[iOS] Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation



  • WarrenCoxWarrenCox Member Posts: 33
    Well it doesn’t seem to be that. Had another random force close at 08:54 GMT. In Arena.
  • WarrenCoxWarrenCox Member Posts: 33
    0923 and 0955. Seems to be happening every 20-30 mins. Hope this is fixed soon.
  • FabiusBRFabiusBR Member Posts: 303 ★★★
    Jumped into the arena this morning. Twenty minutes later, the game crashed/force closed. This started yesterday after installing the update. Very irritating. But typical. Every update seems to introduce some new and creative bug or performance issue.
  • NévioNévio Member Posts: 1
    I did twice the new event on lendary!
    I thought was allowed, but i'm not sure... so if it's not, please take back the souls
  • MarcinxMarcinx Member Posts: 1
    Hello, are you also able to duplicate the new evet in mcoc? I wonder if this is a bug in the game. And shouldn't Kabam amend?
  • Ronnyman889Ronnyman889 Member Posts: 180
    Connection now is just totally ****. Connection symbol are more visual than ever
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  • FabiusBRFabiusBR Member Posts: 303 ★★★
    Still closing at random. Seems to happen every 10-20 minutes of play. Making it hard to play and very unenjoyable. The game is getting to be less and less fun.
  • AwesomoChaosAwesomoChaos Member Posts: 78
    In-Game Name: Awesomo Chaos
    Device and Model: iPad Air 2
    Device Operating System: iOS 14.0.1
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: 28.2.1
    Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Event Quests, Arena.
    Description of the Issue: Game crashes/closes periodically since new update installed. Every 10-20 minutes.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    IGN: coathang3r
    Device: iPad Air 3rd gen
    OS: iOS 14.0.1 (also happened on 13.6.x, updated today to try and resolve the crashing)
    Game version 28.2.1
    Game mode: all modes aside from AW/AQ thus far (both are unavailable atm though)

    The game randomly crashes while running arenas, quests, viewing inventory.
  • bumble-beebumble-bee Member Posts: 159 ★★
    IGN: bumble-bee
    Device: iPad 6th gen
    OS: iOS 14.0.1
    Cellular/Wifi: WiFi
    Game version 28.2.1
    Game mode: Arena, Event quest, Side quest (haven't played any other mode after update)
    The game randomly crashes while running arenas and quests.
  • A_NAZA_NAZ Member Posts: 713 ★★★
    edited October 2020
    IGN: A_NAZ
    Device: iPhone X
    OS: iOS 14.0.1
    Latest game update

    Random force closes that seems to be an issue for so many. Happens perhaps 2-5 times a day and across any game mode.
  • taylzz13taylzz13 Member Posts: 7
    In-Game Name: TaylorTime13
    Device and Model: iPhone 7
    Device Operating System: iOS 13.7
    Cellular or WiFi: It happens on both. Verizon celluar
    Game Version Installed: 28.1
    Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Incursions
    Description of the Issue: I go to start a fight and app just crashes. Happens very frequently and random. This morning, crashed twice within a 15 minute window.
  • MenkentMenkent Member Posts: 889 ★★★★
    Same, iPad 7 with current OS getting random crashes after the update.
  • Superb_S0ldierSuperb_S0ldier Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2020
    In game name- Superb Soldier
    iOS 13.7
    Both WiFi and cellular, Verison
    Game version 28.2.1
    Event quests, though I haven’t tried in other game modes
    When I am in the middle of a fight, the game would crash and I would be kicked out of the game.
  • LuffyDMonkey69LuffyDMonkey69 Member Posts: 9
    edited October 2020
    In-Game Name: LuffyDMonkey69
    Device and Model: iPhone 7
    Device Operating System: iOS 14.0.1
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: 28.2.1
    Game Mode: Every game mode. Arena, Quest, AQ, AW
    Description of the Issue: Game crashes/closes periodically since new update installed. Every 10-20 minutes.
  • quy_beuquy_beu Member Posts: 47
    in-game name: quy beu
    iphone 6s
    ios 12.3.1
    wifi (cuz just phone with MCOC app, no SIM, no other dowloaded apps)
    game version: 28.2.1
    game mode: arena, limbo side quest
    description: game crash and device get hot quickly
    device get hot quickly than previous versions, i think this may result in game crashing because the crash (game auto quit and kick me to main screen) mostly happened when play arena (need long playtime). its 3 days since i got this crashes and it happen more frequent day after day, today i got crash twice in an hour (4 times in 2 hours)
  • _Beorn__Beorn_ Member Posts: 2
    In-game name: BEORN
    Device: iPad Air2 (2014)
    Software: iOS 14.0.1
    Game version installed: 28.2.1

