Elsa applying degen when under suicides



  • Rougeknight87Rougeknight87 Member Posts: 599 ★★★
    edited October 2019
    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    As the title says I fought Elsa in arena and the degen I copped as she was under suicides was crazy. Is this mechanic meant to be as the player doesn’t actually apply the debuff? Cable doesn’t do it and given I lost basically half hero health only fighting a 5/50 if she was to be an alliance war boss at 5/65 or higher she’d basically be unbeatable if under suicides assuming it scales.

    She dooes not apply it, it is a passive that jsut happens and cannot therefore be removed as long as she has a bleed.
    Yeah I’m asking if it’s a bug. She may not apply it but either way it is applied to you if she is under double edge. I’d like to know if this is an intended interaction with the mastery as if it is and if it scales it potentially can not be countered given the lack of degen immune champs.
    As an AW boss I’m struggling to think of a way she could be beaten given you’d be dead in under a 20 seconds. It’s unavoidable damage without even being on a node
    It is intended to be that way, but it is a set amount. Also it will not kill you in under 20 seconds, it does 5800 damage in 20 seconds, less than a good single hit.

    It is in her spotlight.
    Everything you said here is wrong or opinion.
  • Rougeknight87Rougeknight87 Member Posts: 599 ★★★
    edited October 2019
    Lormif said:

    @Rougeknight87 thought you might be interested on what she looks like on D.


    It was definitely intended to be an annoying part of her kit, BUT looking at the video you sent i think they should tweak the degen damage a little.
    All they had to do was bring a class advantage and no issue.
    This comment serves no purpose other then to try and play down what is being shown, for reasons unknown? 🤷‍♂️
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    As the title says I fought Elsa in arena and the degen I copped as she was under suicides was crazy. Is this mechanic meant to be as the player doesn’t actually apply the debuff? Cable doesn’t do it and given I lost basically half hero health only fighting a 5/50 if she was to be an alliance war boss at 5/65 or higher she’d basically be unbeatable if under suicides assuming it scales.

    She dooes not apply it, it is a passive that jsut happens and cannot therefore be removed as long as she has a bleed.
    Yeah I’m asking if it’s a bug. She may not apply it but either way it is applied to you if she is under double edge. I’d like to know if this is an intended interaction with the mastery as if it is and if it scales it potentially can not be countered given the lack of degen immune champs.
    As an AW boss I’m struggling to think of a way she could be beaten given you’d be dead in under a 20 seconds. It’s unavoidable damage without even being on a node
    It is intended to be that way, but it is a set amount. Also it will not kill you in under 20 seconds, it does 5800 damage in 20 seconds, less than a good single hit.

    It is in her spotlight.
    Everything you said here is wrong or opinion.
    is it not in her spotlight. I was wrong about it being a set amount but not *everything*

    Lormif said:

    that is your opinion, not a fact. I have provided accurate factual data except when I stated it was my opinion, you provide opinions stated as fact, just like you just did. And from the rhino thread I provided feed back with your lack of information. Had we had a video, like we did on aegon (which is when we saw there was an issue) then that feedback would have been different. Also I have pointed out plenty of people being correct given the information. So instead of making this thread personal and taking it off topic as you did point out HOW I am wrong, dont attack me. For interlace is "double edged" a bleed? Does elsa degen on bleeds? If so then it is intended. You want to talk about how the damage probable should not scale so high? great I would agree with you as I did on the thread on in general. but she is designed to degen with double edge.

    What factual data did you provide?
    Who are you talking about when you say WE?
    How do you know that she was designed to bleed with double edge?
    That is your opinion, that is not fact. It may occur but unless you have spoken to a design team member you have no factual evidence of this.
    You stated an opinion as fact.
    Could not load a video with rhino as it won’t allow me but all it would take was for you to play with him for 30 seconds, instead your first port of call is to get on here and tell someone they are wrong.
    Why should I not point out you were wrong? You WERE wrong, you stated as fact that her degen did not scale. That’s misinformation
    What factual data did you provide? That double edge is a bleed and she degens on bleed.
    Who are you talking about when you say WE? People who did not know about the bug commenting on threads with limited infoamtion.
    How do you know that she was designed to bleed with double edge? Does double edge count as a bleed with Omega red and death field? Yes, double edge is a bleed, it has a bleed icon, other bleeds stack on top of double edge.
    That is your opinion, that is not fact. It may occur but unless you have spoken to a design team member you have no factual evidence of this.. Except I do, OR, unless you think his death field should not active that activates on bleeds, which would be a major nerf.
    You stated an opinion as fact. I state fact and probabilities, I can be wrong just like you are wrong here.
    Could not load a video with rhino as it won’t allow me but all it would take was for you to play with him for 30 seconds, instead your first port of call is to get on here and tell someone they are wrong. In a thread about bugs you need to provide that sort of information if you are going against all available information. Outside of that bug if anyone else had posted that thread the information would have been correct and he would have been missing his heavy. The onus to show a bug is on you.
    Why should I not point out you were wrong? You WERE wrong, you stated as fact that her degen did not scale. That’s misinformation

    You are overgeneralizing. Tell me I am incorrect and tell me why and how I am incorrect. Dont tell me *everything* I have said has been incorrect, which is false. Do nto attack me directly, attack my argument. I was wrong, I stated it did not in fact scale and I have in fact owned up to that error. That one error that I owned up to does not establish "All you’ve done is feed misinformation," and does not justify you taking the thread off topic.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    Lormif said:

    @Rougeknight87 thought you might be interested on what she looks like on D.


    It was definitely intended to be an annoying part of her kit, BUT looking at the video you sent i think they should tweak the degen damage a little.
    All they had to do was bring a class advantage and no issue.
    This comment serves no purpose other then to try and play down what is being shown, for reasons unknown? 🤷‍♂️
    It is a factual statement that shows a counter to the ability you are irrational mad about.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    The main problem is when she is placed on a hidden node in AW. You want be able to go through it no matter your skill if you didn't bring a mutant. Not a big fan of this.

