How good is Tony Masters?

TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,643 ★★★★★
Since I've recently r5ed my 4* Taskmaster (No regrets since I love his unique playstyle and I think hes underrated) Im curious as to how good you think taskmaster is from a scale of 1-10? And please, if you wish add a little explanation why you think he is your voted grade.

How good is Tony Masters? 67 votes

He is a 10/10
Darkrider05 1 vote
He is a 9/10
DwebJyotishka 2 votes
He is a 8/10
Terraharerabbit99IDogeX_Factor_AgentSmibsismiYcatsSpeakGeek345 7 votes
Hes a 7/10
Alex13369TJ82Ketchup1791SceptilemaniacDuke_SilverTheMightyKahrKillerRino19Datman25710or_StrongJuggerNotTorah13LordRaymond3Markg25TheSquish671NeotwismAwsomediabrineBatman1903EtjamakubricknolanGreekhit 24 votes
Hes a 6/10
Lvernon15Battle_GreninjaDenzel116FhfjghhggggjfhfjgTony886an_ancient_lyreThicco_ModeCtfz35 8 votes
Hes a 5/10
My_SuperiorIronmark48Shadow_PhoneixTehsigzorzItsDamienHedronPEKKACHUAegorMx37604 9 votes
Hes a 4/10
Joey0480CliffordcanTankRichardsonjedjokesLordGenesis 5 votes
Hes a 3/10
gp87MassapealSkinnyfatboy82TheSaith 4 votes
hes a 2/10
Wade420wilson69 1 vote
Hes a 1/10
TeeNahNStance-sixate-The_WatcherSkillful_starCaptainPoll 6 votes


  • Ketchup1791Ketchup1791 Member Posts: 114
    Hes a 7/10
    He's fun to use and has a nice long lasting ability accuracy reduction, but he's very difficult to use well. You need to play very aggressive and it's very easy to screw yourself with his Exploit weakness.. especially if the AI doesn't want to play ball.
  • Batman1903Batman1903 Member Posts: 208
    Hes a 7/10
    ManChild said:

    Who’s tony?

    task master . man who posted this just wanna know how many players knew his real name indirectly. maybe
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,643 ★★★★★
    He is a 8/10

    ManChild said:

    Who’s tony?

    task master . man who posted this just wanna know how many players knew his real name indirectly. maybe
    You are correct. Good catch
  • Duke_SilverDuke_Silver Member Posts: 2,421 ★★★★
    Hes a 7/10
    7.5 I’d say. Higher the more skilled you are at playing him.
  • Battle_GreninjaBattle_Greninja Member Posts: 327 ★★
    Hes a 6/10
    I like his play style. If they give him a little more damage and more patent bleed, who knows they may give him something in future.
  • TheSaithTheSaith Member Posts: 646 ★★★
    Hes a 3/10
    Only a arena champ... Didn't found him fun to play
  • TheSquish671TheSquish671 Member Posts: 2,880 ★★★★★
    Hes a 7/10
    He's good but i feel they should remove exploit weakness for special attacks completely. Once he gets the passive concussion that immediately refreshes exploit weakness, doing lights, mediums and heavies for the bonus damage is easy, but if the opponent launches a special you may end up with an exploit weakness:sp2 when you're not even at 1 bar of power and end up wasting the passive concussion.

    That would also increase his damage as he can land more lights, mediums and heavies during the passive concussion.

    Also it's difficult to land a heavy within 1 second after using a special attack to immediately refresh exploit weakness, while building up the 5 concussions.

    That's just what I think based on how i play him. Not sure how others play him
  • -sixate--sixate- Member Posts: 1,532 ★★★★★
    Hes a 1/10
    Garbage, never going past R1
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,643 ★★★★★
    He is a 8/10
    -sixate- said:

    Garbage, never going past R1

    You have never used him properly, have you?
  • edited September 2019
    This content has been removed.
  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★
    Hes a 7/10
    I voted 7/10 because his concussion timer is too short, and it’s hard to chain and stack if the AI is not cooperative. An extension on his concussion timer would make him a 9/10.
  • TehsigzorzTehsigzorz Member Posts: 1,233 ★★★★
    Hes a 5/10
    I dont see myself using him over my top 30 or so in my roster
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