
So recently I used a generic gem in my 4* Blade (3/30). I've been using him and I feel like his ability is sort of bad? I only have him at sig 29 but should I keep pumping my sig stones into him or just drop him. Or is he just not as good as I always remembered him being? Do you guys think he's fallen behind as a champ?
His regen has saved me literally 1000s of units.
He is greatly enhanced by his synergies but so are so many of the so-called gods of the game - Ghost, Captain Marvel, Void, Omega Red - so holding that against him isn’t really worth it.
If they bleed you can start a fight on 1% and end on 70%
All of the 6.1 and 6.2 boss fights except for Sabretooth (6.1.1), Symbiote Supreme (6.2.1) [just use Mephisto/Dormammu instead] and 6.2.6 have villain tags so you can get Danger Sense.
Blade and usually GR, but sometimes Mephisto, formed the core of my Act 6 teams throughout with specific champions being brought in to deal with the fights where Blade would struggle, though even without Danger Sense he still puts out good numbers, even if they're not Corvus-esque.
What this translated as is that even for fights such as the Biohazard Crossbones, Blade actually put in a hell of a lot of work before eventually being killed off by the node.
I think his problem is that he isn't as snazzy as some of the newer skill options, but he remains, in my opinion anyway, as the best workhorse for general questing in the game, especially when he's got GR with him.