What champion is always on your team no matter what

For me it’s always gonna be Omega Red. He pretty much has double immunity and life steal which is pretty useful in certain situations. And to top that off no one is immune to death spores or deathfield.
I gotta say, for the OP, SL has a permanent spot on my team for damage potential and how smoothly he plays
CaIW 5-65
Sentinel 4-55
Corvus 4-55
Oc 4-55
KM 4-55
When there's no AW Def, I quest with:
Domino 5-65
Rulk 5-50
Masacre 5-50
+2 quest specific champs
When both AQ+AW are on, I'll quest with
Venom 4-55
Voodoo 4-55
Blade 4-55
Spark 4-55
It's really situational. I use all my 4-55s actively and half my 6* make regular appearances too (Gamora/Guillotine/Elektra).
AQ: Iceman
5* r4 Ghost
5* r3 Ant-man
3* max Wasp
the other 2 are "fillers" depending on options, but without more info, my defaults are:
5* r4 Iceman
4* max Cpt. America IW.
pretty much my default 5 man team there .. *shrug*