Taking 6* to R2 when you have the 5* at R5?

10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,204 ★★★
So, I'm curious on the community's thoughts about this. As we continue to grow our 6* rosters, we will start to get those 6* options of champs we have already taken to R5 as a 5*. What are your thoughts on taking those 6*s up? Especially if the sig (or a high sig) isn't vital for the champ?

Taking 6* to R2 when you have the 5* at R5? 55 votes

It's worth taking the 6* of a top champ up even if you have the 5* (good for future growth)
LeNoirFaineantadqqedfyvrPsychoakumaStucatHSenpaiForumName123Cap366XxLoganTDCxXDrewDoggyDoggspigwenderZuroDes99SoulOfDarknessTimeGenesisLexSaviLucianoDelHoyaSean_WhoGoodnessUnleashingChaos 19 votes
5/65 5*s will still be relevant for so long, a greater diversity of champs is more important
PantherusNZErza_ScarletRaganatorTerraLvernon15Stagedear85LordRaymond3DrBruceWayneTehsigzorzStanceTrihardLoctiteSuperGlueEtjamaMidnite93KalantakCage_1Lucasjones_98Msyounus1288NigeriasDreamThicco_Mode 27 votes
Other (comments welcomed)
ShrimkinsNojokejaymWicket329DRTOCrazyAlboAleorRyseStevieManWonderFugitive21 9 votes


  • DRTODRTO Member Posts: 1,689 ★★★★★
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    I think it really depends on what champ it is, like ghost or corvus would be very valuable to have 2 of the same but other champs may not be like that. rank 5 5* champs will still be prevalent for a very long time as maxing out 6* champs will take at least 2 more years from what it looks like.
  • CrazyAlboCrazyAlbo Member Posts: 8
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    Depends on the champion. I wouldn’t take Void, Namor, OR etc to R2 if they’re not at a high sig.
  • LexSaviLexSavi Member Posts: 217
    It's worth taking the 6* of a top champ up even if you have the 5* (good for future growth)
    Good question. I’m in the same boat. Recently opened a 6* Domino. Already have her as a R5 5* at max sig. Since she doesn’t need her sig, I think I’ll end up ranking her regardless. I really enjoy playing her, and also really want to see what she does as a R3 6* (eventually).
  • allinashesallinashes Member Posts: 866 ★★★
    LexSavi said:

    Good question. I’m in the same boat. Recently opened a 6* Domino. Already have her as a R5 5* at max sig. Since she doesn’t need her sig, I think I’ll end up ranking her regardless. I really enjoy playing her, and also really want to see what she does as a R3 6* (eventually).

    In the same position, but Domino was like my 2nd 6* after I R5 the 5* months prior. I've been debating ever since whether or not to R2. I only have 4 R5s so I'm leaning toward more diversity of champs. Have some top contenders like SymS, OR and a Sentinel I also want to rank, so dunno.

  • TehsigzorzTehsigzorz Member Posts: 1,233 ★★★★
    5/65 5*s will still be relevant for so long, a greater diversity of champs is more important
    Depends which 5 and 6 star we are talking about. I dont think I will ever get tired or fury or domino for example as they are all rounders(great for questing, AQ, AW offense and defence)
  • HSenpaiHSenpai Member Posts: 92
    It's worth taking the 6* of a top champ up even if you have the 5* (good for future growth)

    More than worth it
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,466 Guardian
    I'd say both are generally true: 5/65s are going to be relevant for a long time and diversity is important, but if the right champ comes along it can also be useful to rank both 5* and 6* versions. This is very much a situational call, and as time moves forward and the top tier content keeps changing (as in, adding more) the situations themselves will change.
  • XxLoganTDCxXXxLoganTDCxX Member Posts: 2,561 ★★★★
    It's worth taking the 6* of a top champ up even if you have the 5* (good for future growth)
    A six star R2 is basically equivalent to a five star R5, but the six star does have adrenaline and (supposedly) gains more power than other star rarities.
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
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    It really depends on the champ. In my opinion, the few champs worth having at both r5 and r2 are: Ghost, Corvus, Domino, Sunspot, BWCV, Venom, CMM, Dr. Doom, and Thing. I think in general, it is more worth it to have a diverse roster. The only five star that I have that I plan to take to r5 eventually who I already have a r2 six version of is Ghost and that's because you can get so much content done with her, plus my five star is awakened and my six star is not (funnily enough, I pulled Ghost as six star months before pulling her as a five star and took her up to r2 before I got 5 star ghost).
  • HSenpaiHSenpai Member Posts: 92
    It's worth taking the 6* of a top champ up even if you have the 5* (good for future growth)
    R2 6* has both a higher base atk and better health pool than a r5 5*. Plus the 6* has a better challenger rating which makes it more effective overall. If you love the champ and you want to be able to use it in multiple game modes at once the definitely rank up both
  • Osfan8Osfan8 Member Posts: 761 ★★★

    A six star R2 is basically equivalent to a five star R5, but the six star does have adrenaline and (supposedly) gains more power than other star rarities.

    Everything I've seen is the opposite re: power gain, high rank gains more power, rather than higher star rarity.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    A six star R2 is basically equivalent to a five star R5, but the six star does have adrenaline and (supposedly) gains more power than other star rarities.

    False. The higher the rank the better the power gain so the 5/65 will gain power faster and also more than likely have easier access to a higher level sig ability.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    9 times out of 10 the 5* will be the smarter rank up. There are champs/situations where that wont be the case though.

    Then again you don't get to brag to all your friends about your R2 6*....
  • Praetor_Zwei153Praetor_Zwei153 Member Posts: 56
    KT1[Kiryu] 2019 - "...you can never have enough nick furys..."
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,466 Guardian

    A six star R2 is basically equivalent to a five star R5, but the six star does have adrenaline and (supposedly) gains more power than other star rarities.

    HSenpai said:

    R2 6* has both a higher base atk and better health pool than a r5 5*. Plus the 6* has a better challenger rating which makes it more effective overall. If you love the champ and you want to be able to use it in multiple game modes at once the definitely rank up both

    A 5/65 has better power gain than a 6* rank 2. See: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/comment/974985/#Comment_974985

    A 5/65 has identical challenge rating to a 6* rank 2. See: well, any player with a rank 2. 5* R5 CR = 120, 6* R2 CR = 120.

    The 6* R2 does have slightly higher health and attack than a 5* 5/65. Some people think this can be compensated for with boosts, but that's only somewhat true as the 6* will gain more benefit from the same boosts, because of the higher base stats. The difference is small, but there.

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  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
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    5* r5 is almost the same as 6* r2.
    Given I have some champ as 5* r5, I'd take 6* to r2 only if I'd take him to r3 or if I had t5b expiring and no other decent 6* to rank or some trash 6* for memes rank up
  • GrieferMadnessGrieferMadness Member Posts: 109
    5/65 5*s will still be relevant for so long, a greater diversity of champs is more important
    Only if you need them to be in two places at the same time.
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,708 ★★★★★
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    I think the biggest consideration is how well developed the top end of your roster is. If you’ve only got one r5, you don’t want to r2 that same champ. But if you’ve got at least one r5 of each class, then you’ve got your bases pretty well covered and you can justify doubling up.
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
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    Do what you want who cares what people think or feel
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