Silver surfer...the biggest disappointment of 2019



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,498 ★★★★★
    Axo4545 said:

    Hey there,

    Sorry to hear that your are disappointed in the Silver Surfer Champion. While we understand that everybody has expectations for every new Character that is added, we are not going to be able to live up to the expectations for everybody. Every Character is somebody's favourite, and we always do our best to make Characters that everybody can be excited about, but will not be able to hit that mark for everybody.

    Different Characters and their Kits will appeal to different players, some will be more useful to people in certain progression points than others.

    We didn't mean to "hype" him, and I don't think we really did. He's been a part of the Story all year long, and has shown up as part of it.

    It's not about every character being god tier but it seems that whenever you add a champ that clearly should be god tier (silver surfer, sentry, Phoenix) you make them underwhelming yet you make characters that shouldn't be anywhere near that level you make overpowered. I understand you have to balance the game but there is no reason that some of the most powerful characters in the marvel universe should be throttled down and characters that have little to no powers at all should be overpowered in the game. If you can give a viable reason why this is the case I would love to hear it, and game balancing isn't it because you can balance the game and still do the characters justice and if the game was balanced every champ would be exactly the same power level. You are always going to have stronger champs and weaker champs so why not make champs that should be powerful make them powerful.
    I don't think that logic applies to the game. It's a game filled with Superheroes and Villains. It has its own environment for balancing. Within that, Champs have to have their own unique uses while still being able to compete with others. Otherwise, nothing would beat a Phoenix, someone like Hawkeye could never take down a Hulk, the list goes on and on. What Miike said is true. We all have our favorites, and that includes the most popular overall. However, they're not guaranteed to perform the same way as they do in storylines outside the game. Further to that, there's creative freedom that comes from creating an environment. You can highlight whatever Champs you choose. There are benefits to that because people stop and learn more about less well-known characters. All this to say it's not always possible to do them justice and balance the game. Not in the sense that you're referring to. The game is its own Universe.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,361 Guardian
    CodeOmega said:

    @GroundedWisdom i think for the amount of anticipation people had for silver surfer, he could have been designed much better. Still happy with the rest of the f4 and doom though.

    It doesn't take more effort or energy to design a "better" champ. It comes down to having good design ideas and then executing them. So if it were possible to make Silver Surfer "better" that would either involve holding back design ideas from champs previously released or somehow stealing a good idea from the future to use now. In either case, a "better" Silver Surfer has to come at the expense of a worse something else, because you can't just shake developers upside down until more ideas fall out.

    So if Silver Surfer "should be" better, which champ would you make worse in exchange?
  • DynastyDynasty Member Posts: 30

    Hey there,

    Sorry to hear that your are disappointed in the Silver Surfer Champion. While we understand that everybody has expectations for every new Character that is added, we are not going to be able to live up to the expectations for everybody. Every Character is somebody's favourite, and we always do our best to make Characters that everybody can be excited about, but will not be able to hit that mark for everybody.

    Different Characters and their Kits will appeal to different players, some will be more useful to people in certain progression points than others.

    We didn't mean to "hype" him, and I don't think we really did. He's been a part of the Story all year long, and has shown up as part of it.

    You kind of did hype him up just unintentionally. First you announced that he was coming to the game then players got really excited. On top of that you've made it clear that Silver Surfer is the only champion coming out this month. Based on all of that there is a reason why people thought he was going to be the best cosmic champion in the game and maybe the best champion in the game. Seems like every year you say that a powerful character from the comics is coming to the game I'm going to have to assume that my expectations are too high. But at some point I want a buff to Phoenix, Sentry, and Silver Surfer because this is just frustrating and annoying. For once I was actually going to spend my money on the game to get one of my favorite Marvel characters. I guess I will have to hope that at some point he will be buffed along with Sentry and Phoenix.
  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,385 ★★★★★
    Seeing more of him in action, he reminds me of Man-Thing in that he’s not hot garbage, just more niche than people hoped.

