Simple question - Why are you so addicted to this game???

Rajdeep9Rajdeep9 Member Posts: 50
So addicted that in spite of all the problems keep returning to play. Let's see when I say enough and quit because I am sure nothing from Kabam's end is going to change!!!


  • AlphA101AlphA101 Member Posts: 285 ★★★
    I’m pretty sure Kabam do all they can to balance milking and fair play
  • PhantomStarrPhantomStarr Member Posts: 54
    Like @dot_ditto I too am a somewhat casual player, even though I DO AQ-AW. The collection of characters I like and the ability to customize my perfect team is what I like the most.

    Advancement is addicting.

    I hear a lot of buzz about all that is wrong with the game, but I don't experience it that way - maybe I'm not hardcore enough, lol!
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 10,698 ★★★★★
    Rajdeep9 said:

    @Gamer your number of Posts in your profile (4080) show that you are not a casual player...LOL

    I’m we much more that mine I’m sure you hav find offer with much more that mind
  • Spurgeon14Spurgeon14 Member Posts: 1,665 ★★★★
    The thing that keeps me playing is all the investment I've already put into the game. I have built up a pretty good roster and if I stop I will have lost all of that. I know eventually I will stop playing, but the time I've already put in keeps me playing. Plus, a lot of it is fun for me. I don't do more than I want to though. I don't like AW so I don't play it.
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,403 ★★★★★
    The immense variety of combat mechanics, collecting champs, and gambling on crystal openings.
  • C4edmonC4edmon Member Posts: 26
    I stopped playing now multiple times and played other games, but I always come back. I think there are a couple of reasons for that:

    1. I love the alliance system, there is no other game were I felt as much as part of a group than MCoC. A good alliance is just so mich fun, there is much teamwork involved, you can chat with people, help people and just make jokes
    2. Im a really bad player, but I love the gameplay. Even though the base idea is simple, its very challenging. There is just no better feeling than winning a hard fight with pure skill
    3. The progress is extremely addictive, it just feels great to finally pull a good champion. And even when you pull a trash one it only motivates you more to get a better one and makes the feeling when you finally pull a God Tier even better
  • StewmanStewman Member Posts: 735 ★★★
    If it wasn't for the Alliance aspect of the game, I probably would not have gotten as sucked into the game as much as I have.

    But I can tell you one thing for sure:
    The day I tell my SO that the game is over and the servers have been shut off, will be the happiest day of her life.
  • Kobster84Kobster84 Member Posts: 2,898 ★★★★★
    I think for a lot of people it’s simply because if you stop now that’s so much time just wasted lol
  • GildenlowGildenlow Member Posts: 691 ★★★
    I have not idea, but I don't think I can't stop playing it.
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 5,573 ★★★★★
    Because i love marvel and i look forward to playing with many obscure and lesser known characters
  • Spurgeon14Spurgeon14 Member Posts: 1,665 ★★★★
    Stewman said:

    If it wasn't for the Alliance aspect of the game, I probably would not have gotten as sucked into the game as much as I have.

    But I can tell you one thing for sure:
    The day I tell my SO that the game is over and the servers have been shut off, will be the happiest day of her life.


    I know what you mean, there have been times I have stopped playing for a while because my wife has gotten upset about me playing so much. But I've tried to be more balanced and she had become more understanding over time, but I think she will be glad when I stop playing for good. 😂
  • StingerbkStingerbk Member Posts: 162 ★★
    Well for the last year or so I haven't been any where near hardcore in eq, this month I have only played first completion of UC, haven't even completed master first run yet, I wouldn't even bother with heroic. I just play at my pace, don't spend no units to complete eq, but when it comes to aw and aq, it's a different story, I do take part in both of them hardcore, due to the bonds I have built with my Ally's, I guess playing alliance related events hardcore just gets me burnt out, leaving no interest for eq. At this point I play to keep being connected to the friends I have made, I am not in a race with any one and I enjoy this pace.
  • dr_nish777dr_nish777 Member Posts: 313 ★★
    Our brains get very less dopamine but occasional good pull or rewards gives a sudden dopamine rush, to which we are addicted. Games which provide you instant dopamine each time you log in tend to earn less from players in comparison to games which deprive you but too much deprivation cause you to leave the game.
  • Narwhal52xNarwhal52x Member Posts: 513 ★★★
    I'm not addicted.
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    It’s more interesting and satisfying than an ad-ridden tap game. Also, marvel.
  • rcm2017rcm2017 Member Posts: 596 ★★★
    Just coz of marvel characters and the game design is best...animations etc...
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,301 Guardian
    Stewman said:

    But I can tell you one thing for sure:
    The day I tell my SO that the game is over and the servers have been shut off, will be the happiest day of her life.