    Hidden nodes don’t have much of a bonus
    Lol why even bother with that comment? What’s wrong with you bud. It’s a bugs and issues thread, this is a clear issue. All you’ve done is try to discredit it every comment. Why?
    What about it being a bugs and issue thread prevents people from discrediting it being a bug or an issue? What is wrong with you that you think you get the final say on what is a bug or issue?</

    You’ve been wrong every step you Mong 😂
    Just like you were telling me I wasn’t intercepting with rhino properly. Guess what that was, bug. All you’re doing is jumping from thread to thread telling people they’re wrong when in fact it’s you who’s wrong.
    This is an issue, keep making out like it’s not all you want. You look like a spanner hoss. </p>
    that is your opinion, not a fact. I have provided accurate factual data except when I stated it was my opinion, you provide opinions stated as fact, just like you just did. And from the rhino thread I provided feed back with your lack of information. Had we had a video, like we did on aegon (which is when we saw there was an issue) then that feedback would have been different. Also I have pointed out plenty of people being correct given the information. So instead of making this thread personal and taking it off topic as you did point out HOW I am wrong, dont attack me. For interlace is "double edged" a bleed? Does elsa degen on bleeds? If so then it is intended. You want to talk about how the damage probable should not scale so high? great I would agree with you as I did on the thread on in general. but she is designed to degen with double edge.

    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    The main problem is when she is placed on a hidden node in AW. You want be able to go through it no matter your skill if you didn't bring a mutant. Not a big fan of this.

    Hidden nodes don’t have much of a bonus
    Lol why even bother with that comment? What’s wrong with you bud. It’s a bugs and issues thread, this is a clear issue. All you’ve done is try to discredit it every comment. Why?
    What about it being a bugs and issue thread prevents people from discrediting it being a bug or an issue? What is wrong with you that you think you get the final say on what is a bug or issue?
    And who said I get the final say on anything? I started a thread to get information from somebody in the know. All you’ve done is feed misinformation, comments like your last one serve no purpose.
    What "missinformation" have I stated? none, so get out of there with that attempt to silence me.
  • Rougeknight87Rougeknight87 Member Posts: 599 ★★★
    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    @Rougeknight87 thought you might be interested on what she looks like on D.


    It was definitely intended to be an annoying part of her kit, BUT looking at the video you sent i think they should tweak the degen damage a little.
    All they had to do was bring a class advantage and no issue.
    This comment serves no purpose other then to try and play down what is being shown, for reasons unknown? 🤷‍♂️
    It is a factual statement that shows a counter to the ability you are irrational mad about.
    It’s a statement implying that’s what everyone should do rather then discuss whether what is happening should be happening or not. It serves no purpose. It’s obvious.
    Who said I’m mad? I’m talking with you
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    edited October 2019

    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    @Rougeknight87 thought you might be interested on what she looks like on D.


    It was definitely intended to be an annoying part of her kit, BUT looking at the video you sent i think they should tweak the degen damage a little.
    All they had to do was bring a class advantage and no issue.
    This comment serves no purpose other then to try and play down what is being shown, for reasons unknown? 🤷‍♂️
    It is a factual statement that shows a counter to the ability you are irrational mad about.
    It’s a statement implying that’s what everyone should do rather then discuss whether what is happening should be happening or not. It serves no purpose. It’s obvious.
    Who said I’m mad? I’m talking with you
    It is not obvious to everyone, just like bringing someone other than Corvus to to maw is not obvious to everyone. You see no purpose, but there is. Not everyone realizes that mutants dont degen.

    And you made this thread personal, talking AT me more than WITH me.
  • Rougeknight87Rougeknight87 Member Posts: 599 ★★★
    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    As the title says I fought Elsa in arena and the degen I copped as she was under suicides was crazy. Is this mechanic meant to be as the player doesn’t actually apply the debuff? Cable doesn’t do it and given I lost basically half hero health only fighting a 5/50 if she was to be an alliance war boss at 5/65 or higher she’d basically be unbeatable if under suicides assuming it scales.

    She dooes not apply it, it is a passive that jsut happens and cannot therefore be removed as long as she has a bleed.
    Yeah I’m asking if it’s a bug. She may not apply it but either way it is applied to you if she is under double edge. I’d like to know if this is an intended interaction with the mastery as if it is and if it scales it potentially can not be countered given the lack of degen immune champs.
    As an AW boss I’m struggling to think of a way she could be beaten given you’d be dead in under a 20 seconds. It’s unavoidable damage without even being on a node
    It is intended to be that way, but it is a set amount. Also it will not kill you in under 20 seconds, it does 5800 damage in 20 seconds, less than a good single hit.

    It is in her spotlight.
    Everything you said here is wrong or opinion.
    is it not in her spotlight. I was wrong about it being a set amount but not *everything*

    Lormif said:

    that is your opinion, not a fact. I have provided accurate factual data except when I stated it was my opinion, you provide opinions stated as fact, just like you just did. And from the rhino thread I provided feed back with your lack of information. Had we had a video, like we did on aegon (which is when we saw there was an issue) then that feedback would have been different. Also I have pointed out plenty of people being correct given the information. So instead of making this thread personal and taking it off topic as you did point out HOW I am wrong, dont attack me. For interlace is "double edged" a bleed? Does elsa degen on bleeds? If so then it is intended. You want to talk about how the damage probable should not scale so high? great I would agree with you as I did on the thread on in general. but she is designed to degen with double edge.

    What factual data did you provide?
    Who are you talking about when you say WE?
    How do you know that she was designed to bleed with double edge?
    That is your opinion, that is not fact. It may occur but unless you have spoken to a design team member you have no factual evidence of this.
    You stated an opinion as fact.
    Could not load a video with rhino as it won’t allow me but all it would take was for you to play with him for 30 seconds, instead your first port of call is to get on here and tell someone they are wrong.
    Why should I not point out you were wrong? You WERE wrong, you stated as fact that her degen did not scale. That’s misinformation
    That double edge is a bleed and she degens on bleed. I’ve also provided factual data lol. To say I haven’t and everything I say is opinion is overgeneralising which seems to be okay for you but not okay for others
    How do you know that she was designed to bleed with double edge? Does double edge count as a bleed with Omega red and death field? Yes, double edge is a bleed, it has a bleed icon, other bleeds stack on top of double edge.
    I meant degen, how do you know she was seasoned to degen with double edge. Have you personally spoken with someone? Was it in her spotlight?
    You are of the opinion it does, you have no factual data.