    He hits a sufficient number of the Silver Surfer characteristics for me. Power Cosmic mechanic with purposing for different effects, check. Abilities alluding to resistance to the heat and cold of space, check. Energy based attacker with very high energy resistance, check. I would have liked a wider variety of effects as seen in Carnage and VtD to showcase the versatility of the Power Cosmic and maybe bleed resistance by way of greatly reduced duration with a buff penalty or something similar.
    If I had 5 or 6 star Doom, I would be more excited as that synergy is sick for him. That being said, he’s not the one I’m waiting for. I’m hoping Nova being a fan favorite but pretty undefined lets the team get loose like they did with Blade, Hyperion, Stark Spidey, Doc Ock, and KG (way underrated). Probably Nova should have the lowest prestige in the game to really highlight the purity of his design without banalities like sky-high prestige artificially driving interest. Just let his abilities speak for themselves and challenge the narrative by making his prestige the lowest. Low prestige. Lower than that.
  • MattstafariMattstafari Member Posts: 691 ★★★
    A bit like the spotlight articles. It would be good if we could see some video gameplay of scenarios where new characters are intended to perform well. All of them have their niche, some are better than others but, releasing champs that are gonna just go on the bench near permanently must be a disappointment for the design and dev teams too.

    If your sprints are well in advance of release, you should have plenty of time to test.
    We know you check the stats, so there must be some reason why some champs are so poor when they go live. Carnage, Red Skull, Sentry......
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 21,794 ★★★★★
    Diksh619 said:

    I mean a demigod tier champion is still great. This might just be a case that you let your expectations get too high

    Sir we are talking about Silver Surfer..the one we are asking for years and the one who has been hyped for more than an year..if you don't have high expectations, you are playing the wrong game!
    All I've seen is he has been in cutscenes through the year and then teased last month. I don't remember them hyping him to the point where expectations should be so high.

    Of course we'd like him to beyond God tier but that's our expectations for every champ.
  • slackerslacker Member Posts: 774 ★★★★
    Reference said:

    I have mixed feeling on Silver Surfer. Originally I have pretty high expectation on him and was expecting he is as tough as Collector or Grandmaster.......which is not the case in reality. Sure it benefits those EQ explorations in term of revives/health consumption.

    However, I understand some of the guys' disappointment above. Silver Surfer was something being mentioned a year ago. Just like Thanos appearance in the 1st Avengers movie, it is reasonable for players to expect his "god tier" capability especially given his power is coming from Galactus. (I know some players will say MCOC is another universe, neither MCU nor Comic. I know.).

    I think Surfer is still above average champ even though some players link him to Sentry. Frankly I'm quite ok with his current performance. If Kabam really made him too beyond god tier, then there would be another group of players complaining its a "cash grab" EQ and I don't want Kabam "rebalance" him after few months when players spent money to pull him.

    LOL!So true, just look at Cull
  • slackerslacker Member Posts: 774 ★★★★
    Sliver Sufter was waaaaay better than Sentry when he was available
  • KalantakKalantak Member Posts: 1,300 ★★★★
    i wouldnt say he is disappointing ,yeh little underwhelming damage wise since he doesnt have other endgame utility,but real disappointments are DIABLO, EBONY, , Anihilus ,Ronin ,(few others who doesnt stand on either side of spectrum which is actually good, they dont have to make every champion as good Namor, sunspot , corvus etc) but these 4 are unusable for most content, nothing special going for the or stand out on their own.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,498 ★★★★★
    To be honest, I've seen it many times. People wait on a popular character and get excited about how they'll turn out. Unfortunately, they can't all be OP.
  • InxInx Member Posts: 115
    How many “god” tier champs were released this year?

    Kabam being Kabam I have to imagine there is a quota of “god” tier they can release per year otherwise the game would be massively flooded with op champs that would obviously affect sells.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Kabam carefully mmonitered this and throttled champs as a result. I think I remember carnage was originally scaled back when he was released, I think. Might of been sentry. Fun fact, he was actually supposed to look ragged and broken, but the designers were told not to go with that look, but if you look carefully on the back of one his thighs you can still see a tear in his pants. Mistake or Easter egg, very telling.

