rationale for everything in the game and Kabams approach. From a customer relationship management point of view.

    Sure you don’t have to be in an alliances to do event quests. But doing them helps improve your roster which makes you a more valuable alliance member.

    Alliance modes as a platform in the game are essentially being diluted in value by all these changes. Hey community here’s a beta you can do and spend your time in it for fun, spend resources that we give you in beta only to use in the beta and nowhere else. Spend all your time helping us for no reward whatsoever...

    That perspective doesn't exist. You're compounding issues and grievances and using that as a justification to give people more Rewards. "You owe us because of this, this, and that!".

    Actually the perspective does exist, I have it and I’m sure I’m not alone. Don’t put words in my mouth by summing up as you did. I know of a few guys who have basically retired because of the state of the game, changing too much too quickly and not addressing the severe imbalance in the rewards. This is meant to be an enjoyable pastime not a second job and the fun is quickly being taken out of it.
    In 3 and a half years, you have no idea how many times I've heard the term "state of the game". You may have that perspective, but it's not one that exists when looking at War Rewards. When they examine War, they examine War as it pertains to the Meta and the goals they have. It doesn't involve adding Rewards to satiate frustrations or compensate for outside issues that don't pertain to War. They handle issues where they lie. They don't compound every little issue going on in the game. That's a perspective that is impossible to resolve because people are adding things up in their heads and creating an entirely different entity than what is being looked at.
  • synergy247synergy247 Member Posts: 306

    Again, look at the overall picture. From an interaction point of view at every level of the game. The whole underlying rationale for everything in the game and Kabams approach. From a customer relationship management point of view.

    Sure you don’t have to be in an alliances to do event quests. But doing them helps improve your roster which makes you a more valuable alliance member.

    Alliance modes as a platform in the game are essentially being diluted in value by all these changes. Hey community here’s a beta you can do and spend your time in it for fun, spend resources that we give you in beta only to use in the beta and nowhere else. Spend all your time helping us for no reward whatsoever...

    That perspective doesn't exist. You're compounding issues and grievances and using that as a justification to give people more Rewards. "You owe us because of this, this, and that!".

    Actually the perspective does exist, I have it and I’m sure I’m not alone. Don’t put words in my mouth by summing up as you did. I know of a few guys who have basically retired because of the state of the game, changing too much too quickly and not addressing the severe imbalance in the rewards. This is meant to be an enjoyable pastime not a second job and the fun is quickly being taken out of it.
    In 3 and a half years, you have no idea how many times I've heard the term "state of the game". You may have that perspective, but it's not one that exists when looking at War Rewards. When they examine War, they examine War as it pertains to the Meta and the goals they have. It doesn't involve adding Rewards to satiate frustrations or compensate for outside issues that don't pertain to War. They handle issues where they lie. They don't compound every little issue going on in the game. That's a perspective that is impossible to resolve because people are adding things up in their heads and creating an entirely different entity than what is being looked at.
    State of the game probably became a big catchphrase after v12.0 and the ensuing chaos. Then there have been the more recent debacles around the phone overheating issues, lags, bugs upon bugs upon bugs, bad updates etc etc the list goes on.

    Only looking at one aspect of the game in isolation ie Alliance Wars may suit the team that is designated to do so, but from a business management and customer relationship management point of view it makes no sense whatsoever not to have an overarching approach to their goals for the game. And to communicate it with us the community who are the stakeholders affected by it! How do they measure how successful their game is at present? Revenue generated? Surely it can’t be just that. Has to be a qualitative feedback eg reviews on Googleplay, App Store etc.

    There has to be some interaction with different facets. For example are you suggesting that the SP3 bug with champions dashing forward doesn’t affect war at all and shouldn’t be looked at in that context?

    How do we know that this new map and then the following season’s defence tactics isn’t gonna screw things up more? How do we know that the quality testing has been done to ensure the servers can cope with the changes and furthermore we’re not gonna see more chaotic broken updates like we’ve had recently?