    You are overgeneralizing. Tell me I am incorrect and tell me why and how I am incorrect. Dont tell me *everything* I have said has been incorrect, which is false. Do nto attack me directly, attack my argument. I was wrong, I stated it did not in fact scale and I have in fact owned up to that error. That one error that I owned up to does not establish "All you’ve done is feed misinformation," and does not justify you taking the thread off topic.
    You owned up to nothing.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    As the title says I fought Elsa in arena and the degen I copped as she was under suicides was crazy. Is this mechanic meant to be as the player doesn’t actually apply the debuff? Cable doesn’t do it and given I lost basically half hero health only fighting a 5/50 if she was to be an alliance war boss at 5/65 or higher she’d basically be unbeatable if under suicides assuming it scales.

    She dooes not apply it, it is a passive that jsut happens and cannot therefore be removed as long as she has a bleed.
    Yeah I’m asking if it’s a bug. She may not apply it but either way it is applied to you if she is under double edge. I’d like to know if this is an intended interaction with the mastery as if it is and if it scales it potentially can not be countered given the lack of degen immune champs.
    As an AW boss I’m struggling to think of a way she could be beaten given you’d be dead in under a 20 seconds. It’s unavoidable damage without even being on a node
    It is intended to be that way, but it is a set amount. Also it will not kill you in under 20 seconds, it does 5800 damage in 20 seconds, less than a good single hit.

    It is in her spotlight.
    Everything you said here is wrong or opinion.
    is it not in her spotlight. I was wrong about it being a set amount but not *everything*

    Lormif said:

    that is your opinion, not a fact. I have provided accurate factual data except when I stated it was my opinion, you provide opinions stated as fact, just like you just did. And from the rhino thread I provided feed back with your lack of information. Had we had a video, like we did on aegon (which is when we saw there was an issue) then that feedback would have been different. Also I have pointed out plenty of people being correct given the information. So instead of making this thread personal and taking it off topic as you did point out HOW I am wrong, dont attack me. For interlace is "double edged" a bleed? Does elsa degen on bleeds? If so then it is intended. You want to talk about how the damage probable should not scale so high? great I would agree with you as I did on the thread on in general. but she is designed to degen with double edge.

    What factual data did you provide?
    Who are you talking about when you say WE?
    How do you know that she was designed to bleed with double edge?
    That is your opinion, that is not fact. It may occur but unless you have spoken to a design team member you have no factual evidence of this.
    You stated an opinion as fact.
    Could not load a video with rhino as it won’t allow me but all it would take was for you to play with him for 30 seconds, instead your first port of call is to get on here and tell someone they are wrong.
    Why should I not point out you were wrong? You WERE wrong, you stated as fact that her degen did not scale. That’s misinformation
    That double edge is a bleed and she degens on bleed. I’ve also provided factual data lol. To say I haven’t and everything I say is opinion is overgeneralising which seems to be okay for you but not okay for others
    How do you know that she was designed to bleed with double edge? Does double edge count as a bleed with Omega red and death field? Yes, double edge is a bleed, it has a bleed icon, other bleeds stack on top of double edge.
    I meant degen, how do you know she was seasoned to degen with double edge. Have you personally spoken with someone? Was it in her spotlight?
    You are of the opinion it does, you have no factual data.

    You are overgeneralizing. Tell me I am incorrect and tell me why and how I am incorrect. Dont tell me *everything* I have said has been incorrect, which is false. Do nto attack me directly, attack my argument. I was wrong, I stated it did not in fact scale and I have in fact owned up to that error. That one error that I owned up to does not establish "All you’ve done is feed misinformation," and does not justify you taking the thread off topic.
    You owned up to nothing.
    So admitting I was wrong (about the scaling), not once, not twice but 3 times now is "owned up to nothing". Does your irrationality know no bounds?
  • Rougeknight87Rougeknight87 Member Posts: 599 ★★★
    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    As the title says I fought Elsa in arena and the degen I copped as she was under suicides was crazy. Is this mechanic meant to be as the player doesn’t actually apply the debuff? Cable doesn’t do it and given I lost basically half hero health only fighting a 5/50 if she was to be an alliance war boss at 5/65 or higher she’d basically be unbeatable if under suicides assuming it scales.

    She dooes not apply it, it is a passive that jsut happens and cannot therefore be removed as long as she has a bleed.
    Yeah I’m asking if it’s a bug. She may not apply it but either way it is applied to you if she is under double edge. I’d like to know if this is an intended interaction with the mastery as if it is and if it scales it potentially can not be countered given the lack of degen immune champs.
    As an AW boss I’m struggling to think of a way she could be beaten given you’d be dead in under a 20 seconds. It’s unavoidable damage without even being on a node
    It is intended to be that way, but it is a set amount. Also it will not kill you in under 20 seconds, it does 5800 damage in 20 seconds, less than a good single hit.

    It is in her spotlight.
    Everything you said here is wrong or opinion.
    is it not in her spotlight. I was wrong about it being a set amount but not *everything*

    Lormif said:

    that is your opinion, not a fact. I have provided accurate factual data except when I stated it was my opinion, you provide opinions stated as fact, just like you just did. And from the rhino thread I provided feed back with your lack of information. Had we had a video, like we did on aegon (which is when we saw there was an issue) then that feedback would have been different. Also I have pointed out plenty of people being correct given the information. So instead of making this thread personal and taking it off topic as you did point out HOW I am wrong, dont attack me. For interlace is "double edged" a bleed? Does elsa degen on bleeds? If so then it is intended. You want to talk about how the damage probable should not scale so high? great I would agree with you as I did on the thread on in general. but she is designed to degen with double edge.

