This Picture is Node Description in Spanish.
It says more or less :
When hitting the DEFENDER, The ATTACKER has a 20% probability of inflicting an incineration disadvantage, which causes a 100% of DEFENDER ATTACK as Direct Damage in/for 5 seconds.
When hitting DEFENDER´s Block, ATTACKER has a 20% probability of causing a Coldsnap disadvantage, which causes a 100% of DEFENDER ATTACK as DIRECT DAMAGE in/for 5 seconds
I Assumed it was like other nodes where it is a benefit for the Summoner, but incineration and coldsnap went on my heroes instead of the nodes defenders.
Please check out, I know Spanish is not main language but good and accurate description/translation info sometimes makes a good percentage of the battle.
Yes, it affects your Attacker. Wording in English is “chance TO BE INFLICTED with...” Incinerate / Coldsnap.
Pic below, sorry I cutoff top and bottom, but you can see what it means,
With Incinerate and Coldsnap instead of Bleed and Poison
I can confirm that the translation is misleading, and makes it seem like the attacker is the one that causes the debuffs.
@Kabam Miike any info?
I have already offered Help for the spanish translations before.. at least try to check with native spanish speakers before.
Instead of "inflingir" it has to say "recibir/sufrir"