Sig stone deal

I’m not sure where else to leave this feedback so I’ll leave it here. Merge it elsewhere if there’s already discussion that I missed 
I just wanted to let Kabam know that I usually buy EVERY 5* sig stone deal that comes out. However, i’m not going to be purchasing the $50 deal today because of the recent announcement about the balance changes. I don’t see any point in pumping purchased sig stones into a champ that could be getting “adjusted” in 3 months. Again, in the past I was a sucker for any sig stone deals. I’m kind of sad that I don’t feel secure enough about any of my newer champs to want to put resources into them. Have a nice day, all

I just wanted to let Kabam know that I usually buy EVERY 5* sig stone deal that comes out. However, i’m not going to be purchasing the $50 deal today because of the recent announcement about the balance changes. I don’t see any point in pumping purchased sig stones into a champ that could be getting “adjusted” in 3 months. Again, in the past I was a sucker for any sig stone deals. I’m kind of sad that I don’t feel secure enough about any of my newer champs to want to put resources into them. Have a nice day, all
Kabam must come closer to community
Focus on your older champs, and don’t be swayed by shiny new toys.
The company is recommending restraint.
- Not gonna spend on champs because of nerfs
- Not gonna grind because of nerfs
- not gonna buy deal X because of nerfs
They are balance changes, not nerfs. DS, SW, BW, Thor, those were nerfs. If they lower Cull's crit rating by, say, 10%, or the potency of his buffs by, say, 2%, that's gonna make him basically the same with a lower damage cap. And maybe, who lnows, they will increase some stats to make that first fight better.
All I am saying is that all these angry rants in advance are uncalled for, because you don't know anything yet and because they announced this procedure.
Also, I think at least half of the people that say they will stop spending money, and even mentioning how much they spend, actually don't spend or won't stop spending. There may be like 1 person who will actually stop spending.
I love this game, i’m always trying to improve my prestige, but when this deal came out I didn’t feel compelled to purchase it. The only thing that’s changed for me recently is the announcement about balance changes.
And let me be clear, i’m fine with balance changes in this game! I think they’re important, actually. The thing that makes me uncomfortable is the monetization of unfinished champs, essentially. They could change cull’s base attack by almost nothing and increase his BP, which would make him an overall better champ! Who knows. But I still don’t think his cavs should be sold for $10/ea until he’s undergone his balance changes. But again, that’s not what this post was supposed to be about 😀 have a nice day
Exactly right 😀
Except for 90% of champions whose awakened abilities are further enhanced the higher their signature level of course...