    What factual data did you provide?
    Who are you talking about when you say WE?
    How do you know that she was designed to bleed with double edge?
    That is your opinion, that is not fact. It may occur but unless you have spoken to a design team member you have no factual evidence of this.
    You stated an opinion as fact.
    Could not load a video with rhino as it won’t allow me but all it would take was for you to play with him for 30 seconds, instead your first port of call is to get on here and tell someone they are wrong.
    Why should I not point out you were wrong? You WERE wrong, you stated as fact that her degen did not scale. That’s misinformation
    That double edge is a bleed and she degens on bleed. I’ve also provided factual data lol. To say I haven’t and everything I say is opinion is overgeneralising which seems to be okay for you but not okay for others
    How do you know that she was designed to bleed with double edge? Does double edge count as a bleed with Omega red and death field? Yes, double edge is a bleed, it has a bleed icon, other bleeds stack on top of double edge.
    I meant degen, how do you know she was seasoned to degen with double edge. Have you personally spoken with someone? Was it in her spotlight?
    You are of the opinion it does, you have no factual data.

    You are overgeneralizing. Tell me I am incorrect and tell me why and how I am incorrect. Dont tell me *everything* I have said has been incorrect, which is false. Do nto attack me directly, attack my argument. I was wrong, I stated it did not in fact scale and I have in fact owned up to that error. That one error that I owned up to does not establish "All you’ve done is feed misinformation," and does not justify you taking the thread off topic.
    You owned up to nothing.
    So admitting I was wrong (about the scaling), not once, not twice but 3 times now is "owned up to nothing". Does your irrationality know no bounds?
    Can you show me where you admitted you were wrong before we started this back and forth? I’d like to see it, I’d also like to know how you think I’m being irrational
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    As the title says I fought Elsa in arena and the degen I copped as she was under suicides was crazy. Is this mechanic meant to be as the player doesn’t actually apply the debuff? Cable doesn’t do it and given I lost basically half hero health only fighting a 5/50 if she was to be an alliance war boss at 5/65 or higher she’d basically be unbeatable if under suicides assuming it scales.

    She dooes not apply it, it is a passive that jsut happens and cannot therefore be removed as long as she has a bleed.
    Yeah I’m asking if it’s a bug. She may not apply it but either way it is applied to you if she is under double edge. I’d like to know if this is an intended interaction with the mastery as if it is and if it scales it potentially can not be countered given the lack of degen immune champs.
    As an AW boss I’m struggling to think of a way she could be beaten given you’d be dead in under a 20 seconds. It’s unavoidable damage without even being on a node
    It is intended to be that way, but it is a set amount. Also it will not kill you in under 20 seconds, it does 5800 damage in 20 seconds, less than a good single hit.

    It is in her spotlight.
    Everything you said here is wrong or opinion.
    is it not in her spotlight. I was wrong about it being a set amount but not *everything*

    Lormif said:

    that is your opinion, not a fact. I have provided accurate factual data except when I stated it was my opinion, you provide opinions stated as fact, just like you just did. And from the rhino thread I provided feed back with your lack of information. Had we had a video, like we did on aegon (which is when we saw there was an issue) then that feedback would have been different. Also I have pointed out plenty of people being correct given the information. So instead of making this thread personal and taking it off topic as you did point out HOW I am wrong, dont attack me. For interlace is "double edged" a bleed? Does elsa degen on bleeds? If so then it is intended. You want to talk about how the damage probable should not scale so high? great I would agree with you as I did on the thread on in general. but she is designed to degen with double edge.

    What factual data did you provide?
    Who are you talking about when you say WE?
    How do you know that she was designed to bleed with double edge?
    That is your opinion, that is not fact. It may occur but unless you have spoken to a design team member you have no factual evidence of this.
    You stated an opinion as fact.
    Could not load a video with rhino as it won’t allow me but all it would take was for you to play with him for 30 seconds, instead your first port of call is to get on here and tell someone they are wrong.
    Why should I not point out you were wrong? You WERE wrong, you stated as fact that her degen did not scale. That’s misinformation
    That double edge is a bleed and she degens on bleed. I’ve also provided factual data lol. To say I haven’t and everything I say is opinion is overgeneralising which seems to be okay for you but not okay for others
    How do you know that she was designed to bleed with double edge? Does double edge count as a bleed with Omega red and death field? Yes, double edge is a bleed, it has a bleed icon, other bleeds stack on top of double edge.
    I meant degen, how do you know she was seasoned to degen with double edge. Have you personally spoken with someone? Was it in her spotlight?
    You are of the opinion it does, you have no factual data.

    You are overgeneralizing. Tell me I am incorrect and tell me why and how I am incorrect. Dont tell me *everything* I have said has been incorrect, which is false. Do nto attack me directly, attack my argument. I was wrong, I stated it did not in fact scale and I have in fact owned up to that error. That one error that I owned up to does not establish "All you’ve done is feed misinformation," and does not justify you taking the thread off topic.
    You owned up to nothing.
    So admitting I was wrong (about the scaling), not once, not twice but 3 times now is "owned up to nothing". Does your irrationality know no bounds?
    Can you show me where you admitted you were wrong before we started this back and forth? I’d like to see it, I’d also like to know how you think I’m being irrational
    now you are putting artificial limitations on something that was not there (irrational). I never stated I admitted I was wrong before this back and forth happened, but I did point it out in another thread, where I even proved her scaling, from last night.


    You are so bent on being 100% correct and proving me to be 100% false that you cannot even admit when you are wrong.
  • Rougeknight87Rougeknight87 Member Posts: 599 ★★★

    It is intended to be that way,
    This is an opinion, you have no idea whether or not her degen was meant to interact with suicides.
    but it is a set amount.
    Wrong it isn’t.
    Also it will not kill you in under 20 seconds,
    This is wrong as it does kill you in under 20 seconds
    it does 5800 damage in 20 seconds, less than a good single hit.
    This is also worn

    It is in her spotlight. None of this is in her spotlight so it’s also wrong.

