Upcoming Cull Obsidian and Ebony Maw Balance Changes



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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
    zeezee57 said:

    We don't evaluate their data. They do. People may not see how Ronin is performing up to par, but they're also looking at their own experience, from where they are at in the game. Are they okay with him being average? I can't speak for them. What I can say is not every Champ will be God Tier, and not every Champ will be the best choice for End-Game. There is always going to be somewhat of a range. Personally I find it a bit arbitrary to argue that we haven't seen the data. We never do. That's not really a process I'm familiar with here. I have yet to see us approve of their data and findings before they make assertions.

    The entire premise of almost all of your arguments is based on the data, and your assumption that the data they are choosing and their interpretation of that data is more accurate than the consensus of the community. You've shown time and time again that you don't actually have an opinion on the champs being discussed, you're not well versed on their abilities or the scenarios in which they thrive or struggle, your opinion is that Kabam knows best and that's that. Until you prove otherwise with a rebuttal not citing unseen data, but your own thoughts on why a specific champ should or shouldn't be changed, in this case Cull, it's safe to say you have no idea what you're talking about. Since you support the idea that Cull is out performing every other champ to a degree warranting change, tell us why you think that without using the default "because Kabam said so" or just stop arguing it.
    I gave my opinion on it. It was lost in pages of people arguing about data and Kabam.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
    The reactions aren't even based on anything that's come to pass yet. All they said was he was doing more than other Champs in one form or another. Then Nerfgate 2019 started. From what I understand, these aren't even major overhauls. Just minor tweaks to adjust some imbalances. People heard Damage, started crying nerf, and some are even jumping ship. All before anything has even been indicated to change.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
    zeezee57 said:

    zeezee57 said:

    We don't evaluate their data. They do. People may not see how Ronin is performing up to par, but they're also looking at their own experience, from where they are at in the game. Are they okay with him being average? I can't speak for them. What I can say is not every Champ will be God Tier, and not every Champ will be the best choice for End-Game. There is always going to be somewhat of a range. Personally I find it a bit arbitrary to argue that we haven't seen the data. We never do. That's not really a process I'm familiar with here. I have yet to see us approve of their data and findings before they make assertions.

    The entire premise of almost all of your arguments is based on the data, and your assumption that the data they are choosing and their interpretation of that data is more accurate than the consensus of the community. You've shown time and time again that you don't actually have an opinion on the champs being discussed, you're not well versed on their abilities or the scenarios in which they thrive or struggle, your opinion is that Kabam knows best and that's that. Until you prove otherwise with a rebuttal not citing unseen data, but your own thoughts on why a specific champ should or shouldn't be changed, in this case Cull, it's safe to say you have no idea what you're talking about. Since you support the idea that Cull is out performing every other champ to a degree warranting change, tell us why you think that without using the default "because Kabam said so" or just stop arguing it.
    I gave my opinion on it. It was lost in pages of people arguing about data and Kabam.
    I've seen you respond once with an answer that was just argument by authority, regarding why Annihilus needed balancing and Ronin didn't, and it was absolutely devoid of any substance. It was basically "Ronin seems to end things quicker" and that was the entirety of your position. So for the record, what do you think about Cull is an issue warranting change? Is it that he's demolishing act 6 single handed? Does he make the Variants too easy? Where have you seen him (not bugged) performing so far above the fray and what did you think about the process that got him there? I personally haven't seen anything outside of his bugged state that makes me think he's head and shoulders above other top tier champs, in fact from what I've seen he's a step below as a champ.
    It's not just about what content he can or can't do, and you're not going to see it by focusing on what he can't. It's within the data. What can he do, within the span of a Fight, that other Champs aren't capable of doing?
    I haven't answered again because it's just neverending. I respond, people disagree, and the cycle continues. No other Champ ramps up that amount of Damage that quickly within a single Fight. It's not about him taking effort to ramp up and maintain Armor Breaks and time Rout. It's about what he's capable of that others aren't.
    I've used him. I've seen others use him on YouTube. I have a Sig 200 in my Ally. I know what he can and can't do. The comment was that he was showing more than others in the data. That was about it. It really doesn't matter if I think he needs it or not. They evidently do, and it's not Rocket Science to see what they're looking at.
  • JesusBlackJesusBlack Member Posts: 5
    edited September 2019
    Cull obsidian için insanlar binlerce kredi harcadı ve para yatırdı. Arenada 70 milyon kasıldı o insanlar gece gündüz emek harcadı bunun karşılığını krediyle ve düşürme taşlarıyla veremezsin. Önce bir karakter çıkarıp sonra kafanıza göre bunu düşürmek sizin kalitesizliğinizden başka birşey değil. Sizin test ekibiniz yok mu ? Emeğe hiç mi saygınız yok. Bu arada logan kim ya collosus kim ? Hadi collosus buff attın durdurulamaz collosusa ne olacak ? Magneto varken buff bunlara mı atılır ?
  • otranksootrankso Member Posts: 18
    I just pulled a 5* Cull i want to rank him to r5 but i can’t until the nerf is official. I don’t mind the nerf ( actually i do) but it would be better if the announcement came with changes so people can decide what to do with the champion
  • Bpn88855Bpn88855 Member Posts: 464 ★★
    i pulled cull 3-4 weeks ago, ranked him to r4 at the same day when kabam notified us about nerf. i did rank up, in 20 minutes went to forum to read some news and saw this message about nerf! i was so angry about that. and you know what, for these past 4 weeks i did not used much cull as he is not good for most part of content. fully explored variant 3 for these 4 weeks, no use for hhim there, i am not using him in quests as he also not so good as u need to ramp him up spending revives and health pots, not using him at AW or AQ map5-6 as i have better champs for this content, not used him at boss rush 2. i know that when he has 10 charges he is very good, but you have to spend and ramp up him, so no idea why he needs nerf. he is already good as is. i hope for a rank down ticket for him if he will be nerfed too much
  • CarpeDiem7886CarpeDiem7886 Member Posts: 22
    The issue is this simple. They advertise something, they sell it for in game currency and real life dollars in some of their “early bundles”. Even if they lower Culls damage by 100 dps, no one spent money on that version, but we are forced to deal with it? If your car is defective you don’t eat that cost the dealership does. It’s not our fault the product wasn’t performing as intended, but we stand to lose money on something they decided to change? That’s the issue. If you want to make a champ better so people will buy him, go for it, but don’t make an already decent champ bad. Release the “data” and listen to our consensus as well. We play the game. We know what works and doesn’t. Or legit just hire KT1 lol
  • CarpeDiem7886CarpeDiem7886 Member Posts: 22
    What I don’t understand is how KT1 has less time to test champs and finds all these unintended things? She-Hulk was claimed to be an anomaly and within a day a video was posted with like 6 other champs that had the same anomaly. How can one dude figure all this out? I’m assuming there’s a team of testers or QC guys? How can a finished product not be released? Maybe need tuning UP eventually based on the state of the game, but how down?
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