Should I invest in ghost rider

This is my current 5* roster. I’ve been waiting for a decent mystic 4 or 5 * for so long to the point where I’ve got a t4 mystic catalyst in the overflow. I was wondering if it’s worth investing in ghost rider or should I wait for a better mystic champ. Also I have recently become uncollected so is he any good for act chapters 3 and 4?
Should I invest in ghost rider 55 votes
Rank up to R4
28 votes
Rank up to R3
22 votes
Rank up to R2
1 vote
Leave him at R1
4 votes
And with starky and blade he’s fantastic.
Thanks I think I will
I’ve got a 4* R4 starky and I just got a 4* blade. Will they be good enough or are 5*s required