Creator Spotlight: MrSmileyCo!

Greetings Summoners!
Moving swiftly along with our creator spotlight series I would like to introduce you to a content creator who may be lesser known by the community at large, but has seen some massive growth in his YouTube channel since joining the CCP! Ladies and Gentleman, Skrulls of all ages, please give a warm welcome to MrSmileyCo!
Who are you?
“Hey everyone! My name is Robert, and I go by the name MrSmileyCo. I'm a film student, and just all around nerd.”
How did you get into content creation and what kind of content do you make?
“I got into content creation after watching lots of people online for a while, and then one day saying to myself "I can do that." The problem was I had absolutely no idea what I was doing.
Nowadays, my content is mainly a mix of crystal openings and early reviews on new champions, but I'll throw in some different types of videos now and then, such as news and guides. I'm also hoping to start streaming in the near future; once I get everything ready for that.”
What drew you to make content for Contest of Champions?
“Like I said, I was watching other people and thought I could do what they were doing. I had been playing Contest of Champions for about six months before I started making videos, and it was a game I really really enjoyed.”
Who is your favorite character to play in MCOC?
“Mysterio is a lot of fun to play. Any chance I can play him I will. I was super excited when he was announced and super glad/relieved he didn't disappoint.”
Which MCOC character has your favorite art design?
“My favorite art design has to be Night Thrasher. While I would say he is a very simple looking character, and I had never heard of him before MCOC, once I saw him for the first time I found myself thinking "that guy looks badass!" Also, he has a skateboard so +10 cool points.”
If you could add one character from the Marvel Universe to MCOC, who would you pick?
“You ask the impossible! While I would like to say every version of Ghost Rider ever, I would probably have to say Bullseye. The mercenary and frequent hired hand of Kingpin, I think would fit well in a Marvel fighting game period. With Kingpin, Dardevil, Elektra, etc. already in the game, and the existence of the Black Iso Mafia, I just think he could fit well into the game and story of MCOC.”
Favorite food of all time?
“I've been eating KD (Kraft Dinner) since I was little and I've yet to get tired of it. I might even have it for lunch today.”
Where can people find you and your content?
"You can find me primarily on YouTube, but I am also trying to build my following on Twitter and Twitch (once I start streaming)."
Anything you want to say to the community out there?
“Thank you all for just being awesome people. The MCOC community has to be one of the best communities I've ever been a part of. And to those of you who already know who I am, thank you for joining me on this crazy journey that is YouTube, MCOC and just life in general. It always blows me away that there are so many people out there that enjoy what I do, and it really means the world to me.”
One last question, how many holes does a straw have?
“This question has broken me. The answer is either 1 or 0. Either it is one giant hole, OR there are no holes because straws are designed as a tube, so there are no holes in the actual straw part.”
Big thank you to MrSmileyCo for taking the time to answer my questions, I'll be back next month with a brand new creator to speak with!
Moving swiftly along with our creator spotlight series I would like to introduce you to a content creator who may be lesser known by the community at large, but has seen some massive growth in his YouTube channel since joining the CCP! Ladies and Gentleman, Skrulls of all ages, please give a warm welcome to MrSmileyCo!
Who are you?
“Hey everyone! My name is Robert, and I go by the name MrSmileyCo. I'm a film student, and just all around nerd.”
How did you get into content creation and what kind of content do you make?
“I got into content creation after watching lots of people online for a while, and then one day saying to myself "I can do that." The problem was I had absolutely no idea what I was doing.
Nowadays, my content is mainly a mix of crystal openings and early reviews on new champions, but I'll throw in some different types of videos now and then, such as news and guides. I'm also hoping to start streaming in the near future; once I get everything ready for that.”
What drew you to make content for Contest of Champions?
“Like I said, I was watching other people and thought I could do what they were doing. I had been playing Contest of Champions for about six months before I started making videos, and it was a game I really really enjoyed.”
Who is your favorite character to play in MCOC?
“Mysterio is a lot of fun to play. Any chance I can play him I will. I was super excited when he was announced and super glad/relieved he didn't disappoint.”
Which MCOC character has your favorite art design?
“My favorite art design has to be Night Thrasher. While I would say he is a very simple looking character, and I had never heard of him before MCOC, once I saw him for the first time I found myself thinking "that guy looks badass!" Also, he has a skateboard so +10 cool points.”
If you could add one character from the Marvel Universe to MCOC, who would you pick?
“You ask the impossible! While I would like to say every version of Ghost Rider ever, I would probably have to say Bullseye. The mercenary and frequent hired hand of Kingpin, I think would fit well in a Marvel fighting game period. With Kingpin, Dardevil, Elektra, etc. already in the game, and the existence of the Black Iso Mafia, I just think he could fit well into the game and story of MCOC.”
Favorite food of all time?
“I've been eating KD (Kraft Dinner) since I was little and I've yet to get tired of it. I might even have it for lunch today.”
Where can people find you and your content?
"You can find me primarily on YouTube, but I am also trying to build my following on Twitter and Twitch (once I start streaming)."
Anything you want to say to the community out there?
“Thank you all for just being awesome people. The MCOC community has to be one of the best communities I've ever been a part of. And to those of you who already know who I am, thank you for joining me on this crazy journey that is YouTube, MCOC and just life in general. It always blows me away that there are so many people out there that enjoy what I do, and it really means the world to me.”
One last question, how many holes does a straw have?
“This question has broken me. The answer is either 1 or 0. Either it is one giant hole, OR there are no holes because straws are designed as a tube, so there are no holes in the actual straw part.”
Big thank you to MrSmileyCo for taking the time to answer my questions, I'll be back next month with a brand new creator to speak with!