  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    It is intended to be that way,
    This is an opinion, you have no idea whether or not her degen was meant to interact with suicides.
    but it is a set amount.
    Wrong it isn’t.
    Also it will not kill you in under 20 seconds,
    This is wrong as it does kill you in under 20 seconds
    it does 5800 damage in 20 seconds, less than a good single hit.
    This is also worn

    It is in her spotlight. None of this is in her spotlight so it’s also wrong.

    Saying that it is not meant to wort with suicides is saying Omega Red death field is not intended to work with suicides, which also works only when under the affect of a bleed. Claiming that double edge is not a bleed, when in every aspect of the game it is counted as a bleed, and it stacks with other bleeds and is not its own debuff is completely illogical.

    It literally states in her spotlight:

    When Elsa is affected by a Bleed Debuff, Non-Mutant Champions gain a Passive Degeneration dealing 145.92 Direct Damage every 0.5 seconds until all Bleed Debuffs on Elsa end. While this Degen is active Opponents are also Heal Blocked.

    So yes, unless yuou can show me how double edge is not a bleed debuff, when it acts as a bleed debuff in every other aspect of the game, it is literally in her champion spotlight.

    And dont think I havent noticed that I have pointed out that it being a bleed debuff is what makes OR so powerful and you have ignored it every time.
  • Rougeknight87Rougeknight87 Member Posts: 599 ★★★
    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    As the title says I fought Elsa in arena and the degen I copped as she was under suicides was crazy. Is this mechanic meant to be as the player doesn’t actually apply the debuff? Cable doesn’t do it and given I lost basically half hero health only fighting a 5/50 if she was to be an alliance war boss at 5/65 or higher she’d basically be unbeatable if under suicides assuming it scales.

    She dooes not apply it, it is a passive that jsut happens and cannot therefore be removed as long as she has a bleed.
    Yeah I’m asking if it’s a bug. She may not apply it but either way it is applied to you if she is under double edge. I’d like to know if this is an intended interaction with the mastery as if it is and if it scales it potentially can not be countered given the lack of degen immune champs.
    As an AW boss I’m struggling to think of a way she could be beaten given you’d be dead in under a 20 seconds. It’s unavoidable damage without even being on a node
    It is intended to be that way, but it is a set amount. Also it will not kill you in under 20 seconds, it does 5800 damage in 20 seconds, less than a good single hit.

    It is in her spotlight.
    Everything you said here is wrong or opinion.
    is it not in her spotlight. I was wrong about it being a set amount but not *everything*

    Lormif said:

    that is your opinion, not a fact. I have provided accurate factual data except when I stated it was my opinion, you provide opinions stated as fact, just like you just did. And from the rhino thread I provided feed back with your lack of information. Had we had a video, like we did on aegon (which is when we saw there was an issue) then that feedback would have been different. Also I have pointed out plenty of people being correct given the information. So instead of making this thread personal and taking it off topic as you did point out HOW I am wrong, dont attack me. For interlace is "double edged" a bleed? Does elsa degen on bleeds? If so then it is intended. You want to talk about how the damage probable should not scale so high? great I would agree with you as I did on the thread on in general. but she is designed to degen with double edge.

    What factual data did you provide?
    Who are you talking about when you say WE?
    How do you know that she was designed to bleed with double edge?
    That is your opinion, that is not fact. It may occur but unless you have spoken to a design team member you have no factual evidence of this.
    You stated an opinion as fact.
    Could not load a video with rhino as it won’t allow me but all it would take was for you to play with him for 30 seconds, instead your first port of call is to get on here and tell someone they are wrong.
    Why should I not point out you were wrong? You WERE wrong, you stated as fact that her degen did not scale. That’s misinformation
    That double edge is a bleed and she degens on bleed. I’ve also provided factual data lol. To say I haven’t and everything I say is opinion is overgeneralising which seems to be okay for you but not okay for others
    How do you know that she was designed to bleed with double edge? Does double edge count as a bleed with Omega red and death field? Yes, double edge is a bleed, it has a bleed icon, other bleeds stack on top of double edge.
    I meant degen, how do you know she was seasoned to degen with double edge. Have you personally spoken with someone? Was it in her spotlight?
    You are of the opinion it does, you have no factual data.

    You are overgeneralizing. Tell me I am incorrect and tell me why and how I am incorrect. Dont tell me *everything* I have said has been incorrect, which is false. Do nto attack me directly, attack my argument. I was wrong, I stated it did not in fact scale and I have in fact owned up to that error. That one error that I owned up to does not establish "All you’ve done is feed misinformation," and does not justify you taking the thread off topic.
    You owned up to nothing.
    So admitting I was wrong (about the scaling), not once, not twice but 3 times now is "owned up to nothing". Does your irrationality know no bounds?
    Can you show me where you admitted you were wrong before we started this back and forth? I’d like to see it, I’d also like to know how you think I’m being irrational
    now you are putting artificial limitations on something that was not there (irrational). I never stated I admitted I was wrong before this back and forth happened, but I did point it out in another thread, where I even proved her scaling, from last night.


    You are so bent on being 100% correct and proving me to be 100% false that you cannot even admit when you are wrong.
    😂😂😂😂 I’m bent on being 100% correct? So you’re expecting me to know everything you’ve said in a thread I’ve never been on like a follow you around and value your opinion? Your ego knows no bounds😂

    Where was I wrong again? You stated you said you were wrong 3 times, you didn’t say it here or to me, how was I supposed to know you’d changed your opinion?
  • Rougeknight87Rougeknight87 Member Posts: 599 ★★★

    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    As the title says I fought Elsa in arena and the degen I copped as she was under suicides was crazy. Is this mechanic meant to be as the player doesn’t actually apply the debuff? Cable doesn’t do it and given I lost basically half hero health only fighting a 5/50 if she was to be an alliance war boss at 5/65 or higher she’d basically be unbeatable if under suicides assuming it scales.

