[iOS] Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation



  • DawnStormDawnStorm Member Posts: 2
    IGN: DawnSt0rm
    Device: iPhone Xr
    Both Cellular and WiFi
    I have the newest version of the game downloaded.
    My issue is I cant even get into the game. Im stuck in the loading screen of Jabari Panther and The new Iron Man. My game wont log in or let me do anything.
  • FeuerschwerFeuerschwer Member Posts: 444 ★★★
    iPhone 7 and iPad 2, having extremely long load times both on WiFi and data. Once I’m logged in it generally works but there are still occasional random disconnects.
  • Johanson86Johanson86 Member Posts: 7
    In-Game Name: HANs_Solo
    Device and Model: iPhone 7 Plus
    Device Operating System: Latest
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: Latest
    Game Mode: Arena
    Description of the Issue: When grinding Arena, there are several times lagging and if the lagging prolong for more than 2 seconds, the apps was automatically forced to shut down. Re-open the apps sometimes recovered the fight and sometimes not.
  • ArensoulArensoul Member Posts: 4
    Why iPhone6 keeps on crashing every minute or two?
  • ArensoulArensoul Member Posts: 4
    Any help?
  • PunchlinePunchline Member Posts: 9
    I didnt write anything yesterday since there was gonna be a server maintenance.
    But you definately ruined something ingame yesterday kabam.
    Its getting more and more obvious that your tech team is a bunch of blind-poop-slinging monkeys smashing keyboards !

    It might work one day tho
    lets see what happen when we ask the to chamge this code
    aer lgiuhij hawregku wyEFGTRWe lfirygtwear ,IYUFGERAT .IGYUER.TYOUH GAERPTO J
  • ArensoulArensoul Member Posts: 4
    We have to stop spending extra revives and potions in AW/AQ because of game lagging/crashing and we want Kabam to fixed it at the earliest.
  • Deuce2180Deuce2180 Member Posts: 123
    Arensoul said:

    We have to stop spending extra revives and potions in AW/AQ because of game lagging/crashing and we want Kabam to fixed it at the earliest.

    Never going to happen that's how they make money unfortunately, sucks for us, great business for them.
  • НеАйсНеАйс Member Posts: 9
    began before technical work, and continues to this day.
    it used to be, but rarely.
    at the same time - android I play through the mobile network - it's normal, and IOS - through wifi constantly throws it out before the fight.
    I ask, at least, to do as it was. Thank you
  • ArensoulArensoul Member Posts: 4
    I wonder whether Kabam ever go through our comments.still no a respond.much like for the game,have been playing MCOC for over 6years but now,since like it’s time to stop the game if Kabam doesn’t wants to fixed the issues.
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  • Santa_PsycheSanta_Psyche Member Posts: 150
    In-Game Name: Maxi Julai
    Device and Model: Ipad air
    Device Operating System: iOS 12.5.2
    Cellular or WiFi: wifi
    Game Version Installed: latest (30.2.1)
    Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest, Alliance War and Incursions
    Description of the Issue: My game crashes every 10 seconds, I can hardly play the game without it crashing not only that but when I open crystals the game crashes too, in AW,AQ ,Incursions my game crashes and then my champs lose half their life .I have to restart the game again and again to complete the EQ..It did happen before too but the only difference being the time of crashing was an hour after playing, but now,ever since the maintenance it crashes within 10 mins .Hope the game will be playable soon ...
  • Toolkiller_1Toolkiller_1 Member Posts: 9
    Hey Kabam can we get an update on this? At least let’s us know that you are looking into it.
  • НеАйсНеАйс Member Posts: 9
    You know, it's not even funny anymore ...
    On the arena to episode 15, I got there in almost 2 hours.
    constant departures.
    Give at least some solution to the problem ...
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