    Must be frustrating to the character developers having their babies neutered and trashed on by the community since I’m sure they’re fans of marvel and all their characters, that and their creativity being limited. Silver surfer of course being a huge fan favorite.
  • InxInx Member Posts: 115
    Inx said:

    How many “god” tier champs were released this year?

    Kabam being Kabam I have to imagine there is a quota of “god” tier they can release per year otherwise the game would be massively flooded with op champs that would obviously affect sells.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Kabam carefully mmonitered this and throttled champs as a result. I think I remember carnage was originally scaled back when he was released, I think. Might of been sentry. Fun fact, he was actually supposed to look ragged and broken, but the designers were told not to go with that look, but if you look carefully on the back of one his thighs you can still see a tear in his pants. Mistake or Easter egg, very telling.

    Must be frustrating to the character developers having their babies neutered and trashed on by the community since I’m sure they’re fans of marvel and all their characters, that and their creativity being limited. Silver surfer of course being a huge fan favorite.

    Not sure if the tear is still there, but you might still be able to see it in old YouTube videos.

  • Captain_NietschCaptain_Nietsch Member Posts: 481 ★★

    Diksh619 said:

    I mean a demigod tier champion is still great. This might just be a case that you let your expectations get too high

    Sir we are talking about Silver Surfer..the one we are asking for years and the one who has been hyped for more than an year..if you don't have high expectations, you are playing the wrong game!
    All I've seen is he has been in cutscenes through the year and then teased last month. I don't remember them hyping him to the point where expectations should be so high.

    Of course we'd like him to beyond God tier but that's our expectations for every champ.
    I wouldn't say I agree that that's our expectations for every champ, to be beyond god tier. I think it's reasonable to expect most champs won't be "god tier". And you might even say it's reasonable to expect 80% of the champs to be just normal tier or worse, and maybe 20% tops be considered really good in varying degrees if we are lucky. What would the highs be without the lows?

    However it seems that it's not the champs we'd expect to be god tier that turns out to be just that.
    Silver surfer is one of those that based on his powers in the comics would be expected to be on the verge of overpowered in the game. There are many examples, yet relatively unknown characters like Domino and Omega Red turn out way more useful in-game. I can understand the disappointment. Silver surfer is an iconic, very powerful character (even though I've never really liked him, or the fantastic four, much).
  • designsodadesignsoda Member Posts: 118
    edited December 2019
    Lagacy has a good video showing how Silver Surfer can be used effectively. And for all I know that's still not optimal. Still it shows he's a solid champion. And more suicide friendly than you'd think (replace SP1 with heavy and now you are cooking).

    Anyway my own take is that some of us had high hopes. They weren't quite met at first glance. But the game evolves and people find new ways to use champs. This isn't pitchfork worthy or anything. And he still looks cool.
  • NikoBravoNikoBravo Member Posts: 448 ★★★
    Silver Surfer = Tinfoil hood ornament
  • GriffoplayGriffoplay Member Posts: 269

    Hey there,

    Sorry to hear that your are disappointed in the Silver Surfer Champion. While we understand that everybody has expectations for every new Character that is added, we are not going to be able to live up to the expectations for everybody. Every Character is somebody's favourite, and we always do our best to make Characters that everybody can be excited about, but will not be able to hit that mark for everybody.

    Different Characters and their Kits will appeal to different players, some will be more useful to people in certain progression points than others.

    We didn't mean to "hype" him, and I don't think we really did. He's been a part of the Story all year long, and has shown up as part of it.

    come on! we got 25 characters in 2019. I can only think of 2 worst then Silver Surfer: Diablo and Maw. And even those 2 have something unique.
  • godsquad891godsquad891 Member Posts: 779 ★★
    so not hyping is not releasing an early access bundle early and making him the only champ in DECEMBER !!!! and the whole 5 year Anniversary and quote this statement?

    The year of the Fantastic 4 is coming to an end soon, but there’s one final vital member left to be returned. This December, Silver Surfer joins The Battlerealm to celebrate the 5 Year Anniversary of The Contest.
  • RoninManRoninMan Member Posts: 747 ★★★★

    so not hyping is not releasing an early access bundle early and making him the only champ in DECEMBER !!!! and the whole 5 year Anniversary and quote this statement?

