Who should I use my generic awakening gem on

When I get the generic awakening gem from the calendar who should I awaken so he/she help me in act five
Who should I use my generic awakening gem on 123 votes
6 votes
22 votes
Corvus glaive
8 votes
Scarlet witch
54 votes
33 votes
If you don't have any sig stones then Hyp is probably your answer since he doesn't require a high sig level. SW should be high sig.
AA would serve you well, but you want each neuro to reduce ability accuracy by about 33% (I don't remember how the 4* scales).
Corvus has a decent awakened ability, but it isn't required for his damage output.
Domino only needs to be awakened for defensive purposes.
I would prefer an awakened AA Sig 40 rather than a maxed out SW in order to become uncollected...at that Sig level he bypasses so many irritating nodes and champs like buffet,massochism with 3 or more neuro...plus he is useful against UC monthly quest bosses as well
Seriously though, please make her a 5* or 6*. The mystic class needs all the help it can get.
Dr. Zola