Act 5 Awakening Gem

So just last night I 100% explored act 5. I got a tech gem, which I used on ghost, but I’m not sure who to use the generic on. My options are Hyperion, void, Captain America (IW), starlord, or Doctor Voodoo. I could get void, cap, or starlord to about sig 80 or so, and I could get hype or voodoo to sig almost 150 or so. Who should I use it on?
All your champs for the generic AG are good options, except for SL imo (he's worth a class no doubt, but I do not believe he is worth a generic at this point). Based on your progress I would assume that 6.1 and the cavalier title is your next goal, and I would have to say that cap IW is probably going to be the most useful to get there. I have one myself and used him for a lot of my initial clear of 6.1. It adds a lot of useful utility to him that let's him tackle multiple different nodes and matchups. And he becomes very versatile as you can build a team around him based on what you need.
Really, you should use it on who you think you'll use the most, who you plan on ranking up and just simply who you enjoy playing as. Voodoo is good for AQ with regen and power control. Hype is a lot of damage output plus an immunity, with a bit of regen to boot. Void has that useful regen reversal and some pretty good damage once you have some debuffs stacked up.
Good luck!
Also, Hyperion literally only needs to be awakened. He starts at about 70% duration and sig 200 is 75% duration increase. Only reason is if you are overloaded on sig stones.