    She dooes not apply it, it is a passive that jsut happens and cannot therefore be removed as long as she has a bleed.
    Yeah I’m asking if it’s a bug. She may not apply it but either way it is applied to you if she is under double edge. I’d like to know if this is an intended interaction with the mastery as if it is and if it scales it potentially can not be countered given the lack of degen immune champs.
    As an AW boss I’m struggling to think of a way she could be beaten given you’d be dead in under a 20 seconds. It’s unavoidable damage without even being on a node
    It is intended to be that way, but it is a set amount. Also it will not kill you in under 20 seconds, it does 5800 damage in 20 seconds, less than a good single hit.

    It is in her spotlight.
    Everything you said here is wrong or opinion.
    is it not in her spotlight. I was wrong about it being a set amount but not *everything*

    Lormif said:

    that is your opinion, not

    Lormif said:

    It is intended to be that way,
    This is an opinion, you have no idea whether or not her degen was meant to interact with suicides.
    but it is a set amount.
    Wrong it isn’t.
    Also it will not kill you in under 20 seconds,
    This is wrong as it does kill you in under 20 seconds
    it does 5800 damage in 20 seconds, less than a good single hit.
    This is also worn

    It is in her spotlight. None of this is in her spotlight so it’s also wrong.

    Saying that it is not meant to wort with suicides is saying Omega Red death field is not intended to work with suicides, which also works only when under the affect of a bleed. Claiming that double edge is not a bleed, when in every aspect of the game it is counted as a bleed, and it stacks with other bleeds and is not its own debuff is completely illogical.

    It literally states in her spotlight:

    When Elsa is affected by a Bleed Debuff, Non-Mutant Champions gain a Passive Degeneration dealing 145.92 Direct Damage every 0.5 seconds until all Bleed Debuffs on Elsa end. While this Degen is active Opponents are also Heal Blocked.

    So yes, unless yuou can show me how double edge is not a bleed debuff, when it acts as a bleed debuff in every other aspect of the game, it is literally in her champion spotlight.

    And dont think I havent noticed that I have pointed out that it being a bleed debuff is what makes OR so powerful and you have ignored it every time.
    I asked whether the degen was meant to be applied with suicides. What you are working off now is when I mistakenly put bleed instead of degen. You have no idea whether the degen was meant to be applied when she is under suicides.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    As the title says I fought Elsa in arena and the degen I copped as she was under suicides was crazy. Is this mechanic meant to be as the player doesn’t actually apply the debuff? Cable doesn’t do it and given I lost basically half hero health only fighting a 5/50 if she was to be an alliance war boss at 5/65 or higher she’d basically be unbeatable if under suicides assuming it scales.

    She dooes not apply it, it is a passive that jsut happens and cannot therefore be removed as long as she has a bleed.
    Yeah I’m asking if it’s a bug. She may not apply it but either way it is applied to you if she is under double edge. I’d like to know if this is an intended interaction with the mastery as if it is and if it scales it potentially can not be countered given the lack of degen immune champs.
    As an AW boss I’m struggling to think of a way she could be beaten given you’d be dead in under a 20 seconds. It’s unavoidable damage without even being on a node
    It is intended to be that way, but it is a set amount. Also it will not kill you in under 20 seconds, it does 5800 damage in 20 seconds, less than a good single hit.

    It is in her spotlight.
    Everything you said here is wrong or opinion.
    is it not in her spotlight. I was wrong about it being a set amount but not *everything*

    Lormif said:

    that is your opinion, not a fact. I have provided accurate factual data except when I stated it was my opinion, you provide opinions stated as fact, just like you just did. And from the rhino thread I provided feed back with your lack of information. Had we had a video, like we did on aegon (which is when we saw there was an issue) then that feedback would have been different. Also I have pointed out plenty of people being correct given the information. So instead of making this thread personal and taking it off topic as you did point out HOW I am wrong, dont attack me. For interlace is "double edged" a bleed? Does elsa degen on bleeds? If so then it is intended. You want to talk about how the damage probable should not scale so high? great I would agree with you as I did on the thread on in general. but she is designed to degen with double edge.

    What factual data did you provide?
    Who are you talking about when you say WE?
    How do you know that she was designed to bleed with double edge?
    That is your opinion, that is not fact. It may occur but unless you have spoken to a design team member you have no factual evidence of this.
    You stated an opinion as fact.
    Could not load a video with rhino as it won’t allow me but all it would take was for you to play with him for 30 seconds, instead your first port of call is to get on here and tell someone they are wrong.
    Why should I not point out you were wrong? You WERE wrong, you stated as fact that her degen did not scale. That’s misinformation
    That double edge is a bleed and she degens on bleed. I’ve also provided factual data lol. To say I haven’t and everything I say is opinion is overgeneralising which seems to be okay for you but not okay for others
    How do you know that she was designed to bleed with double edge? Does double edge count as a bleed with Omega red and death field? Yes, double edge is a bleed, it has a bleed icon, other bleeds stack on top of double edge.
    I meant degen, how do you know she was seasoned to degen with double edge. Have you personally spoken with someone? Was it in her spotlight?
    You are of the opinion it does, you have no factual data.

    You are overgeneralizing. Tell me I am incorrect and tell me why and how I am incorrect. Dont tell me *everything* I have said has been incorrect, which is false. Do nto attack me directly, attack my argument. I was wrong, I stated it did not in fact scale and I have in fact owned up to that error. That one error that I owned up to does not establish "All you’ve done is feed misinformation," and does not justify you taking the thread off topic.
    You owned up to nothing.
    So admitting I was wrong (about the scaling), not once, not twice but 3 times now is "owned up to nothing". Does your irrationality know no bounds?
    Can you show me where you admitted you were wrong before we started this back and forth? I’d like to see it, I’d also like to know how you think I’m being irrational
    now you are putting artificial limitations on something that was not there (irrational). I never stated I admitted I was wrong before this back and forth happened, but I did point it out in another thread, where I even proved her scaling, from last night.


