[iOS] Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation



  • AJC_1870AJC_1870 Member Posts: 43
    In-Game Name: AJC~18
    Device and Model: iPad 6th gen
    Device Operating System: IOS 14.0.1
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: 28.2.1
    Description of the Issue: Please include a full and complete description of the lag and performance. (I’m getting kicked off the game regardless of champion or arena/quest. It’s been happening for just about three days now.)
  • mufixmufix Member Posts: 42
    In-Game Name: mufix
    Device and Model: iPad (6th Gen), iPhone 8
    Device Operating System: Both 13.7
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: Latest
    Game Mode: Quests and Arena
    Description of the Issue: Random crashes. A lot of them.
  • instabraminstabram Member Posts: 5
    instabram - iPhone 7 iOS 14 - WiFi- dash back/dexterity and block aren’t working properly so I’m dying more frequently. Especially where I can use dexterity back into a block
  • TungLeeTungLee Member Posts: 60
    Ingame name: TungLeeVN
    Phone 11pro
    Ios 13.1.1
    Patch 28.2.1
    Both wifi and 4G
    Every game mode

    The dashing back issue is back for me, I had the same issue with patch 26.1.1. When dashing back, sometimes it is responsive (about 70%) sometimes it isn’t. It happens more often when I’m close to opponents. Please fix it again Kabam, aw season is on and it’s really frustrating.
  • ᴶᴿᴮᴶᴿᴮ Member Posts: 4

    In-Game Name: ᴶᴿᴮ
    Device and Model: iPhone 8
    Device Operating System: iOS 14.0.1
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: 28.2.1
    Game Mode: Event Quests, Arena, Incursions & Alliance Quest.
    Issue: Game crashed after a couple of fights from Arena, before the fight in Alliance quest & Incursions.
  • tron2050tron2050 Member Posts: 41
    edited October 2020
    tron2050 said:

    IGN: bumble-bee
    Device: iPad 6th gen
    OS: iOS 14.0.1
    Cellular/Wifi: WiFi
    Game version 28.2.1
    Game mode: Arena, Event quest, Side quest (haven't played any other mode after update)
    The game randomly crashes while running arenas and quests.

    Gosh these random crashes are killing me now... after every 15-20 min of continuous gameplay on iPad, game crashes abruptly.
    Is Kabam really looking into this issue?

    Game lags right when we try to parry the defender.
    And, as a result I am missing to parry.
    Can’t understand why is it happening only at the time of parry?

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  • JjfjjfjjfJjfjjfjjf Member Posts: 8
    In-Game Name: Mr.Fluff¥
    Device and Model: Ipad (6th gen)
    Device Operating System: IOS 14.0.1
    Cellular or Wifi: Wifi and 4G
    Game Version Installed: 28.2.1
    Game Mode: Event Quest, Story Quest, Arena, Alliance Quest and Alliance War
    Description of the Issue: I'm getting kicked out of the game when I'm in a fight and after a fight. It's been happening for the last 6 days.
  • Ronnyman889Ronnyman889 Member Posts: 180
    This version have to go in all time high worst version book of records. Maybe not the worst but definitely high in the list.hope you can get this fixed soon
  • Tony_Stank46Tony_Stank46 Member Posts: 7
    So let me get this straight. Kabam designs a game to work with said devices and yet they’re asking everyone what device they’re using? It’s every device, try fixing your servers. They’re clearly the problem.
  • Xinel07Xinel07 Member Posts: 24
    iPad 6th Gen (no crashing issues on my Android device only on iPad)
    iOS 13.5
    Game version: 28.2
    Happens at any game mode
    Game crashes every 15 minutes
  • mrpapadakosmrpapadakos Member Posts: 1
    In-Game Name: MrPapadakos
    Device and Model: Iphone 8
    Device Operating System: IOS 14.0.1
    Cellular or Wifi: Wifi and 4G
    Game Version Installed: 28.2.1

    Haven't been able to login for 24 hours - game is stuck on load screen.
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    After update I get random crashes, the game abruptly just closed. Happening to at least one of my teamates. So far I've just restarted where I left off but if this costs me I'll be so p.o. Get it together.
  • MaxwellusMaxwellus Member Posts: 30
    edited October 2020
    iPhone 6s
    ISO 14.0.1
    Mobile and wifi
    Game version- 28.2.1

    In game- incursions/arena
    App will close down after a certain duration of time and middle way through loading is when this happens.
    At beginning of fights- screen shakes and lag happens this slowly goes away into about 15 seconds of fight.
    Definitely lags upon some commands to do a parry and also blocking.
    This has caused loss of health / knock outs in incursions and AQ.
    This has only occurred since new installation of latest version of game.
    Please address ASAP. Long time player.
    Thank you
  • GrundalowGrundalow Member Posts: 15
    n-Game Name: Grundalow
    Device and Model: iPad (7th Gen), iPhone 8+
    Device Operating System: Both 13.7
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: Latest
    Game Mode: Quests
    Description of the Issue: Red Goblin's SP2 animation will cause my game to crash/force close.
  • FabiusBRFabiusBR Member Posts: 303 ★★★
    iPad 6th gen.
    iPadOS 14.0.1
    Game version 28.2.1
    Every game mode

    Immediately after I installed the most recent update the game started randomly closing/crashing every 15-20 minutes of continuous play. It now been ongoing for almost a week with no improvement.
  • TeaguearinoTeaguearino Member Posts: 25
    Iphone 7
    OIS 13.7
    both wifi and cellular
    everywhere but alliance events
    The game will force close mid fight- I'll be starting or in the middle of a fight and the game just disappears, no connection lost, it just closes the app. This has happened to me around 15 times since the new update
  • DrinkthekoolaidDrinkthekoolaid Member Posts: 3
    iPad Air 2
    IOS 13.7
    Crashes every ten to thirty minutes on arenas, every path on event quest at least once per path.once on alliance quest.
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  • GoofballanatotGoofballanatot Member Posts: 165
    When trying to fight in AQ I get the lag and connection issue then I come back and I lose half my health. Why is it in AW and AQ you lose half your health but in every other aspect of the game you can rejoin the fight from the beginning. This causes me to have to use my health potions for a Kabam issue. Fix your issues this is becoming un playable.

