How do you keep yourself from being jealous in mcoc?
Just watched Seatin’s cavalier opening. 6* omega red and 6* sunspot. Meanwhile my last 6* pull was a sentry. How do you keep yourself from throwing your phone across the room when your luck sucks compared to someone else? (Not a hate post, I just get upset with my pulls sometimes)
Stop watching crystal openings is a good start. Have u realized yet youtubers post their best pulls? Who would watch bad crystal openings anyway? That’s the real reason youtubers seem to have better luck from the average player, they post their good ones for views. That’s the answer also to stupid claims youtubers and content creators have better odds at crystals. Kabam have made many dumb decisions on the game and targeted odds at hero crystals ain’t one of them.
As for how do I keep my self jealous in mcoc, currently,
a 5* 5/65 lvl200 Domino helps me keep my sanity. lol
jealousy is a poison it's very prevalent nowadays, being upset at somebody else's Good Fortune is really an embarrassing feeling. people like to make excuses that somebody getting something is some how taking something away from you. rewire your thinking, will be better for your health and well being.