Which Cosmic to R5?

I got a Cosmic gem from 100% completion of Variant 3, and have a few good options. My next goals are 100% 6.1, my first clear of 6.2, and eventually finish Variant 1 (I want to 100% LOL but I have 5* Aegon waiting to be ranked up for that). From what I've seen about 6.2, I am leaning towards Sparkles, but I have heard Hyperion is a beast at R5 as well. All are awakened.
Which Cosmic to R5? 91 votes
If you are lucky R4 hyperion does good damage. If you are unlucky R5 hyperion is also not great.
So i would finally vote for cap marvel as its not RNG and damage potential in binary ignition is same as long as opponent does not nullify or immune to Armour break and you have enough skills to heavy intercept for stun immune nodes. She deserves edge.