Awaken Cull or Hyperion?

MaxtheSilentMaxtheSilent Member Posts: 862 ★★★★
I have a 4* Cull and Hyperion and a cosmic Awakening gem. I just finished Act 4 and can usually complete Master EQ to give perspective on where I am in game progression for context. Appreciate any feedback on who to awaken.

Awaken Cull or Hyperion? 46 votes

DalBotBigPoppaCBONEthetaman23TerraKossukoseMixkebabB_RabbittBatang_xLvernon15SamdroxtaarThatGuyYouSaw235Riggs_97СанекКрымRUSEvangelionlovrCoachLedBranis41AnkalagonnDrBruceWayneKnightNvrEndingV1PER1987 36 votes
ZENTeddersmdsubScarlett_LPN20gp87EvisceratorThicco_ModeBanditRaccoon55 9 votes
Save it for another cosmic 4*


  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,648 ★★★★★
    No contest really. Cull is Corvus 2.0.
    Cull >>>> Corvus>>>> Hype.
    The choice Is obvious
  • EvangelionlovrEvangelionlovr Member Posts: 481 ★★★
    Terra said:

    No contest really. Cull is Corvus 2.0.
    Cull >>>> Corvus>>>> Hype.
    The choice Is obvious

    Easssssy. I wouldn't say Cull is better than Corvus. He hits slightly harder but doesn't have near the utility or sustainability.
  • SDPSDP Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    What are you trying to accomplish? different answers for different goals.
  • MaxtheSilentMaxtheSilent Member Posts: 862 ★★★★

    What are you trying to accomplish? different answers for different goals.

    I decided to go with Cull. I'd say my goal was to invest in the champ that would help me progress through difficult quests. Route+ his armor break+ insane damage output tipped the scales over Hyperion. I also felt like Cull was more fun to play. Lastly, it'll be awhile before I can dupe Cull through a crystal while I could potentially dupe Hyperion in a crystal right now. Still not sure if it was the *right* choice but I'm happy with it which I guess is all that matters when it comes to a video game. Thanks to everyone for the input.
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