If we are talking HISTORY, the most significant was probably cap. Both in his world of taking down Hydra/Nazis, but also in our world during WW2 as a personification of American freedom to both encourage those fighting and inspire those on the homefront.
When you say best champ in history, this game is so big that there's no set answer, therefore the answer would be the champion that can complete the most content, the most efficiently and the quickest. For most content: Quake Most efficiently: Hyperion Quickest: Champion that's fully ramped up (if the node allows them to be efficient). For example: Corvus with 4 charges, Aegon with 999 hits, Cull with I think 10 charges, Namor, etc. Not sure of anyone that can do all 3 but from what the comments are saying probably pre 12.0 SW.
I'd have to disagree and say for most content Ghost. She carried me to uncollected.
Captain sparkles with NF has pretty much 0 draw backs - damage comparable to Corvus, ability to cheese stupid damage nodes, no hard counters. Only downside was the film had my least favourite actress that they could have cast
2) Human Touch
3) Rouge
4) Collossus
5) Mordok
#2 Most of the best champs are not even on that poll
none other than .. of course ..
I guess he would have good synergy with Namor though
Only downside was the film had my least favourite actress that they could have cast