Spider gwen regenerating 100% can't be fair kabam

All my units and potions are gone. All my fighters are dead. While spider gwen dosen't have scratch on her.... I'm so disappointed in the person who decided this buff would be a good idea. Now I am stuck and can't do anything but quit the quest. All that hard work for nothing. I don't have money like that to spend on this game like some people. Kabam do something about this. I have to play this the hard way. I don't have it easy like some people who can just buy their way out of trouble
Just gonna say but she’s not really that bad just keep her regen charges down
and I only just became Uncollected a month or 2 ago ..
I tackled Spider gwen in uncollected, fairly easily ... I saw the regen you spoke of .. however, as others have (indirectly) pointed out ..
1) Try a heal block champ
2) Try a heal reversal tactic (ie Void or Cap America IW)
3) Use your biggest dmg dealer, and read the node carefully to understand how she gets regen .. and try to avoid it.
In the end, however, if she's too strong for you .. than it's clear you're not ready for her.
I 100% cleared the first chapter (up to Spidergwen) .. but didn't bother with the next 2 .. because I know those buffs on those 2 spidey's will destroy me .. and I won't throw my units away on that .
You need to learn your limits, and play within them ..
Just because you can access content, doesn't mean you can/should easily curb stomp it ..
Perhaps you don't have the proper champs yet ... that's ok ..
perhaps you don't have the skills yet .. that's ok too ..
But you need to learn your own limits and set them ...
Good luck!!
Now, I'll reiterate a few question and suggestions. 1st, while we're assuming you mean the Uncollected Spider-Gwen, you never actually stated such, please clarify. 2nd, who did you use? 3rd, did you make it to Gwen in 1 piece, or were half your champs looking a bit haggard?
For me, Spider-Gwen was a quick fight as it was just keep hitting her before the regeneration stacks came up. You have 2 seconds to do so. Also, there's Arc Overload in Uncollected (not in Master). The Arc Overload may set you back a bit, or may be what destroys her if you have the right champ for the job. An awakened CAIW with a Tech on the Team can Parry her to death. Awakened Void can load up Fear of the Void and 2× Petrify Debuffs to effectively turn that regen into degen. Spam S1 with Yondu for an easy Heal Block. Load up S2 with Guillotine and launch it right before the Arc Overload hits, watch that regen work in your favor.
Never despair in this game as there's typically multiple solutions to any problem you may come across. I can say with confidence, buying units isn't the answer if you're not in the position to freely do so (i.e. excess disposable income). You can earn them if needed, from Arena or lower difficulties of the EQ running auto fight when you can't pay full attention. Go potion farming in RoL if you have experience in such. Pick you paths wisely during the EQ in Master to allocate free L2 HPs. Stack/save those free 4 hour crystals for a rainy day situation. All sound advice.
Now, if you could, send screenshots of your champs and maybe we can find a solid team for you to wreck that situation with little difficulty. Remember, if there's a will, there's a way. Yes, Rome wasn't built in a day, nor was any stacked account in this game. Mine is over 2.5 years old and I'm still grinding away to build more. Hope some of this helps you on your quest to dropping Spider-Gwen.
Game is not designed to instantly be able to compete at higher content so soon (despite Kabam making Acts 1-3 totally obsolete nowadays from giving away 4* champs to people so soon into playing, instead of having to earn them).
I think the same situation applies to trying to do UC events too soon, before having enough high level champs to be able to do so.
Now, while most here are Free Players, not sure how spenders would be able to buy their way into completing UC so soon either, unless just from brute force spending revive/heal after revive/heal until eventually they beat the bosses.
All free.
If you’re struggling with Spidergwen I’ll offer some solutions for the next bosses as I dare say you’re going to struggle with those too.
Overall MVP:
- Venom, spiderverse characters can not evade against him. This is particularly critical for the Symbiote Spider-Man on the languor node in 2.1
- Alternatively Corvus with Proxima for the true strike.
- Killmonger, Heimdall (after specials)
- Iceman (frostbite prevents evades)
For Spidergwen’s heal:
- Try guillotine’s Sp2 for healthy reversal
- Cap IW parry
- Void
- Yondu
- Doc Oc
If the evade is getting you, try shortened combos so that you’re not committed by your last attack.
Honest note to OP, while complaining for validation might seem like a better choice, ask people who they used to counter a boss, and they will love to explain “how good they are” with such and such Champion. Easy way to find out counters.
Humility in asking brings answers; promise
Complaining brings people laughing at you