All that hard work, it finally paid off.

Thanks Kabam. Thank you for giving me my first 6 star. All this grinding, going for one year now, all this led up to this one crystal opening. All my time and effort, all those quest and rewards I grinded for. It all led to this. This one, amazing, crystal. The crystal with over 90 champs in it, out of all the champs, it landed in this one champion. All that hard work, just to go to waste. This champ is old and forgotten so I doubt they are going to buff him anytime soon. Time to open my next 6 star crystal in a year or two. Can’t wait for my next amazing champion I will be able to look at and never use, because it’s just gonna be another beyond useless champ that is thrown in there with these other 90+ champs in this crystal that I could have gotten as my first 6 star. Thanks Kabam. You have done it again.

For reference my first 5* and my first 6* was Cable. Both times.
YOU are lucky !
Remember that now, you get 5 and 6 stars champ much more faster than us when Kabam released them !
Guy, what did you expect ? First 6 stars champ = Beyond god tier ?!
Only thing that hurt about getting a 6* WS was getting him from a 15k featured crystal.
Also no offence, but you haven’t even gotten around to 100% act 5, and the lack of a 5* R4 makes me suspect you didn’t 100% act 4 either sooo hardly the end of the world when you’ve got all that to do still and a 6* WS will help with plenty of that considering he will have a bigger health pool than any of your other champs.
I dont advance to much with him, however you advance without your 6*. I am a third to a new 6* right now which means it probably wont be a halfyear until my next opening.
It's not going to take a year for your next opening. It only comes faster from here.
And as everyone here has already said, you only need a Killmonger to make him a beast. Tell me how i make my kingpin more useful than my 5* roster of Blade, sparky, nick fury, domino and Venom?