Which Cosmic to R5?

10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,204 ★★★
edited October 2019 in Strategy and Tips
I got a Cosmic gem from 100% completion of Variant 3, and have a few good options. My next goals are 100% 6.1, my first clear of 6.2, and eventually finish Variant 1 (I want to 100% LOL but I have 5* Aegon waiting to be ranked up for that). From what I've seen about 6.2, I am leaning towards Sparkles, but I have heard Hyperion is a beast at R5 as well. All are awakened.

Which Cosmic to R5? 91 votes

Captain Marvel Movie (Sparkles) - I have 5* Fury for synergy
thetaman23Carmel1razielIndrick781RazorDevilNifzMets17TROUBL3DGNASTYMityAntLvernon15AanthoNiteAndDaeMostWantedMilesHolmwoodSaransh245PeterQuillKerneasStagedear85Evans_Prime 54 votes
JOHNOSA1995Spity68NanaPokuPrickerBlackPhoenix44CropDusterSammyJankisSavio444Crimsontide1616DonnymeijFaisaljavedLaVarBBBHotFondue1520RaiserCUBZombieZeddTheSpicyKnightgforcefanZeezoosBatman1903 34 votes
Venom the Duck
LibralonixLoganSavage115Kalantak 3 votes


  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    Captain Marvel Movie (Sparkles) - I have 5* Fury for synergy
    If they were awakened, I'd say Hype, but unawakened, Sparkles. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Just parry and block during the first fight till you reach 25 binary charges, then spam the Sp2 and throw heavies any time you get a stun. It's that simple. The fact that you have the Nick Fury synergy is amazing as well. She seems to just be getting better as more and more content comes out. I strongly believe that she will eventually take the mantle over even duped Hype.
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    Captain Marvel Movie (Sparkles) - I have 5* Fury for synergy
    She’s an absolute beast for act 6, and her value only seems to be going up as time goes on
  • 10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,204 ★★★
    Thank you both. @Etjama, I did say they are all awakened. So I do have access to their sig abilities (Sparkles is at sig 70 and Hype is sig 130).
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    Captain Marvel Movie (Sparkles) - I have 5* Fury for synergy

    Thank you both. @Etjama, I did say they are all awakened. So I do have access to their sig abilities (Sparkles is at sig 70 and Hype is sig 130).

    Ah, sorry about that, must've read it wrong. In that case, I'd personally go Hype, but watch Sparkles as I've said. She's a rising star. In fact, for where you are right now, she may very well be the better option
  • Crimsontide1616Crimsontide1616 Member Posts: 303 ★★
    Hyperion bro- dude is a monster at rank 5
  • Legendary_PoeyLegendary_Poey Member Posts: 209
    Both are amazing champions and will help in act 6, but I think hype is slightly more versatile.
    Captain Marvel Movie (Sparkles) - I have 5* Fury for synergy
    She’s a BEAST and very useful in act 6
  • McocHPMcocHP Member Posts: 50
    edited October 2019
    Cap marvel movie for sure. Only headache is the first fight. Sometimes if my parry game is not on song i quit the match and start again. Once you've reached binary the entire quest is easy. The two things Hyperion has over her is the incinerate on sp1 and his great power gain. Then again cap movie has some level of power gain when in binary and sp2.
  • RaiserRaiser Member Posts: 424 ★★
    I 100% 6.1 with hype
  • TROUBL3DTROUBL3D Member Posts: 195
    Captain Marvel Movie (Sparkles) - I have 5* Fury for synergy
    I was lucky enough to pull a 6* CM MCU and even unakawned, I find her ridiculously powerful, especially with the NF synergy. By far my favourite champ and way more fun to play with than Hype IMO.
  • WhiteStrikerWhiteStriker Member Posts: 107
    Captain Marvel Movie (Sparkles) - I have 5* Fury for synergy
    Depends up on how you enjoy playing. Cap marvel gifts you more if you are better player. You need to be aggressive (can be less aggressive with synergy). Also synergy champ nick fury is also great for playing for lot of matchups. Instead Hyperion doesnot need long rampup and easy style to play. But Hyperion needs lots of luck. Some times you want get furies, stun on sp2 or incinerate of sp1.
    If you are lucky R4 hyperion does good damage. If you are unlucky R5 hyperion is also not great.

    So i would finally vote for cap marvel as its not RNG and damage potential in binary ignition is same as long as opponent does not nullify or immune to Armour break and you have enough skills to heavy intercept for stun immune nodes. She deserves edge.
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