Fix the Smurfing Game (Increased Block Damage Solved?)

Subject is pretty self explanatory. Fix the smurfing game already. I've already found out how block is broken and provided the fix. Implement it.
-Blocks randomly drop while still holding your left thumb down. This happens in all game modes with all champions (This sentence will get used a lot).
-Block penetration appears to still be a thing where critical hits still somehow do extra damage to a blocking opponent. This happens in all game modes with all champions.
-It is impossible to get a block up fast enough after an opponent uses their third special attack to prevent the inevitable dash forward medium attack. This happens in all game modes with all champions.
-Here's some math using the game numbers to prove it's broken: A 4 star 5/50 Star Lord (Summoners fighter) vs a 4 star 4/18 Rogue (AI's fighter) was the first test I made (the rest were very similar). An unblocked medium attack from Rogue hit for 339 damage. A blocked medium attack hit for 101 damage. A parried medium attack hit for 17 damage. And just for fun an unblocked critical medium attack hit for 89 damage. Using Star Lord's block proficiency (3556/64.0%) alone the damage taken on a blocked medium hit on this fight should only be 120 damage. In my masteries I have block proficiency maxed (800/14.398% for when you do some math to convert it to a percentage). Using this additional block proficiency the damage taken on a blocked medium hit shouldn't exceed 73, yet it does. How does this happen? Apply the math differently. If you use the increased block proficiency and apply it only to the damage after Star Lord's block proficiency kicks in (120), you should end up taking 104 damage. Gee thats awfully close. So that would mean that the mastery isn't increasing your block proficiency, it's adding a second layer which is actually not as effective as it used to be... wasn't this a big problem with oh I don't know? The terrible 12.0 update? Did this actually get fixed? Well the math says no... Continuing on. The parried medium attack reduces the damage to 17, from 339. Using the same math and dynamics to arrive at the 104 (which according to the in game descriptions is wrong), the parried medium attack should hit for 78 damage. But it was 17? How did this happen? The parry damage reduction isn't applied to the remainder of damage, its applied to the initial 339, as it should be (that part was fixed post 12.0). I think we just solved why you're taking more block damage than we should. The block proficiency mastery should raise all champions block proficiency and be applied to the initial damage number the same way parry is. Just now stumbling onto this while typing, is this the case with other masteries?
-Wow is parry ever fickle. There are many times it should work and yet it doesn't. Then there are many times in arena where you get parried in the middle of a combo. Something the user is unable to accomplish. I cannot put my finger on why it is like this but it definitely does not work like it used to. I feel like shooting a proton torpedo into a 2m exhaust shaft while being shot at flying perpendicular to it would be easier.
-Basically identical to parry, extremely fickle. Should work and doesn't, and then other times it shouldn't work but somehow does.
-Blocks randomly drop while still holding your left thumb down. This happens in all game modes with all champions (This sentence will get used a lot).
-Block penetration appears to still be a thing where critical hits still somehow do extra damage to a blocking opponent. This happens in all game modes with all champions.
-It is impossible to get a block up fast enough after an opponent uses their third special attack to prevent the inevitable dash forward medium attack. This happens in all game modes with all champions.
-Here's some math using the game numbers to prove it's broken: A 4 star 5/50 Star Lord (Summoners fighter) vs a 4 star 4/18 Rogue (AI's fighter) was the first test I made (the rest were very similar). An unblocked medium attack from Rogue hit for 339 damage. A blocked medium attack hit for 101 damage. A parried medium attack hit for 17 damage. And just for fun an unblocked critical medium attack hit for 89 damage. Using Star Lord's block proficiency (3556/64.0%) alone the damage taken on a blocked medium hit on this fight should only be 120 damage. In my masteries I have block proficiency maxed (800/14.398% for when you do some math to convert it to a percentage). Using this additional block proficiency the damage taken on a blocked medium hit shouldn't exceed 73, yet it does. How does this happen? Apply the math differently. If you use the increased block proficiency and apply it only to the damage after Star Lord's block proficiency kicks in (120), you should end up taking 104 damage. Gee thats awfully close. So that would mean that the mastery isn't increasing your block proficiency, it's adding a second layer which is actually not as effective as it used to be... wasn't this a big problem with oh I don't know? The terrible 12.0 update? Did this actually get fixed? Well the math says no... Continuing on. The parried medium attack reduces the damage to 17, from 339. Using the same math and dynamics to arrive at the 104 (which according to the in game descriptions is wrong), the parried medium attack should hit for 78 damage. But it was 17? How did this happen? The parry damage reduction isn't applied to the remainder of damage, its applied to the initial 339, as it should be (that part was fixed post 12.0). I think we just solved why you're taking more block damage than we should. The block proficiency mastery should raise all champions block proficiency and be applied to the initial damage number the same way parry is. Just now stumbling onto this while typing, is this the case with other masteries?
-Wow is parry ever fickle. There are many times it should work and yet it doesn't. Then there are many times in arena where you get parried in the middle of a combo. Something the user is unable to accomplish. I cannot put my finger on why it is like this but it definitely does not work like it used to. I feel like shooting a proton torpedo into a 2m exhaust shaft while being shot at flying perpendicular to it would be easier.
-Basically identical to parry, extremely fickle. Should work and doesn't, and then other times it shouldn't work but somehow does.
I have not experienced issues with dropped blocks. They will drop if I am blocking with left thumb, and swipe forward to attack with my right. I don't believe that is problematic.
Blocking after SP3 - not an issue. Have experienced it maybe once (Mordo) but that was due to me being slow.
I've never seen a crit through block post 12.0.1 not sure how this is evedienced since it's a claim. In all my observations I've never seen block damage numbers fluctuating that are not accountable by the type of attack or attack modifiers that changed the attack power.
Anyways there is a video testing out block proficiency masteries you might want to watch.
3556 block proficiency is 64% vs Challenge Rating 100 (i.e. 5/50). Vs CR 90 (rank 4 4* champ) it is 64.58%. Block proficiency 800 would be 28.57% if it was all by itself, but stacked on base block proficiency of 3556 that would make net block stat 4356 and that is a block percentage of 69.08% vs CR 90. A 339 medium attack should be reduced by block to about 105.
Not sure why you are seeing 101, but that's reasonably close here. 12.0 couldn't have altered this computation because flat stats didn't exist before 12.0. Prior to 12.0 block percentages stacked directly.
Only Parry's damage reduction percentage stacks directly post 12.0. That was changed when it was determined that player complaints about Parry were correct in that it wasn't doing what it was intended to do correctly while subject to diminishing returns. At 25% Parry, net Parried damage reduction should be about 69.08% + 25% = 94.08%, and 339 should reduce to about 20. In both cases you are seeing about 3-4 points less damage, and I'm not sure why.
In any case, I don't know why you think 800 block translates to 14.398%, but that percentage does not add to block percentage: the flat stats add together first and then DR translates that into a net percentage. The numbers you are posting seem pretty close to the predicted post 12.0 calculations. The deviation seems to be mostly due to your incorrect understanding of the mathematics of how flat stats work.
Depends on what a player thinks is important. In the example above, block proficiency is reducing incoming damage from about 35.4% of pre-block damage to 30.9%. That's an observed reduction of 12.7% relative damage (i.e. if you saw 354 damage reduced to 309 damage, that would be a reduction of 45 points which is 45/354 = 0.127 or 12.7% less). Whether it is worth the mastery points to reduce blocked damage by about 13% is a judgment call for the player to make.