Should I max 4*s ?

I’m starting to do act 5 and have a team of 4/40 champs and 1 2/35 5*
I’ve seen people complete act 5 with max 4*s , but after act 5 ,they will not help with act 6 and I feel my resources can be better used if i focus only on advancing 5*s to r3 and beyond.
Or should I max my best 4*s and give act 5 a good run and then later worry about ranking up 5*s?
If I focus only on 5* rank ups , it could be a good few months before I’m able to start act 5 !
T4cc is coming really slow atm.
I’ve seen people complete act 5 with max 4*s , but after act 5 ,they will not help with act 6 and I feel my resources can be better used if i focus only on advancing 5*s to r3 and beyond.
Or should I max my best 4*s and give act 5 a good run and then later worry about ranking up 5*s?
If I focus only on 5* rank ups , it could be a good few months before I’m able to start act 5 !
T4cc is coming really slow atm.
Just need to be picky about who you rank up ...
Neither are duped.
But dont Do it if you have 5 Stars that youd like to rank up, 5 Stars are more important So they should be youre priority
You need to remember that the only thing that you can't use 4* in is Act 6+, there's still MEQ, AW, AQ, Variant 1,2,3, ROL, RTTL, LOL, Acts 1-5 that they are useful in. I used a 4* Hulk Ragnorak and Venom in Variant 2 because I didn't have 5* versions and they were good options for the quests, until recently I used 4* versions of Massacre and Red Hulk for my Domino. Very few players don't have a use for 4* champions, no matter how deep into the game they are.
Max 4* CapIW
Max 4* Corvus (sometimes isn’t good for healthpools)
Rank 3 5* Domino just pulled her last week
Rank 4 4*duped VtD
Rank 4 4*Quake
Rank 4 4* duped Magik
I personally Think it depends on how frequently you get 5 stars, if you get them like every 2 weeks, then you may safe all you got in case you pull something insane! If thats more like once per month, better invest in youre 4 stars, because you can increase the frequency of pulling 5 stars by having many good 4 stars!