Legend: Can I Get Title Please?

LexSaviLexSavi Member Posts: 217
(TLDR at the bottom for those who want to skip the rant...)

I think it’s time there was some alternative way to earn a legend title.

I’ve been a long time player (1st time posting though). I consider myself an end game player. I’ve completed a lot of the difficult game content. My roster is decently stacked and I’ve maxed out a couple of “god tier” characters along the way. But, the one thing that keeps eluding me is the legend title.

Try as I may, I’ve just never been able to put up a fast enough time to qualify. I’ve read many guides and tips for speed runs, but alas, even Corvus and full suicides haven’t gotten the job done.

I have no problem with the speed runs as a way to obtain the title. I just don’t think it should be the ONLY way. One problem is that the speed runs usually take between 3-4 hours. With a full time job and other real life commitments, it’s not always easy to find several uninterrupted hours to attempt a run (especially since runs usually have to be done within the first two weeks of new content being released).

The more I think about it, the more I wonder why “legends” are only determined by completing content at break neck speeds. To me, being called a “legend” should be tied into accomplishing something impressive in game.

The potential solution is pretty simple. Recognize players who have done impressive in game feats with a legend title. The game already keeps player stats. What if reaching certain stats automatically qualified a player for “legend” status?

Some examples:

Reaching a total base hero rating of a million.
Winning 100,000+ fights.
Completing 10,000+ quests.
Being Alliance War MVP 200+ times.
Having a PVP win streak of 300+

When you think about it, you have to dedicate years of play to accomplish most of the above examples. To me, being a “legend” in this game shouldn’t only be reserved for doing content quickly, it should also be able to be earned for putting up the kind of stats that reflect years of committed playing.

TLDR: The legend title should be more accessible. Playing the game for 3-4 straight hours, hoping to make the top 100, shouldn’t be the only way to earn the title. Reward players who have reached certain statistical milestones with a title, because doing something like winning 100,000 fights seems much more deserving of “legendary” status.

‘Nuff Said.


  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,655 ★★★★★
    Nah. You need to earn legends title. It's something to accomplish and be proud of. It shouldn't be given out like candy on Halloween. It's a rarity. Earn it instead of whining it should be easier
  • Notcho59Notcho59 Member Posts: 116
    I got a 3hr 30 minute time last month and it feels bad to miss.
  • ZuroZuro Member Posts: 2,932 ★★★★★


    This is Spam and i reported it, its not to respectful to answer such a thread with such a Shirt answer...
    But in my opinion, its Alright to get the legend title just by doing eq with neckbreaking speed. There should be other titles that should be given for the things youve mentionend
    Only exception: AW mvp shouldnt get anything, just need to Go into a really Bad alliance and youll get it ez yD
    Please explain how that is spam everyone is using that term so loosely nowadays
  • BrudixTreeBrudixTree Member Posts: 801 ★★
    Easy explanation:
    Spam is:
    a tinned meat product made mainly from ham.

    Wikipedia definition

    No, for Real, it May be his opinion that the legend title shouldnt be given in other ways, but it was not very kind to just post one Word after der OP took such a long time to write this thread. I know Spam is more like writing the Same message over and over, but in this Situation it was like filling the thread with answers, that dont give a real input.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    Terra said:

    Nah. You need to earn legends title. It's something to accomplish and be proud of. It shouldn't be given out like candy on Halloween. It's a rarity. Earn it instead of whining it should be easier

    He offered other ways that would be a means of earning it. He didn't say just hand them out. All of the ways he mentioned are earned over time. That's still earning now isn't it? Also, when load time is taken into consideration, how is that fair to anyone who doesn't invest into a top notch device? They could be clearing the content itself faster than those who have the faster device, and yet will miss the mark based on load times. To be an in game 'Legend' one shouldn't be held back by their connection speed or their device. Just my personal opinion though.

    I have a little something to add on to this idea. Perhaps, if it's to remain solely based on speed, they could create 'Legend tiers.' So 1st time runners aren't competing with those who've already allocated the title and just do it out of habit, or to test their limits. It's great that players want to top their previous runs. Just the same, why are these players in the same bracket as a 1st timer? Perhaps allocating a 'Legend' title X number of times would put you in a higher tier and shoot for a new Legendary title. 5×, 10×, 25×, and so on. More you've done, the better the top spot rewards could be as well. Just a thought.

