Worst matchups in the game

What examples of the worst matchups in the game can you think of? Probably the #1 for me is duped Elektra vs Ebony Maw, as her guaranteed crits are guaranteed to miss, meaning she can deal no damage and is incapable of dealing damage (unless she gets hit enough to get to her SP3). Others include Quake vs a true strike node (can't evade, thus meaning you'll die if you charge heavies), Ghost vs Mr Sinister (heals from all the crits and blocks her unblockable special attacks), and Archangel vs Korg.
What other good examples are there?
What other good examples are there?
Omega vs gulk
Corvus vs sinister
Not a bad matchup just funny
Just couldn't get an attack in!
Every power drain is seen by sentinal as a powerlock increasing his power immensely
couple notes to keep in mind:
1) Ghost doesn't have to phase before hitting ... meaning she'll strike normally ..
2) even if he heals from the crit, he only heals 70% .. so you can still do "normal ghost" tactics .. it's just as if he has a LOT more HP .. which, for most Ghost players, isn't a real problem ..
I've actually taken Ghost vs Sinister and defeated him easily ... just don't get flustered from the healing and you'll slowly work him down.
Optimal: Hell no ... but at least it's not as bad as your Elektra vs Maw matchup .. LOL
Seriously .. he's "supposed" to be a counter to Hulk .. his passive says so ... and yet ... he really, REALLY can't hold his own against Hulk ... let alone anyone else in the game .. *sigh*
It took me a while to figure out his taunt triggers him being unstoppable and unblockable
I get crushed every time.
Can’t block and can’t use specials.