Remove XP Reward in Solo Crystals

As the title suggests, I'm getting increasing frustrated by constantly 'winning' the XP boosts from the Solo Crystals.
I've been at the maximum level of XP for a long time now, so the reward is almost useless. Could it be removed, replaced, exchanged, or given a greater sell on value, because at the minute it's making those crystals a complete waste of time. The drop rate of winning the XP boost also seems to be about 99.9%! lol
I've been at the maximum level of XP for a long time now, so the reward is almost useless. Could it be removed, replaced, exchanged, or given a greater sell on value, because at the minute it's making those crystals a complete waste of time. The drop rate of winning the XP boost also seems to be about 99.9%! lol
So those who aren't level 60 lose another way to get xp boosts? Level 60 players aren't the only ones in the game just FYI.
I'm not trying to hinder anyone progressing, I remember how difficult it was to gain XP. I was trying to suggest the solo crystals are altered accordingly, like most of the other crystals, so the rewards are fitting to the players status in the game