Will Galactus Be Entering Contest?

I've seen a few things that might be a leak for galactus as an in game character, but is kabaam really going release a champion that's like 15 miles high? They could shrink him down to size like what they did with dormammu. or maybe they're going to put him as a final boss to end the year with a bang?
let me know what you guys think in the comments!
let me know what you guys think in the comments!
He is already in the contest, just not yet seen as a character, or either as playable or an npc
Plus Thanos with the gauntlet is immensely more powerful than Galactus (and well anyone with the gauntlet). There are a few champs in game who were stronger than him or always is stronger in the comics. The were stronger or had times where they were are Doctor Strange, Thor, Mephisto, Sentry (I think Void also). Champs who are generally stronger than him are Phoenix and Dormmamu. Deadpool is also stronger than anyone else as he has powers beyond anyone with his 4th wall breaking skills (yes it's a joke but it's somewhat true if you look at Deadpool kills the Marvel Universe when Professor X tries to read his mind).
They just gotta make him as big as Sentinel or slightly bigger but same hit box and we're good.
Pressing the disagree button doesn't make what I said wrong. Phoenix for example is one of the top 10 entities in the main Marvel universes and always rated above Galactus based on known feats. Galactus would have a very hard time killing Sentry as a full powered one as far as shown in the comics regened from almost nothing but a molecule and Sentry is able to do actual damage to him as well.
To be playable in the game every Marvel character has to be brought to roughly the same power level. For as much as players think there's a wide gap between the best and worst champions in the game, the overall gap between them is microscopic compared to the full range of power those characters have in the comic books. If they can bring down Phoenix and Dormammu to roughly the same power level as Elektra and Daredevil, they can bring Galactus down if they wanted to. But I think some characters can be "champions" and some are reserved to be plot devices, and thus do not need to follow any particular balance rules.
I suspect that will ultimately be what limits Galactus from being playable.
And now that’s the best idea I can imagine