    Also, the idea of streaks in Arena, amount of quests completed, MVP in AW X number of times, etc being methods to allocate a 'Legend' title seem pretty spot on. They could be subcategory Legend titles. Quest Legend, MVP Legend, Arena Legend. I see nothing wrong with adding new ways to gain Legend status. Just should be known how by the method you attained it. Everyone knows that glitches, bugs, and server drops occur in this game without warning. Someone could be 3/4 of their way into the Legend run, invested a bunch into energy, boosts, and be SOL when any of the above happens. That's kind of screwy IMO. Call me crazy. In a sense, you're marveling at the fact your game ran smoothly for 3-4 hours straight. Yes, other stuff went into it, but you cannot ignore that being a factor in this.
    Actually all of his suggestions would be "just handing them out". They are all things that just happen if you play long enough, they are not heroic feats of strength.
  • ThesurvivlistThesurvivlist Member Posts: 195

    Easy explanation:
    Spam is:
    a tinned meat product made mainly from ham.

    Wikipedia definition

    No, for Real, it May be his opinion that the legend title shouldnt be given in other ways, but it was not very kind to just post one Word after der OP took such a long time to write this thread. I know Spam is more like writing the Same message over and over, but in this Situation it was like filling the thread with answers, that dont give a real input.

    Guess I can report you for falsely reporting a comment as spam when it isn't
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  • BrudixTreeBrudixTree Member Posts: 801 ★★

    Easy explanation:
    Spam is:
    a tinned meat product made mainly from ham.

    Wikipedia definition

    No, for Real, it May be his opinion that the legend title shouldnt be given in other ways, but it was not very kind to just post one Word after der OP took such a long time to write this thread. I know Spam is more like writing the Same message over and over, but in this Situation it was like filling the thread with answers, that dont give a real input.

    Guess I can report you for falsely reporting a comment as spam when it isn't
    I wouldnt even know how to report even if i really wanted to do so xD
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    Lormif said:

    Terra said:

    Nah. You need to earn legends title. It's something to accomplish and be proud of. It shouldn't be given out like candy on Halloween. It's a rarity. Earn it instead of whining it should be easier

    He offered other ways that would be a means of earning it. He didn't say just hand them out. All of the ways he mentioned are earned over time. That's still earning now isn't it? Also, when load time is taken into consideration, how is that fair to anyone who doesn't invest into a top notch device? They could be clearing the content itself faster than those who have the faster device, and yet will miss the mark based on load times. To be an in game 'Legend' one shouldn't be held back by their connection speed or their device. Just my personal opinion though.

    I have a little something to add on to this idea. Perhaps, if it's to remain solely based on speed, they could create 'Legend tiers.' So 1st time runners aren't competing with those who've already allocated the title and just do it out of habit, or to test their limits. It's great that players want to top their previous runs. Just the same, why are these players in the same bracket as a 1st timer? Perhaps allocating a 'Legend' title X number of times would put you in a higher tier and shoot for a new Legendary title. 5×, 10×, 25×, and so on. More you've done, the better the top spot rewards could be as well. Just a thought.

    Also, the idea of streaks in Arena, amount of quests completed, MVP in AW X number of times, etc being methods to allocate a 'Legend' title seem pretty spot on. They could be subcategory Legend titles. Quest Legend, MVP Legend, Arena Legend. I see nothing wrong with adding new ways to gain Legend status. Just should be known how by the method you attained it. Everyone knows that glitches, bugs, and server drops occur in this game without warning. Someone could be 3/4 of their way into the Legend run, invested a bunch into energy, boosts, and be SOL when any of the above happens. That's kind of screwy IMO. Call me crazy. In a sense, you're marveling at the fact your game ran smoothly for 3-4 hours straight. Yes, other stuff went into it, but you cannot ignore that being a factor in this.
    Actually all of his suggestions would be "just handing them out". They are all things that just happen if you play long enough, they are not heroic feats of strength.
    So, let me get this straight. Grinding arena for hours on end just happens to everyone right? Sticking with the game for years to allocate thousands of wins just happens without dedication? Allocating a metric ton of MVPs in a war is something every player just GETS right? All of the above are over time earned. This is a concept that could be built upon. Perhaps add in time frames instead. Get to a 300+ streak in X time just as an example.