    Where is the evolution of the game and progression gonna be 12 months from now?

    Summoners journey is a good concept but let down by the poor RNG rewards with the avengers shards/crystals.

    Barring 4* champions from Act 6, don’t get me started on how wrong that is in my opinion. But I digress. At least we can place them in war... or use in AQ attack... but they are quickly becoming irrelevant in war given the strength of opponents at tier 3 and above.

    If there is no one overseeing all of this from a macro level then that is where it creates a sense of chaos and lack of transparency or control over the direction of where the game is heading. And with such a competitive marketplace for games it’s a recipe for disaster.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,949 ★★★★★
    They're not going to inrroduce more War Rewards for the sake of it, just because of issue A, B, C, and D elsewhere in the game. Literally all you're doing is adding up outside issues and trying to apply them here.
  • synergy247synergy247 Member Posts: 306
    Not at all bro, not at all. There are plenty of people on other threads asking why there isn’t a bump in rewards. They are well overdue. Even something as basic as changing what is included in the war crystals that you get from winning wars, like sig stones for 4* champs.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,949 ★★★★★
    That's not what you stated originally. Your view was they should increase them a bit as a sign of good faith because of all other things going on, and that's what I responded to. Had you said that to begin with, I wouldn't have debated it. They're in the process of revamping them. Only, they're coming in Season 11, not 10.
  • synergy247synergy247 Member Posts: 306
    Allow me to rephrase. Increase war rewards for Season 10 marginally like the war crystals and possibly look at an uplift for say war tiers. Still have no idea what the Season 11 revamp of rewards will look like but with RNG being the order of things have to say it might be underwhelming... let’s hope I’m wrong.

    As for all the other issues, well at least at this early stage it looks like the latest update has improved things, but there needs to be a review of how they determine rewards. A shift away from RNG back to the Nick Fury type event where you collect and save enough shards etc to purchase the item you want over the course of the event.

    Bring back some fairness and fun to make our time feel worthwhile again. Bounty missions were a great example of how they can do things right on occasion, let’s hope they come back.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,949 ★★★★★
    Bounties were condensed because the EQ was shorter. They can't all be that lucrative. Lol. As I pointed out earlier, they're not likely going to bump the Rewards once now, then again in Season 11. The only thing that's changing for now is the Map. I'm sorry, but we're probably going to have to wait until Season 11. If that's too much for people, they might have to sit the Season out. That's all I know.
  • synergy247synergy247 Member Posts: 306
    Yep I think sitting out is a option a lot of alliances are considering, and just focusing on AQ more. It would’ve been great if they somehow could’ve kept glory being a daily reward from AQ instead of switching it to the end with peak milestones though but that ship has sailed.

    The very least we can hope for in lieu of a rewards bump is a review of matchmaking to ensure its fair as possible and silly outcomes that have been mentioned on other topics are avoided eg alliances getting into master that are not at the level, plus getting a tier 3 map to play on when both alliances are on a tier 4 multiplier.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,949 ★★★★★
    Well, that's up to the Players. If they continue to Tank and manipulate War Rating, they have to intervene somehow.
  • synergy247synergy247 Member Posts: 306

    Well, that's up to the Players. If they continue to Tank and manipulate War Rating, they have to intervene somehow.

    You sound disillusioned with the ‘state of the game’... lol
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    So just to clarify, the war starting on 8th June 2019 will be with the new map?
  • synergy247synergy247 Member Posts: 306
    Yep that seems to be what they’ve said, so after forced update
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,949 ★★★★★

    Well, that's up to the Players. If they continue to Tank and manipulate War Rating, they have to intervene somehow.

    You sound disillusioned with the ‘state of the game’... lol
    No, not a bit. I'm aware of the state of War. Lol.
  • synergy247synergy247 Member Posts: 306
    At least we can have a chuckle about it. Lol
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