Is Aegon practical and useful in Act 6 & Variants?

Hi Guys
So I've just pulled a 5* Aegon, but I'm reluctant to take him up as I ready have Ghost and Domino for LOL (yet to start).
My question is, apart from LOL is Aegon practical and useful in Act 6 and Variants?
Thanks in advance.
So I've just pulled a 5* Aegon, but I'm reluctant to take him up as I ready have Ghost and Domino for LOL (yet to start).
My question is, apart from LOL is Aegon practical and useful in Act 6 and Variants?
Thanks in advance.
Is Aegon practical and useful in Act 6 & Variants? 53 votes
Could you elaborate about what he's like to ramp up? Do you need to use lots of potions from fight to fight to get him to his maximum potential?
Also what's the combo number where he's become very useful?
Thank you.
Some will argue he needs a high sig to be useful, but I disagree. With his 6-hit combo even at 30% every combo you’re carrying over 2 charges. Once you hit 100-150 persistent charges fights start to get exponentially quicker.
He shines in Variant 3, because the 50% damage reduction gives him plenty of room to ramp up.
He has amazing damage and utility, as the game goes further and further, his value is only going to increase. Rank him up 👍