    Here's the reality all of the naysayers are overlooking. You just accept that this is this, and that is that. Never once thinking outside the box. Frankly, I have respect for those who've stuck with the game to allocate those seemingly simple tasks. Dedication in numbers could be something to recognize is the point. If the game were to lock the timing per match vs how long your connection or device took to load, I'd be less apt to say it's kind of ridiculous. Also, everyone doesn't want more to shoot for in the other aspect of multiple Legends?

    Look at the Legend rewards as of right now. Not exactly enthralling to say the least. Sure, the title is nice, but a few t4cc crystals? Pretty sure anyone who's primed and ready to go for a Legend run doesn't need any more of those, lol. All I'm saying is why settle for less when we can shoot for more? Creating a tiered Legend system would be quite interesting. As you progress your 'Legend' title would change as well. Basic Legends would be the standard Red. Then multi Legends could be a new color. Each stage would give the players something more to shoot for if it's to stay as a time attack situation. Would also open the door for those who miss the mark by seconds (again through no fault of their own by load times) to have a better shot at the title on the 1st go.

    Being a Legend in game should be based around in game performance is my end point. Not based around how well your device connected to the server. That's a major factor in a Legend run these days. Anyone who states otherwise isn't paying attention. Some say you NEED iOS to get it. That in itself is silly. Although there are players with top end Android devices that report equal load times these days. Just the same, that's not part of in game performance, that's a measure of how much you invested in your device. Creating new ways to make Legends in acknowledging long term performance, or building upon the system to give players new challenges seems like a great idea to me. Unless everyone is content with getting t4cc crystals for grinding out the EQ for 3+ hours. In which case, whatever.
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  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    Ok, still haven't heard any feedback about the second part. What about expanding upon the Legend system as it is? Keep it a time attack, but adding new tiers and challenges? Open the door for more to have a shot at the base level and encourage those that have already achieved it to allocate something more impressive.

    Also, as I previously stated, these milestones would've been recognized in the type of 'Legend' title one would receive. So perhaps instead of calling it a Legend title, maybe they could create a system that acknowledges those milestones. Expansion in general on an idea seems more beneficial for all vs letting it become stagnant. That's just my POV though.

    This could be the beginnings of something interesting. I understand why some don't want this to be a method for a 'Legend' title as it would saturate the system. Ok, fair point ( @UmbertoDelRio thanks for a detailed reply instead of just a cop out 'nah'). Just the same, giving people something new that could recognize their over time achievements sounds like a good idea in general. Doesn't have to be a Legend title. Could be something else. Different title system perhaps with different rewards. More opportunities in general doesn't sound bad to me.
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    I think the way legend should be done is each month a price of extremely hard content is released, similar difficulty to the maze, it doesn’t allow items and costs no energy, and any player that does it earns a legend title or points towards buying one, the fights should be skill based not roster based. This would open up the opportunity to any skilled endgame player, but could be done without thousands of units on boosts and energy, and could be done in your own time, also rewards would be purely cosmetic so players who can’t do it don’t fall behind
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  • DiablosUltimateDiablosUltimate Member Posts: 1,021 ★★★
    Useless title
  • FalongFalong Member Posts: 125
    LexSavi said:

    (TLDR at the bottom for those who want to skip the rant...)

    I think it’s time there was some alternative way to earn a legend title.

    I’ve been a long time player (1st time posting though). I consider myself an end game player. I’ve completed a lot of the difficult game content. My roster is decently stacked and I’ve maxed out a couple of “god tier” characters along the way. But, the one thing that keeps eluding me is the legend title.

    Try as I may, I’ve just never been able to put up a fast enough time to qualify. I’ve read many guides and tips for speed runs, but alas, even Corvus and full suicides haven’t gotten the job done.

    I have no problem with the speed runs as a way to obtain the title. I just don’t think it should be the ONLY way. One problem is that the speed runs usually take between 3-4 hours. With a full time job and other real life commitments, it’s not always easy to find several uninterrupted hours to attempt a run (especially since runs usually have to be done within the first two weeks of new content being released).

    The more I think about it, the more I wonder why “legends” are only determined by completing content at break neck speeds. To me, being called a “legend” should be tied into accomplishing something impressive in game.

    The potential solution is pretty simple. Recognize players who have done impressive in game feats with a legend title. The game already keeps player stats. What if reaching certain stats automatically qualified a player for “legend” status?

    Some examples:

    Reaching a total base hero rating of a million.
    Winning 100,000+ fights.
    Completing 10,000+ quests.
    Being Alliance War MVP 200+ times.
    Having a PVP win streak of 300+

    When you think about it, you have to dedicate years of play to accomplish most of the above examples. To me, being a “legend” in this game shouldn’t only be reserved for doing content quickly, it should also be able to be earned for putting up the kind of stats that reflect years of committed playing.

