Remove ‘Sell Champion’ button entirely

We all know that’s it’s never OK to sell a champ of any star. I think it’s just time that this button was gone forever, because there’s no need for it at all. So it’s time to do away with it
During LevelUp Solo Events (to get simple free 25 Units Milestone each time), I often need to just do some extra rankup on a few of the lower PI 2* and 3* that I recycle by selling once they reach max. The low level Cats needed for 2*/3* are always in abundance.
I shouldn’t be forced into ranking up useless 4* and 5* heroes, consuming scarce higher level Cats for them (and eventually you’d run out of 4* from time to time as well).
Virtually every champion has a use somewhere in the game and you’ll kick yourself if you sell King Groot because he blows and then 2 months down the line and he’s buffed and becomes useful for certain node combinations you’ve had your progress halted over
So they will not take it away
If you don't want to "mistakenly" sell your champs, ask them to introduce a lock button to prevent selling
Turning off this lock button will require a password that's not the same as your account password
Sheesh. It's not even your progress and you're attempting to make a decision for the entire player base
I don't think selling is the best course of action in general, but people need to take responsibility for their own accounts and manage them as they see fit.
This game is not complicated. If you want to do something quickly, then there is a price to pay. If a player wants the gold or shards or ISO more than they want the character, then it's not my place to tell someone how to manage their resources and since Kabam doesn't give you gold or shards routinely, they shouldn't restrict how you acquire resources if you don't intend to use a character anymore.
People make these broad statements about what Kabam should do for everyone else. Maybe people should simply manage their own accounts and let everyone else manage their own accounts and let Kabam manage the game