Champs that you find easier to use against Stun Immune

I would like to know which champs everyone find more easier to counter stun immune nodes and which more trickier to use against stun immune.
Personally I find using Ghost and Cap IW most easy to use against stun immune nodes. Quake would be another option but I am not very skilled with her.
I kind of don't like using Omega Red against stun immune whose heavy cannot be countered with my heavy.
Personally I find using Ghost and Cap IW most easy to use against stun immune nodes. Quake would be another option but I am not very skilled with her.
I kind of don't like using Omega Red against stun immune whose heavy cannot be countered with my heavy.
- same goes for wasp ,first dodle then intercept and keep the rotation going 4 basic chained to heavy
- ghost if awakened n can play
- corvus ,intercept reach sp2 mostly enemy dead by then
- doc oc !! if u can keep the intercepts goings he is amazing for stun immunes
- personnly my winter soldier + Km combo
Blades bleed parry helps a lot as well.
I agree with you he is way better if opponent can be parried. Does 68k damage on sp2.
Haven't seen a Rhino boss for long time. He used to be such a great defender back in the days.