Summoner appreciation calendar (2?)

*To start, this is a question aimed at the Kabam team.
With the first summoner appreciation calendar soon coming to an end in the next 2-3 weeks, I have to say what a great thing to do for the players committed to this game and a tip of the hat for it. My question is if we will be seeing more of these long calendars either immediately, more intermittent throughout the year, or if this was planned as a one time thing as of now.
I only ask out of curiosity as I thought it was a great addition, but understand if we won’t see it again.
With the first summoner appreciation calendar soon coming to an end in the next 2-3 weeks, I have to say what a great thing to do for the players committed to this game and a tip of the hat for it. My question is if we will be seeing more of these long calendars either immediately, more intermittent throughout the year, or if this was planned as a one time thing as of now.
I only ask out of curiosity as I thought it was a great addition, but understand if we won’t see it again.
I do agree with you on that another one immediately seems far fetched and would more than likely diminish the integrity of the monthly calendar. As a huge fan of this I want to see it as much as possible, however, they are free rewards and I would be understanding if it is a one time thing currently, especially if that is subject to change in the future.
for those saying it undermines the monthly one: I don't really see as it does since there are different rewards in each and this set up is not vastly different to how Future Fight runs a constant 28-day calendar that cycles each month depending on your start date (IE it starts on day 1 when you start playing and ends 28 days later and then restarts on day 29 irrespective of when in the month you began) and then often runs an eight week calendar with other rewards in (often including 6 free characters) for a specific time-frame. They've run about four of those this year and they've run other 1-week or 2-week calendars as well...
The monthly calendar since the released the appreciation calendar has been trash for the most part compared to previous months.
I agree with most that it is unlikely to see the calendar get reissued soon. I also disagree with the monthly calendar being complete trash. It was initially intended to help newer players get difficult rewards earlier to keep them invested in the game in attempt to not halter their progression. I do not believe it was ever intended for upper mid tier players or end game players. That being said I enjoy the free rewards and wouldn’t have a problem if they got a boost.
I just hope to see the longer forms giving more diverse rewards and keep me invested to logging in all the time. Most of it doesn’t help but it is another way of getting gold and iso for my champs. Hopefully someone from Kabam could shed some light on the question, even if it is vague and saying as of right now we don’t have plans for another.
Again thank you to everyone for sharing and keeping this post toxic free.
With christmas time on horizont i think we get some eq related and a christmas calendar. Following by new Year kalendar (Western and China) maybe then?
I honestly think that a long term calendar like this that rewards prolonged loyalty is an excellent idea.
A Daily, monthly and quarterly calendar essentially.
Great rewards should come from Great events... Not free ..
There's something wrong with me for not wanting free stuff 😜