    You are so bent on being 100% correct and proving me to be 100% false that you cannot even admit when you are wrong.
    😂😂😂😂 I’m bent on being 100% correct? So you’re expecting me to know everything you’ve said in a thread I’ve never been on like a follow you around and value your opinion? Your ego knows no bounds😂

    Where was I wrong again? You stated you said you were wrong 3 times, you didn’t say it here or to me, how was I supposed to know you’d changed your opinion?
    you expected me to know that a bug existed without any other evidence...
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    They turned off Cable's degen from DE, thay have to do the same with Elsa.
  • Rougeknight87Rougeknight87 Member Posts: 599 ★★★
    Lormif said:

    It is intended to be that way,
    This is an opinion, you have no idea whether or not her degen was meant to interact with suicides.
    but it is a set amount.
    Wrong it isn’t.
    Also it will not kill you in under 20 seconds,
    This is wrong as it does kill you in under 20 seconds
    it does 5800 damage in 20 seconds, less than a good single hit.
    This is also worn

    It is in her spotlight. None of this is in her spotlight so it’s also wrong.

    Saying that it is not meant to wort with suicides is saying Omega Red death field is not intended to work with suicides, which also works only when under the affect of a bleed. Claiming that double edge is not a bleed, when in every aspect of the game it is counted as a bleed, and it stacks with other bleeds and is not its own debuff is completely illogical.

    It literally states in her spotlight:

    When Elsa is affected by a Bleed Debuff, Non-Mutant Champions gain a Passive Degeneration dealing 145.92 Direct Damage every 0.5 seconds until all Bleed Debuffs on Elsa end. While this Degen is active Opponents are also Heal Blocked.

    So yes, unless yuou can show me how double edge is not a bleed debuff, when it acts as a bleed debuff in every other aspect of the game, it is literally in her champion spotlight.

    And dont think I havent noticed that I have pointed out that it being a bleed debuff is what makes OR so powerful and you have ignored it every time.

    When I said bleed I meant degen. Don’t think I haven’t noticed how you fixated on that one point instead of every other point in that post you quoted.
    You have no idea whether it was meant to degen when under suicides, all you’re doing is assuming which is your opinion which was the point.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    As the title says I fought Elsa in arena and the degen I copped as she was under suicides was crazy. Is this mechanic meant to be as the player doesn’t actually apply the debuff? Cable doesn’t do it and given I lost basically half hero health only fighting a 5/50 if she was to be an alliance war boss at 5/65 or higher she’d basically be unbeatable if under suicides assuming it scales.

    She dooes not apply it, it is a passive that jsut happens and cannot therefore be removed as long as she has a bleed.
    Yeah I’m asking if it’s a bug. She may not apply it but either way it is applied to you if she is under double edge. I’d like to know if this is an intended interaction with the mastery as if it is and if it scales it potentially can not be countered given the lack of degen immune champs.
    As an AW boss I’m struggling to think of a way she could be beaten given you’d be dead in under a 20 seconds. It’s unavoidable damage without even being on a node
    It is intended to be that way, but it is a set amount. Also it will not kill you in under 20 seconds, it does 5800 damage in 20 seconds, less than a good single hit.

    It is in her spotlight.
    Everything you said here is wrong or opinion.
    is it not in her spotlight. I was wrong about it being a set amount but not *everything*

    Lormif said:

    that is your opinion, not

    Lormif said:

    It is intended to be that way,
    This is an opinion, you have no idea whether or not her degen was meant to interact with suicides.
    but it is a set amount.
    Wrong it isn’t.
    Also it will not kill you in under 20 seconds,
    This is wrong as it does kill you in under 20 seconds
    it does 5800 damage in 20 seconds, less than a good single hit.
    This is also worn

    It is in her spotlight. None of this is in her spotlight so it’s also wrong.

    Saying that it is not meant to wort with suicides is saying Omega Red death field is not intended to work with suicides, which also works only when under the affect of a bleed. Claiming that double edge is not a bleed, when in every aspect of the game it is counted as a bleed, and it stacks with other bleeds and is not its own debuff is completely illogical.

    It literally states in her spotlight:

    When Elsa is affected by a Bleed Debuff, Non-Mutant Champions gain a Passive Degeneration dealing 145.92 Direct Damage every 0.5 seconds until all Bleed Debuffs on Elsa end. While this Degen is active Opponents are also Heal Blocked.

    So yes, unless yuou can show me how double edge is not a bleed debuff, when it acts as a bleed debuff in every other aspect of the game, it is literally in her champion spotlight.

    And dont think I havent noticed that I have pointed out that it being a bleed debuff is what makes OR so powerful and you have ignored it every time.
    I asked whether the degen was meant to be applied with suicides. What you are working off now is when I mistakenly put bleed instead of degen. You have no idea whether the degen was meant to be applied when she is under suicides.
    They are tied together. Apparently you STILL dont know how the ability works, I will walk you through it.

    When Elsa is affected by a Bleed Debuff, (double edge is a bleed debuff)

    Non-Mutant Champions gain a Passive Degeneration dealing 145.92 Direct Damage every 0.5 seconds (everyone but mutants get a degen)

    until all Bleed Debuffs on Elsa end. While this Degen is active Opponents are also Heal Blocked. (when the bleed goes away the degen goes away, not until then which is why it persists on fury)

    Again, in short, if elsa has a bleed debuff everyone but mutants degen according to her spotlighjt.

    In order to say that it should not work with double edge you have to prove one of 2 things

    1) double edge is not a bleed which would nerf OR majorly
    2) it is a passive ability which would nerf Aegon and a host of debuff shruggers as well as probably break Gladiator hulk because his faceme would be 100% active under liquid courage.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★

    They turned off Cable's degen from DE, thay have to do the same with Elsa.

    Not at all, degen is an aura resulting from her bleeding. This is the same mechanic Omega Red, Blade, Void and Abomination benefit from regardless of the source.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    Please quote properly, it is causing replies to fail.

    The 2 are tied together. It does not matter if you say bleed or degen they are both 100% tied together:

    When Elsa is affected by a Bleed Debuff, (double edge is a bleed debuff)

    Non-Mutant (mutants are safe)

    Champions gain a Passive Degeneration dealing 145.92 Direct Damage every 0.5 seconds

    until all Bleed Debuffs on Elsa end. (survives things like furies decoy death)

    While this Degen is active Opponents are also Heal Blocked.

