user controlled filter

i think i speak for alot of players when i said its a pain in the butt to always have to scroll and see useless 1,2, and 3 star champions and it would be extremly efficent if we could have a way to change in setting to show us only 4* and above. like we can aquire the other champs but we wint see them displayed unless we choose to. so everytimw i log in and look at champs to rank up or my champs in general i dont have to look at all the ugly 1,2,3 star champs. just a suggestion
Then just scroll down the side to choose tier (stars), or filter by class. It's a very useful feature. You can do this in any Champion selection screen too. Be it Arena, Solo Quest, Alliance Quest, or Alliance War. Tap the little button in the top image that's circled in the lower righthand corner and it opens the menu. Hope this helps!
Also, there's the sort button that allows you to sort the Champions by name, tier, and a few other selections. You'll see when you open the tab.