All that hard work, it finally paid off.

BigKidScottyBigKidScotty Member Posts: 52
Thanks Kabam. Thank you for giving me my first 6 star. All this grinding, going for one year now, all this led up to this one crystal opening. All my time and effort, all those quest and rewards I grinded for. It all led to this. This one, amazing, crystal. The crystal with over 90 champs in it, out of all the champs, it landed in this one champion. All that hard work, just to go to waste. This champ is old and forgotten so I doubt they are going to buff him anytime soon. Time to open my next 6 star crystal in a year or two. Can’t wait for my next amazing champion I will be able to look at and never use, because it’s just gonna be another beyond useless champ that is thrown in there with these other 90+ champs in this crystal that I could have gotten as my first 6 star. Thanks Kabam. You have done it again.



  • RockypantherxRockypantherx Member Posts: 3,923 ★★★★★
    Mate he was my first 6* and I run him with Killmonger all the time. Did my first clear of LOL with him. Easily in the top end of champs in that crystal
  • Giodood_1Giodood_1 Member Posts: 395 ★★★
    At least you got a solid first six star my first was dpxf
  • TehsigzorzTehsigzorz Member Posts: 1,233 ★★★★
    WS is great, proper B tier champ with the KM synergy and I even like using him alone. I almost soloed variant 1 chapter 1 with him and I am looking into rank him upto 4 since he has the dupe and is decently reliable with the power drains.(took down some hyperions and other champs with big power gain)
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  • BigKidScottyBigKidScotty Member Posts: 52
    I don’t have anyone else who has syngergies with him, nor do I have a killomonger. And if I had a Deadpool x force, he would not be any use either for me. So I rest my case, he’s another champ that I worked for over a year to get and I will never use.
  • Jack0312Jack0312 Member Posts: 198 ★★
    Lvl56 and you have a 6 stars champ ?
    YOU are lucky !
    Remember that now, you get 5 and 6 stars champ much more faster than us when Kabam released them !
    Guy, what did you expect ? First 6 stars champ = Beyond god tier ?! :expressionless:
  • BigKidScottyBigKidScotty Member Posts: 52
    I got a 6 star at level 56 cuz I grinded uncollected EQ as hard as ever with r5 4* and r3 5*. That’s not lucky, that’s just grinding your butt off lol.
  • BigKidScottyBigKidScotty Member Posts: 52
    ItsDamien said:

    I don’t have anyone else who has syngergies with him, nor do I have a killomonger. And if I had a Deadpool x force, he would not be any use either for me. So I rest my case, he’s another champ that I worked for over a year to get and I will never use.

    Never use? So you're telling me you will NEVER get a Killmonger? Yeah, you're overreacting. Stop crying and keep progressing, all content is able to have an initial clear with practically every champ. This game isn't about immediate gratification, you have to work for your progress or pay your ass off. Those are your two choices, and if you don't like it then you know where to uninstall and move on with your life.
    No. I said I don’t have Deadpool x force, and if I had Deadpool xforce, that Deadpool would not be any use for me unless I had killomonger. I never said I would not use killomonger. And I did work my ass off for this, so I don’t know where ur getting at with the whole “work for your progress” statement. How do you think I got to this six star in the first place?

  • BigKidScottyBigKidScotty Member Posts: 52
    And that’s if I get a killomonger, who knows how long it will take before I even be able to get a 4 star one at least.
  • HzoriHzori Member Posts: 288 ★★
    Way worse champs that you can pull, try him out, even without the Killmonger synergy he’s far from the worst champ, any 6* is valuable at your stage of the game, don’t dismiss them just because they’re not the best of the best.
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  • BigKidScottyBigKidScotty Member Posts: 52
    if you say so lol
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  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,236 ★★★★
    I gotta agree...grinding a year for Bucky??? I would be angry and disappointed as well. That is one reason i have not even bothered with 6s yet. So difficult to get shards! Particularly given the fact that duping 5* is like almost impossible and a gruelling grind to what usually ends up a once a month disappointment! (yes occasionally some decent drops but not enough drops). Uncollected summoners should be pulling 5s more quickly to pull 6 stars shards at a more reasonable pace. A year for one champ (and a suck one at that) isn't gonna play with 98 % of this playerbase.
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    edited October 2019
    He’s not that bad, used mine with a 4* kilmonger to help explore variant 1 chapter 1.

    Only thing that hurt about getting a 6* WS was getting him from a 15k featured crystal.

    Also no offence, but you haven’t even gotten around to 100% act 5, and the lack of a 5* R4 makes me suspect you didn’t 100% act 4 either sooo hardly the end of the world when you’ve got all that to do still and a 6* WS will help with plenty of that considering he will have a bigger health pool than any of your other champs.
  • TheBestinTuakauTheBestinTuakau Member Posts: 955 ★★★
    Can someone remind me what the KM synergy does again?
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,657 ★★★★★

    Can someone remind me what the KM synergy does again?

    He basically turns into mini-starlord, Having his damage rise with combo up to a 100 hits
  • CtuchikCtuchik Member Posts: 352 ★★
    edited October 2019
    I get it, I pretty much did the same. Grinded a year for a 6* Kingpin wich pretty much works a diversity in AW and maybe a kill or two in some wars.

    I dont advance to much with him, however you advance without your 6*. I am a third to a new 6* right now which means it probably wont be a halfyear until my next opening.
    It's not going to take a year for your next opening. It only comes faster from here.

    And as everyone here has already said, you only need a Killmonger to make him a beast. Tell me how i make my kingpin more useful than my 5* roster of Blade, sparky, nick fury, domino and Venom?
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