Punished for not having F4 champions?

I like the idea of the Rifts this month and like the idea of giving you a choice between stable and unstable.
I don’t agree with using “certain champs” on the daily goals to get the rewards for the rifts. The people that don’t have any version of these champions are punished more or less having to do five times the fights as the lucky ones that have gotten them.
Again rewarding people that win from the RNG crystal drop rates and punish the ones who don’t have the account types to get these champions is an example of what is wrong with the game meta currently.
When your account gets the same champions over an over again not rewarding new champions then these events come by is a slap in the face to many players in the community. I guess “shame on you” for not having good game RNG.
I don’t agree with using “certain champs” on the daily goals to get the rewards for the rifts. The people that don’t have any version of these champions are punished more or less having to do five times the fights as the lucky ones that have gotten them.
Again rewarding people that win from the RNG crystal drop rates and punish the ones who don’t have the account types to get these champions is an example of what is wrong with the game meta currently.
When your account gets the same champions over an over again not rewarding new champions then these events come by is a slap in the face to many players in the community. I guess “shame on you” for not having good game RNG.
It sucks, but thats the game.
You should not be allowed to progress if you aren't earning your keep.
Without the specific champ, these events are more difficult. However, these are extra events. Essentially bonus rewards for doing another Hero Use event. This bonus event is actually an easier version of Hero Use because 5* and 6* champs earn more points (2000 and 2500 respectively instead of only 1500).
Done with it.
Yeah, I too was bummed when I saw that Human Torch was the daily champ, but oh well. Still gonna hit them rewards...