    My test for whether I'm happy to play the game or addicted to playing the game is when someone asks for my time. As long as I'm perfectly fine with finishing out whatever fight I'm on and putting the game down, I know it is fun and not addiction. The day I can't do that, I'll know something is wrong.

    Back in the day when I used to play computer MMOs, there were times I wouldn't do that. That's where the test comes from.
  • Nick1109Nick1109 Member Posts: 598 ★★★
    I was in need of a game to grind because those are my favorite types of games and I downloaded this one and just never stopped playing to me it's about get awesome cool champs and expanding my roster.
  • plpkokplpkok Member Posts: 152
    Kobster84 said:

    I think for a lot of people it’s simply because if you stop now that’s so much time just wasted lol

    This ^^^ and the occasional dollar spent over the years
  • Bear3Bear3 Member Posts: 996 ★★★
    Cause they gave me the first one for free... seemed innocent enough... all the cool kids were doing it. Things just escalated from there. Now I’m taking 20 doses of ISO-8 a day just to stay even... 😫😫😫😫😫😫.

    This opening post is a joke! If you don’t enjoy the game, quit! The game is what it is... the company is what it is. Accept it and play your way or just quit. Nobody likes a whiner.

  • CliffordcanCliffordcan Member Posts: 1,341 ★★★★
    It’s pretty hilarious seeing ppl who literally spend hours a day on the forums (not even counting the amount of time they actually play the game) saying they aren’t addicted. We knew self awareness are not these people’s strengths, but this Is a new level of ignorance😂
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,301 Guardian

    It’s pretty hilarious seeing ppl who literally spend hours a day on the forums (not even counting the amount of time they actually play the game) saying they aren’t addicted. We knew self awareness are not these people’s strengths, but this Is a new level of ignorance😂

    The amount of time you spend on something doesn't define if you're addicted or not. Whether you're compelled beyond self-benefit to do something or not is the usual definition of addiction. I spend a fair amount of time on the forums, but I'd continue playing the game if the forums didn't exist anymore. And since I take regular breaks from the forums, sometimes for extended periods of time, I'm not really addicted to the forums either.
  • PrathapPrathap Member Posts: 582 ★★★
    edited July 2019
    Because it is super addictive :wink:
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,488 ★★★★★

    It’s pretty hilarious seeing ppl who literally spend hours a day on the forums (not even counting the amount of time they actually play the game) saying they aren’t addicted. We knew self awareness are not these people’s strengths, but this Is a new level of ignorance😂

    First of all...
    r/ whoosh goes the joke.

    Secondly, some aren't addicted at all. They just invest their time into one hobby primarily, and can afford more time to spend on it.
    Especially when they realize there's a very real chance the game could cease to be one day, and they're aware of that fact. That's not really addiction. People who are addicted can't stop. Literally. Some just choose to spend their time on it while they have it.
  • Tony886Tony886 Member Posts: 659 ★★
    Bugs 💗💗💗
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,488 ★★★★★

    It’s pretty hilarious seeing ppl who literally spend hours a day on the forums (not even counting the amount of time they actually play the game) saying they aren’t addicted. We knew self awareness are not these people’s strengths, but this Is a new level of ignorance😂

    First of all...
    r/ whoosh goes the joke.

    Secondly, some aren't addicted at all. They just invest their time into one hobby primarily, and can afford more time to spend on it.
    Especially when they realize there's a very real chance the game could cease to be one day, and they're aware of that fact. That's not really addiction. People who are addicted can't stop. Literally. Some just choose to spend their time on it while they have it.
    *Footnote. That's not an indication the game is ending. Just making a point that the real test of Addiction is not how much you do it, it's how you do without it.
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