Will I receive a ban?

I have spent well over $1,000.... probably thousand(s), but plan on contacting apple for a refund on my latest purchase.
I purchased the advanced mastery booster pack, and invested into the inequity mastery which values at 2,200 units... only to find out afterwards that this is a mastery which had been admitted by kabam themselves that “ it is not working as intended.”
They had their development team create a fix for it nearly two years ago, announced to launch it live, and then cancelled the fix hours before it was set to go live.
This Happened January of 2018, and they have ignored the issue every time it has come up since.
I spent hard earned money on the carb cores, waisted units rearranging masteries, and most importantly was ignored as an unhappy customer.
I have heard gossip, and received in game mails about the subject, so I am curious to know... Do they ban over small refunds?
I purchased the advanced mastery booster pack, and invested into the inequity mastery which values at 2,200 units... only to find out afterwards that this is a mastery which had been admitted by kabam themselves that “ it is not working as intended.”
They had their development team create a fix for it nearly two years ago, announced to launch it live, and then cancelled the fix hours before it was set to go live.
This Happened January of 2018, and they have ignored the issue every time it has come up since.
I spent hard earned money on the carb cores, waisted units rearranging masteries, and most importantly was ignored as an unhappy customer.
I have heard gossip, and received in game mails about the subject, so I am curious to know... Do they ban over small refunds?
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But you will NOT get a refund of the purchasing of the Units, as Units could still be used elsewhere in game.
If you did that a while ago, then no, nothing will be done.
And if you seek refund thru Apple/Google, that will result in a penalty by Kabam, and you will go into “Negative” Unit status until you repurchase that amount of Units again.
What would whole heartedly please me would be the game developers fixing this bug which they have already acknowledged, and told players that they will fix.
My confidence that they will do so however is very low, so yes if they are unwilling to do the work on the mastery. I would definitely! like to have a refund on the money that I was willing to work for.
That is a large amount, ... but it really isnt when you stop and realize that kabam has increased their defender’s attack ratings by %500 in act 6
Which Kabam currently does, because they now have a policy of locking cash and unit purchases of any account that executes a transaction of this type. See: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/145848/policy-change-for-refunds.
we are a fool if we believe that any aspect of this game will work as advertised.
I’d love to hear your opinion on the situation mr. moderator!
Does anyone realize how helpful Inequity has the potential to be?!? Obviously it can’t be used by everyone because it requires inflicting 6 debuffs to reach its full potential, but it offers a -36% decrease in incoming attack!!!! No more taking thousands of hitpoints in block damage!!
The Masteries are even twice removed from any real money spent anyways. Your money bought Units which can be used for a lot of different things (but did you get anything else in the Units Pak that you also used elsewhere). Then Units were spend on Mastery Cores, which have also been available at no cost in a few selected in-game rewards areas over the years. And then the Cores were used to unlock a mastery, but they can be used for a whole lot of different Masteries. There is no direct one-to-one correlation of having to spend real money assigned to unlock a specific mastery, nor that the mastery in question is a requirement in order to unlock some additional game content or quests.
They should be open to solve this directly with the customer, by somehow letting him invest the same amount of cores in another mastery or something like that. If you purchase something to unlock a function in the game, that it turns out does not work as advertised, that should make you eligible for a refund, or a reasonable compensation. You cannot feel that it is reasonable to require that the customer goes to the games forum, looking for information on the mastery, and check for indication that it isn't working as intended beforehand.
I believe the key word here is customer, and whether the company behind the game looks after their customers. Because we are not only players, we are customers also, and all of the revenue from this game comes from customers in one way or another.