Since we are talking nerfs
Why has there never been a champion nerfed or tuned down for DEFENSE? Every nerf is because a champ is too powerful on offense. What about defense? You nerfed She-hulk because she was the best counter for 6.2 Champion, that's the truth, admit it or not, we all know that's why. So now you leave us with Sym Supreme and Cap IW for 6.2 Champion counters. That's it. Is that balance? That fight is complete garbage. 6.2 Sinister is complete garbage. Ghulk(with Hemdal/Angela) and Cap IW are only counters. Is that balance? In alliance war, All or Nothing Thing, 2 counters, Quake and Stark. Aegis intercept Thor Rags, Aspect of War Korg/Hype, Unstoppable buffs Jugs, ect. These are all way too overpowered defensive placements. Would you ever give us a champ that read "this champ cannot die unless the defender dexed out of your specials five times". No freaking way! That would be WAY too overpowered. This is my point. Please start looking at tuning down defensive champions. Thing, Korg, Annihilus, Havok, Modok, Spider Gwen, Wasp, DOMINO all are way too overpowered on defense. Yes I know there are counters to all of them but still these champs are too good on defense, they should be looked at getting tuned down as well. Balance!!!
In addition your 6.2 sinister list is incomplete, Captain marvel movie works there very well aswell for example. I would recommend actually figuring out counters.
You should not call for nerfs for things when you have an incomplete understanding of them.
Also your main premise is faulty as they have tuned down encounters before, such as the IW thanos event that they over tuned.
Not particularly great at the game.
After 12.0 there hasnt been any nerfs that I can recall. They changed MD but as many people who were upset, more people had been calling for changes to it forever.
Gwenpool had a very similar changed to a unintended ability like She Hulk. Again, never part of her kit and it was extremly OP.
AA was fixed and wasnt a nerf. Yes I know a mod confirmed it but use common sense, stun immune shouldn't be stunned.
Drax was another change that happened but again, people ranking up a champ to fight 1 single champ had it coming. Plus none of draxs abilities ever said he could bypass astral evade.
The fact is there isnt anyone on defense that is overly troubling. If you are having trouble, its probably your skill and not that the champ needs adjusted.
Again, I get that people view these changes as nerfs but a true nerf was the champs of 12.0. Nothing compares to those.