    TLDR: The legend title should be more accessible. Playing the game for 3-4 straight hours, hoping to make the top 100, shouldn’t be the only way to earn the title. Reward players who have reached certain statistical milestones with a title, because doing something like winning 100,000 fights seems much more deserving of “legendary” status.

    ‘Nuff Said.



    and for who s doing 6.2 legend over 12h ?? they should have Super Legend Title ? shhmmmmmmmm
  • FalongFalong Member Posts: 125
    kabam need to change monthly Legend title, no heroic+master, need Heroic+master+Epic 3 in a row , ! that will be way better than boring heroic+master
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  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    @UmbertoDelRio it's a cosmetic acknowledgement that a player went full tilt boogie at some content. That's about it. It's kind of a status symbol more than anything else. As I said (and you also acknowledged) the rewards aren't exactly very appealing. Which is why I think it's definitely time for an expansion on this.

    The Objectives were a big step in the right direction. Perhaps the aforementioned milestones could be part of the Objective system on that note. Making large scale Objectives that award a title and something useful for your time invested. Then there could be Time attack Objectives. Then, monthly they could do a run Down on who's holding down the top speeds in X Objectives. These would be an expansion on the permanent Solo Objectives.
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  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    This is why I never fully dismiss someone's idea. It can lead to something interesting if you take the time to objectively look at the details. So yeah, saturation of the 'Legend' title isn't really a good idea. As nice as the idea is in theory, there's some legitimate drawbacks. However, acknowledging various in game milestones might be a nice expansion elsewhere. What else? Anyone got any idea of in game milestones that could be something of a longterm objective? Would be fantastic to see some of this come to pass IMO.
  • XdSpoodermanxDXdSpoodermanxD Member Posts: 531 ★★★
  • Duke_KingdomDuke_Kingdom Member Posts: 15
    *Disclaimer: I am in no way good at this game and if this is necroposting then I apologize.
    First of all, I believe that the title of legend is overrated. You spend countless hours grinding at breakneck speeds for shiny red letters on top of your name. Now, for the legend obtainment discussion, I for one think that speed should be included in the formula, but there should be more opportunities. I like the idea of tiers for legends to separate veteran legends from newcomers. I think there should be a boss rush kind of quest, kind of like the Goldpool and Mephisto ones, but with greater opponents and a limit on pots and revives. This quest changes from time to time to keep things fresh. It evolves with the game. That's my input. In the end, if Legends are reading this, remember that it's just a title.
  • Sai_7Sai_7 Member Posts: 246
    The thought is good, but I sort of both disagree and agree on certain points. I think of the folks who would have attempted x number of times and finally earned the title and now that its available easily otherwise, it doesn't do justice to them. I'm sure most of them would have had commitments too, i'm just saying its about what we plan and prioritize.

    Personally i got my title on the 3rd attempt. I played at 1 am in the morning. Because i wanted the title.
    I have completed only initial run of LOL.. I am not choosing to explore 100% its because I don't think its a good idea for me for now. Its a personal agenda is what i am trying to tel here.

    But love the idea of different titles.
    Some titles to go with the specific badges :
    Reaching a total base hero rating of a million. : Tanker title
    Winning 100,000+ fights. : Unstoppable Fighter
    Completing 10,000+ quests. : Infinite Questor
    Being Alliance War MVP 200+ times. : Warlord
    Having a PVP win streak of 300+ : Streaker
  • Diksh619Diksh619 Member Posts: 227 ★★
    edited July 2019
    Some thoughts!
    Legend title is not something you must have to be worthy of any special events or rewards..its a satisfaction of ego. If you want it, win it. Also heroic and master with a rank 5 five star and six stars are irrelevant now. If you want to spice things up make it uncollected or maybe the next difficulty to come so that you truly test the skills against longer fights. It will make those Corvus owners to use their brains for better options and maybe involve more skill. Using Corvus with full suicides to beat 3 hr speed run record in nonsense and i personally don't care about current legend runs.

    Enjoy the game buddy as it's not a rat race but something you like to relax yourself with.
    Wiki - A game is a structured form of play, usually undertaken for enjoyment and sometimes used as an educational tool.
    We have made it a full time job!

    Have a great day fellas!
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