Which champ(s) do you think their SP are difficult to dex?
Dexterity is quite interesting technique yet sometimes it’s quite difficult for particular opponent’s SP even u know the logic. E.g. I found it difficult to dex mr sinister’s SP2 n Darkhawk SP1. So which champ(s) do you think their SP are difficult to dex? And your way out? Thanks.
How about Korgs SP2? I think his SP1 is quite similar to Ultron
I got ur point, sometimes I can only dex his first attack and then block the remaining. Chance of successful dex is around 80% on him.
Yondu - seems like many players can replicate the dex on Nick Fury’s SP1 on him
Ofc I died right after bc I didnt think I would live -_-
Anyone have any tips ??