New buffet nodes in AW

Just wondering but do we know why the new regen nodes are healing from champions multiplied health and not their base health anymore?
Seeing champions heal for 80k is a bit much
Seeing champions heal for 80k is a bit much
So it calculates what the max health of a champion is when the champion is placed on that node for defence, then the boost is applied not the other way round.
Could just be my memory mistaking another comment mind but I am pretty sure I am correct
I've checked the math on this in regards to health gain on these nodes in the past and it adds up. So, you look at the total health the Champion has entering the match. Let's say it's 65k just as an example. 12.5% of 65k would be 8,125. That's about the average outcome for a 5* R5 placed on node #42 in AW Challenger Map. Also, I think you meant 8k health per Buff as no champ would have the health pool required to regen 80k on Buffet in AW. They'd need 650k HP from the start of the fight to get 80k.
That's node #42 (Local and Outgoing List the same thing) in Challenger Map (tier 4 for us).
#42 in Expert is listed as Lazarus, not Buffet. Although that is in the early release info so it could've changed. So, if it were in fact 15% per Buff on Buffet increased by +200% regen that's 30%. As the node also provides +200% Champion Boost and +100% Health Boost, that would equate too +300% HP from Base HP. If base HP is 30k (average health pool of a 5* R5 or 6* R2 give or take a couple thousand, but this is for illustrative purposes), then the health would be 90k post node increase. At 30% HP per Buff that would be 27k gained per Buff. So I have no idea where anyone is getting 80k or 50. Neither adds up. If it is Lazarus, and not Buffet, then we're talking a whole different situation.
Perhaps if you throw in an extra 15% increase (from the Recovery Mastery maxed out) to the overall situation of 30% HP per Buff, that only raises it too 34.5% per Buff. At 90k HP in the aforementioned situation, that would be at MAX 31,050 HP per Buff (on a Buffet with 15%, +200% regen, +200% Champion Boost, +100% Health Boost).
For clarification, which Tier is your Alliance in @Harbinger195 ??? I can give you full breakdowns of any situation provided I know the numbers involved. 80k should not be happening. So you're for sure seeing something funky if that is happening. If you can, record a fight on the node in question. I'd be very interested to see this in action.
@SiriusBreak my alliance is t2 expert tier. Has happened pretty much every war so far. But much appriciation for the fact finding your doing, and crunching all the numbers.
Amazing to see people like you two really being able to dig Into stuff like this. I'm sure the community appriciate the effort.
If the numbers add up there, then they should by all accounts should function the same in Expert. Just a bit higher as the Buffet is 15% vs 5%, and the regen boost is 200% instead of 150%. I'll report what I find later on. I did these numbers with a similar node in the previous Map and they matched what we saw in game. So the equation I'm using is correct. Something still just doesn't add up here.
5* R4 Korg on Node #42
Base HP - 25,172
Node Boosted HP - 84,608
Regen per Buff removed (vs Blade) - 10,976
Which essentially adds up with the equation I utilize. So, correcting my numbers, average health pool for a higher health champ 5* R5 on #42 in Expert would be 140k. So, let's put my 5* R5 CAIW on this node, and do the math.
5* R5 CAIW on Node #42 (Expert)
Base HP - 35,943
Node Boosted HP - 143,772
Regen per Buff removed @ 30% (15% Buffet & +200% Regen Boost) - 43,131
Regen per Buff removed @ 34.5% (Maxed Recovery Mastery with Node Buffs) - 49,601.34 (which I do not use BTW)
Neither are anywhere NEAR 64k, let alone 80k. So let's dig a little deeper. I found a 6* R2 Cull Obsidian in a P1 Alliance. Let's throw this heaping pile of muscle in this equation and see what the numbers come out as...
6* R2 Cull Obsidian on Node #42 (Expert)
Base HP - 36,481
Node Boosted HP - 145,924
Regen per Buff removed @ 30% - 43,7777
So let's go 1 step further and use the 5* R5 Havok pictured above. The Base HP number was pulled directly from that player's Havok.
5* R5 Havok on Node #42 (Expert)
Base HP - 30,078
Node Boosted HP - 120,312
Regen per Buff removed @ 30% - 36,094
Now, let's revisit the Korg from earlier. I did the boost math and it was slightly different from what was displayed on the screen. Although I can wager a guess as to why (which I'll cover in the next paragraph).
5* R4 Korg
Base HP - 25,172
Node Boosted HP (150% & 75%) - 81,809
So MAYBE they turn off Suicides for placement, or add points in Health Masteries. Either could account for the 2.8k differential in HP numbers (84,608 is what was shown in the fight start screen). Now, using 84,608 as the health number, you get 10,576 at 12.5% per Buff removed (5% Buffet and +150% Regen Boost). Which is EXTREMELY close to the 10,976 displayed on screen when the Buff was removed and the regen occurred. So by all accounts, that proves Node #42 in Challenger is functioning correctly. However, all examples provided above also show there's something seriously wrong with Node #42 in Expert if you ask me.
So, I'm very confused how it would display 64k, let alone 80k as mentioned prior by @Harbinger195 . It makes no sense. Either something is bugged in regards to node #42 in Expert AW, or there's a LOT of players using mods that place there. I'm using the numbers provided in game for both Challenger and Expert. Those are the only reasons I can account for such a gross difference in numbers. Somewhere in the code, someone entered a wrong value it would seem in regard to that node. Provided if this happens everytime, or just a lot of cheaters. Cannot say for sure which is the case.
Once we get a video from a fight in Expert on that node, I'll gladly break it down. Perhaps there's something I missing. Although from what I can see, I'm not missing anything now. This is VERY odd and troubling if there's been a bug on this node all Season. I would for sure lean towards a bug if this node is similar to one in Expert on the prior Map. The regen values are much higher than they used to be one would assume as I do not recall this being brought up before now (not to say it hasn't as I may have missed it).