    Issue: Ever since last update the game crashes randomly and force closes the app. Happend in ever game mode. Very often in the arena. Could not recognize any pattern.
    Frequency: At least once every hour.
    Please fix asap because I am completly excluded doing alliance war with this issue, not wanting to risk any kills caused by this issue.
  • TipShark67TipShark67 Member Posts: 6
    IGN: TipShark67
    Device: Android Samsung J6
    Android 10
    Game version: latest
    Game mode: loading screen
    Both my Opening title screen and the loading screen always have the red wifi signal on the bottom right and I've been waiting up to 30 minutes without results. Ive tried rebooting my phone and closing amd reopening the app, nothing changes. My internet is not the problem either, Last version my game was fine but since the new update I've had this issue.
  • FezfozeFezfoze Member Posts: 11
    edited October 2020
    In-Game Name: The_Doctor
    Device and Model: iPhone 7
    Device Operating System: iOS 14.0.1
    Cellular or Wifi: Issue occurs on both, carrier is Vodaphone
    Game Version Installed: 28.2.1
    Game Mode: All aspects
    Description of issue:
    Ever since downloading the new update, the game now appears to crash and return me to my home screen for no apparent reason. There doesn't even appear to be lag before this happens, and furthermore it appears to happen at regular intervals. On wifi, the game took roughly 1 minute until it crashed, on data, it took roughly 3. Whilst this issue is occurring the game is quite literally unplayable for me. I hope this brings this issue to your attention.
  • Darkknight_94Darkknight_94 Member Posts: 484 ★★★
    Yaddy09 said:

    IGN Yaddy09
    iOS iPhone 7
    Cellular and WiFi
    Last game version and operating system

    Constantly crashing at all portions of the game. Home screen, load screen, mid fight in story, aq and wr - at all points of the game. I do not get stuck loading or searching for signal icons, it just force closes to home screen of iphone. Started yesterday but thought it was just connectivity issues, but has happened maybe dozen or so times already.

    Same thing happening with me and it's not just about this update but from last 3 updates! days after Update, game starts crashing , pausing in between the fights in all game modes, also shuts down to home screen when i m in middle of fights! Sometimes i recover the fight and sometimes it results in my loss !!
    Ios device: iphone 7 (ios13.2.2)
    Connection: wifi and cellular both
    Issue: repetitive crashing in between fights and game freezing for seconds !
    "Search my name, you will find various threads by me in last 3 months regarding same issue " but all we get is temporary solutions but when new update comes, it starts again
  • OwlkitOwlkit Member Posts: 71
    In-Game Name: Owlkit
    Device and Model: 2016 iPad Pro
    Device Operating System: iOS 14.0.1
    Cellular or Wifi: Wifi
    Game Version Installed: 28.2.1 Latest update
    Game Mode: All aspects
    Description of issue: This began after October update.
    Prior to or right after a fight the game shuts down and reboots. I haven't lost any fights and can pick them up when game reboots. There is nothing that happens prior that warns me this will happen.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    iOS 13.7 latest game
    iPhone 8
    Load times long and erratic, even moving in quests taking longer than usual, game crashi. In arena, dropping inputs while fighting, keep tapping and halfway through combo it lags and the defender just starts hitting me. Game is all round terrible right now
  • AE_Inc1AE_Inc1 Member Posts: 27
    edited October 2020
    In-Game Name: AE Inc.
    Device and Model: iPhone XR
    Device Operating System: iOS 14
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: Latest version
    Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Event Quests
    Description of the Issue: My game suddenly crashed during a legend run. I just want to know if this will effect my time. It happened three to four times during my < 3 hour run.
  • Dino7878Dino7878 Member Posts: 32
    Device and Model: iPhone XS Max
    Device Operating System: iOS 14
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: Latest version
    Game Mode: Any events
    Description of the Issue: game crashes as an when it wants. Crashing in arena you loose steak sucks but not as bad when it crashes in AW, lost in bonus and health because of the game or?? This affects 29 other pple
  • Darkness275Darkness275 Member Posts: 889 ★★★★
    I've been experiencing crashes on both of my devices, but more frequently on my iPad.

    I have an iPhone 6s and an iPad Air 2.
    Both on iOS 14.
    Both on latest game version.
    Both on WiFi (phone obviously has cellular to fall back on)
    All game events, but more frequently in Arena.

    As stated above, I have experienced crashes on both devices, but in the past hour I've probably experienced three on my iPad while in arena, vs the one or two on my phone while I was doing 100% the final chapter of Cav difficulty.
  • Cierpial135Cierpial135 Member Posts: 1
    Huawei P8
    Android 6
    i coudlnt update game because my device is not compatible now with game ... HOw ;) ?? and now i cant get it from play store :D because my device is not supported
  • MrReeeMrReee Member Posts: 11
    iPhone XS Max and iPad Pro 2nd Generation. Crashes on both devices roughly every 30-45 minutes, in all game event modes. Wifi and 4G connection. Why is this game getting worse?
  • tron2050tron2050 Member Posts: 41
    edited October 2020

    IGN: bumble-bee
    Device: iPad 6th gen
    OS: iOS 14.0.1
    Cellular/Wifi: WiFi
    Game version 28.2.1
    Game mode: Arena, Event quest, Side quest (haven't played any other mode after update)
    The game randomly crashes while running arenas and quests.

    Gosh these random crashes are killing me now... after every 15-20 min of continuous gameplay on iPad, game crashes abruptly.
    Is Kabam really looking into this issue?

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