    In order to show it should not work with suicides you have to prove one of 2 things:

    1) double edge is not a bleed which would be a major nerf for OR
    2) it should be a passive which would be a major nerf for aegon and other buff shurggers and make ghulk nearly unstoppable with 100% faceme uptime.

    Those are 2 things you cannot show.
  • Rougeknight87Rougeknight87 Member Posts: 599 ★★★
    I’m not trying to disprove any of that buddy! 😂 I created a thread to ask if it was intended, you said it was. YOU have no idea if it was Intended or not, so that is an opinion you are stating as fact! That’s the point as that’s what you’re telling me I do.
    You asked me to point out where you wrong, I pointed it out.
    You’re now running this in another direction
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    In 15 minutes ya’ll will having being going back and forth for 2 hours. 😂
  • Rougeknight87Rougeknight87 Member Posts: 599 ★★★

    In 15 minutes ya’ll will having being going back and forth for 2 hours. 😂

    In 15 minutes ya’ll will having being going back and forth for 2 hours. 😂

    Lol he/she can do this all day. Bed time for me soon, been a laugh though.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    I’m not trying to disprove any of that buddy! 😂 I created a thread to ask if it was intended, you said it was. YOU have no idea if it was Intended or not, so that is an opinion you are stating as fact! That’s the point as that’s what you’re telling me I do.
    You asked me to point out where you wrong, I pointed it out.
    You’re now running this in another direction

    Except I DO have an idea, based on all the information in her spotlight, and knowledge of how suicides work, it IS suposed to work.


    When Elsa is affected by a Bleed Debuff, Non-Mutant Champions gain a Passive Degeneration dealing 145.92 Direct Damage every 0.5 seconds until all Bleed Debuffs on Elsa end. While this Degen is active Opponents are also Heal Blocked.

    If she is bleeding you get a degen, double edge is bleeding, therefore you get a degen. Claim I have no idea if it is supposed to work that way, when it literally tells you it should work that way, is the height of arrogance.

    You where did you point out I am wrong? Also you were the one who started attacking me, taking the thread off topic.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★

    They turned off Cable's degen from DE, thay have to do the same with Elsa.

    Not at all, degen is an aura resulting from her bleeding. This is the same mechanic Omega Red, Blade, Void and Abomination benefit from regardless of the source.
    Can you stay back and wait it out like OR or Blade?
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    They turned off Cable's degen from DE, thay have to do the same with Elsa.

    Not at all, degen is an aura resulting from her bleeding. This is the same mechanic Omega Red, Blade, Void and Abomination benefit from regardless of the source.
    Can you stay back and wait it out like OR or Blade?
    What does that have to do with anything. Claiming the ability is overpowered is differnt from stating it should not work the way it states it work and anyone who disagrees with you is wrong and has no clue how it should work at all despite it saying it should work this way.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★

    They turned off Cable's degen from DE, thay have to do the same with Elsa.

    Not at all, degen is an aura resulting from her bleeding. This is the same mechanic Omega Red, Blade, Void and Abomination benefit from regardless of the source.
    Can you stay back and wait it out like OR or Blade?
    Non sequitur, try again.

  • Rougeknight87Rougeknight87 Member Posts: 599 ★★★
    Lormif said:

    I’m not trying to disprove any of that buddy! 😂 I created a thread to ask if it was intended, you said it was. YOU have no idea if it was Intended or not, so that is an opinion you are stating as fact! That’s the point as that’s what you’re telling me I do.
    You asked me to point out where you wrong, I pointed it out.
    You’re now running this in another direction

    Except I DO have an idea, based on all the information in her spotlight, and knowledge of how suicides work, it IS suposed to work.


    When Elsa is affected by a Bleed Debuff, Non-Mutant Champions gain a Passive Degeneration dealing 145.92 Direct Damage every 0.5 seconds until all Bleed Debuffs on Elsa end. While this Degen is active Opponents are also Heal Blocked.

    If she is bleeding you get a degen, double edge is bleeding, therefore you get a degen. Claim I have no idea if it is supposed to work that way, when it literally tells you it should work that way, is the height of arrogance.

    You where did you point out I am wrong? Also you were the one who started attacking me, taking the thread off topic.
    Where does it say it’s meant to interact with suicides?
    Lormif said:

    Lormif said:

    As the title says I fought Elsa in arena and the degen I copped as she was under suicides was crazy. Is this mechanic meant to be as the player doesn’t actually apply the debuff? Cable doesn’t do it and given I lost basically half hero health only fighting a 5/50 if she was to be an alliance war boss at 5/65 or higher she’d basically be unbeatable if under suicides assuming it scales.

    She dooes not apply it, it is a passive that jsut happens and cannot therefore be removed as long as she has a bleed.
    Yeah I’m asking if it’s a bug. She may not apply it but either way it is applied to you if she is under double edge. I’d like to know if this is an intended interaction with the mastery as if it is and if it scales it potentially can not be countered given the lack of degen immune champs.
    As an AW boss I’m struggling to think of a way she could be beaten given you’d be dead in under a 20 seconds. It’s unavoidable damage without even being on a node
    It is intended to be that way, but it is a set amount. Also it will not kill you in under 20 seconds, it does 5800 damage in 20 seconds, less than a good single hit.

    It is in her spotlight.
    Please don’t make me do this again.
    You said It is intended to interact with suicides, this is opinion. You have no idea whether that’s what they intended, on evidence it seems like they didn’t test her under suicides. They also didn’t state it in her spotlight.
    You said it was a set amount. Wrong.
    You said it wouldn’t kill you in under 20 seconds. That’s wrong also.
    It does 5800 max in 20 seconds, that’s only a single hit. WRONG again.

    All this was in her spotlight. You implied the questions I had would be answered in her spotlight. WRONG again.

    Last time man.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    Ugh, you guys are just brutal to try to talk to. Saying its' the same as OR and Blade is just wrong.
This discussion has been closed.