Master point recovery item

Hi! How this item works? Is it taking back only one recovery point? Is it giving back mastery cores for all the levels upadate? Where to use it?
Pls explain to me like for nobody who played before, as I have expensive masteries and dont want to lose them all. Thanks!
Pls explain to me like for nobody who played before, as I have expensive masteries and dont want to lose them all. Thanks!

Its no more required to Reset mastery points,
Kabam did an amazing job and now Reset mastery Points are free.
It would only remove the points, not re-lock the masteries so the cost to re-apply them is solely the few units & gold required to regain each points, not the cores etc.
Not sure whether the issuance of Recoveries was removed from game when they changed that or not (was it upon creation of account you used to get them, or when passing certain ACT or Summoner Level goals ??)
That all said, there shouldn't be some blanket assumption that some nefarious means were used or that ToS were broken. Not everyone plays the game with the same intense level of dedication.