  • Killerzrhere0Killerzrhere0 Member Posts: 7
    In-game name: KillerzrHere
    Device and Model: iphone 7
    Device Operating System:14.0.1
    Cellular or Wifi: Both
    Game version installed: 28.2.1
    Game mode: All modes
    Description of the issue: I will be in a fight whether its aq or aw or is story content or event quest and the game will just crash at random and send me straight back to my home screen.
  • Getadamngrip99Getadamngrip99 Member Posts: 11
    Fix the crashing issue already. You can ask for all of the same info from 1000 people but it’s the same issue for all of us and you know it. You know it screws players when it crashes in AW because you take half their life even though they may have 100% when the crash occurs. You are punishing players for an issue you know is there and your doing it in the middle of an AW season.

    I’m so close to quitting this game it’s not funny, what started out as an awesome and all consuming game to me has become so aggravating that I’m becoming disillusioned with it and Kabam as a whole.
  • Zeus101Zeus101 Member Posts: 3
    In-Game Name: zeus101
    Device and Model: iphone 6s +
    Device Operating System: ios 14.01
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game Version Installed: 28.2.1
    Game Mode: during AQ, AW, story quest and arenas.
    Description of the Issue: the game exits out while I am playing the game during alliance quest, arenas, the montly quest, and the phone over heats as well.
  • ChokenorrisChokenorris Member Posts: 7
    In-Game Name: Chokenorris
    Device: IPHONE 7
    OS: iOS 14.0.1
    Cellular or WiFi: BOTH
    Game Version: 28.2.1
    Game Mode: All modes
    Description: Game crashes / exits out in the middle of a fight most of the time - within 5-10 fights upon opening the game. There have been times where it freezes during map travel and exits as well. Phone starts overheating quickly. Have already submitted a ticket over a week ago. Pretty annoying.
  • age_of_andycapage_of_andycap Member Posts: 95
    In-Game Name: age of andycap
    Device and Model: iPhone XR
    Device Operating System: iOS 14.0.1
    Cellular or WiFi: Both (Rogers and Home Wifi)
    Game Version Installed: 28.2.1
    Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Arena and Monthly EQ (possibly other modes)
    Description of the Issue: Seems every 30 minutes or so the game just crashes out of nowhere. Need to play long enough to see this, but it's been going on since the last update (never saw it before). Happens every day (not just a one time thing). At least with arena, i haven't lost a fight and it's always let me resume my last battle as well.
  • DRAKE_22DRAKE_22 Member Posts: 1
    ign: DRAKE.22
    device: Samsung A8 Android

    I dont know if you'll even pay attention to this, but am i the only one whos not getting the MONSTER AND HUNTERS CRYSTAL SHARDS? The game says i have like 30 000 shards os crystal but it is no where to find. Im playing this game for almost 5 years, please dont do this to me. 🥺
  • SuperballieSuperballie Member Posts: 35
    iPhone 8 with latest ios and latest game patch
    iPad 5th gen with latest everything
    Game crashes every 40-50 minutes.
    Inputs are compromised in arena, the side quest limbo path (although boss fights seem ok). eg I try and med atck but just stand still and get hit, or dash fwd but stand still. Also sp 1 and 2's don't fire randomly. Blocks are hit and miss and dex is almost impossible in arena and invasions and limbo.
    With the crashes, if it happens in aq or aw I lose half my health even if I was about to finish the fight with full health.
    I also find arenas are extremely unbalanced whereas I could normally streak until 11 before having to plan for harder fights, I get op opponents in 4th or 5th fights now too in the 2nd red goblin run. Opponents are very aggressive even more now in the 2nd run.
    Guys please sort this out soon. I wasted all my health potions and revives trying to compensate for this nightmare.
  • SuperballieSuperballie Member Posts: 35
    Sorry I forgot to mention my ingame name is Super TTM
    iPad 5th gen with latest everything
    Game crashes every 40-50 minutes.
    Inputs are compromised in arena, the side quest limbo path (although boss fights seem ok). eg I try and med atck but just stand still and get hit, or dash fwd but stand still. Also sp 1 and 2's don't fire randomly. Blocks are hit and miss and dex is almost impossible in arena and invasions and limbo.
    With the crashes, if it happens in aq or aw I lose half my health even if I was about to finish the fight with full health.
    I also find arenas are extremely unbalanced whereas I could normally streak until 11 before having to plan for harder fights, I get op opponents in 4th or 5th fights now too in the 2nd red goblin run. Opponents are very aggressive even more now in the 2nd run.
    Guys please sort this out soon. I wasted all my health potions and revives trying to compensate for this nightmare.

  • RenaxqqRenaxqq Member Posts: 1,718 ★★★★★
    @DRAKE_22 You can purchase crystals in the store under soul boosts section.
  • itskannanitskannan Member Posts: 7
    edited October 2020
    iPhone 8
    iOS 14
    Latest game version
    Arena and event quests
    Game keeps crashing between arena rounds like after 3-4 rounds and also at the starting game is giving solid FPS and smoothness while playing but after some time the game lags and it is basically unplayable until i force close and restart the game.
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