    The year of the Fantastic 4 is coming to an end soon, but there’s one final vital member left to be returned. This December, Silver Surfer joins The Battlerealm to celebrate the 5 Year Anniversary of The Contest.

    You realize they’ve been doing prerelease crystals for months now right? That’s not considered hype, it’s just allowing people early access to the champion.

    Also to everyone complaining about SS he hasn’t even been released for 2 whole days yet! A very small portion of the community has him and I’m sure we are still testing and trying to figure him out. His crystals haven’t even had a regular release yet so just chill. The people on these forums overreact so much. If a champ isn’t shown as doing a million damage with a special within 5 minutes of release people grab the pitchforks. From what I’ve seen he has a nice, reliable armor break on L1 (good for KM, Emma, IMIW), decent synergies including Mysterio, NT, and Doom, and a new Vigilance buff which helps him to bypass miss. I think people need to relax and give new characters some time before judging and raising hell.
  • KalantakKalantak Member Posts: 1,300 ★★★★
    well at the end ,2019 was overall a very underwhelming year in terms of event quests, side quests, characters, rankup progression(yeh 1 guy reached R3 on a 6* and probably spent about $50000 to get there) and huge failure of an act 6.2!!! yeh many of even youtubers hasnt done it 100%!! it seemed like they were making content for few people and those few people were already in their Betas as well(yeh guys like legacy and brian grant,nthing against them love their content but they some how forget over a million people play this game every day,they r passionate about it and they dont play it for 24hrs a day and they do have life,job etc!! somewhere along the way we and them lost the definition of game and 'Fun' aspect of this incredible game, loosing balance in such a bad way this year was very sad !!
  • Skillful_starSkillful_star Member Posts: 759 ★★★
    You know what I find funny? A "man" like Luke cage is bleed immune but a man made of a metal can bleed 🤣🤣🤣 logic
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,361 Guardian
    Axo4545 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    Axo4545 said:

    Hey there,

    Sorry to hear that your are disappointed in the Silver Surfer Champion. While we understand that everybody has expectations for every new Character that is added, we are not going to be able to live up to the expectations for everybody. Every Character is somebody's favourite, and we always do our best to make Characters that everybody can be excited about, but will not be able to hit that mark for everybody.

    Different Characters and their Kits will appeal to different players, some will be more useful to people in certain progression points than others.

    We didn't mean to "hype" him, and I don't think we really did. He's been a part of the Story all year long, and has shown up as part of it.

    It's not about every character being god tier but it seems that whenever you add a champ that clearly should be god tier
    There's your problem right there.

    The devs don't deliberately aim champions to be "god tier" or "meme tier." They aim them all at the same general level of overall performance. Circumstantially, no champion ever lands on the bullseye, and they don't spend time trying to make any of them perfect. Any champion that lands within a radius of tolerance around the bullseye is "close enough" and they move on. It would be nice if that radius was a bit smaller, but that's neither here nor there.

    No one decides that Sentry is going to be weak and Blade is going to be strong. They decide that Blade and Sentry are going to be different from the previously existing champs, and sometimes those differences work out better than others. But they can't, and really shouldn't, be putting their fingers on the scales to make the champs that "should be" god tier into more powerful champs than everything else. It is hard enough putting every champion in the same zip code.

    You say "If you can give a viable reason why this is the case I would love to hear it, and game balancing isn't it because you can balance the game and still do the characters justice and if the game was balanced every champ would be exactly the same power level." But that is the only answer the game devs can possibly give you, because how game developers "balance" games is not anything remotely resembling what you seem to be implying. There is no other answer, so if that answer can't satisfy you, no answer can.
    As always thanks for your opinion. We all have them and are entitled to them so saying "that's your problem right there" or any of the rest of your reply is your opinion, just like my post is my opinion. Neither one wrong, neither one right. Just individual opinions.
    So when you say, in the post below this one "I never said to make any character unbeatable" that would just be an opinion, neither right nor wrong, and everyone is free to arbitrarily decide which, because it is all just opinions.
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