Improve the "Use Boost" Menu Please!

It's a pain having to scroll the list to activate the most used boosts located at the very bottom. Can you please put the general boosts like HP, Attack, and Champion back to the top? If you wanted to go even further it would be great to have class specific boosts put into their own category and heading.
And yes, order should be changed, all of Attack, Health, and Combo should all be at the top (why in the world is only one of those types at top and other two are way down lower). And then (depending on which hero you are currently on in the fight-selection Screen), the next set of Boosts should be those Class specific ones OF THE CLASS OF HERO CURRENTLY SITTING ON FIGHT-SELECTION. With other Classes below those.
So finding the most useful ones for each hero are higher up, based on “overall usage” and then “selected hero class”.