Can a new player be as good as a veteran player with enough time?

Just something i was pondering on. sometimes I think specified terminology for MCOC is hard to understand as i personally get easily lost especially when things become a lot serious also watching @Seatin on youtube it seems that there is a lot of knowledge to comprehend . I know it's a vague question but could a 2020 player be as good as a 2014 player
or does it vary on each player's ability?
or does it vary on each player's ability?
Some people have faster reflexes than others. A new player with this advantage can advance much faster to become on par with older players.
Longer answer: But if you think it's gonna happen without putting in the work, then prepare to be disappointed
Anyone can play this game. Being good at this game requires practice, especially with Intercepting
You are not an elite player unless you can evade and intercept 90-plus percent of everything, in my opinion
I am not an elite player. I am simply good and experienced, and experience is there to be gained by anyone willing to put in the time
However, there are a lot of characters, nodes, abilities and interactions in this game. Even the most experienced players won't know everything about the game, but generally speaking people that have been around longer will know more about these things. That doesn't always translate to skill though. Knowing how to do something and actually executing it are two different things!
It's possible
Then Thanos was introduced, which was a big deal at the time -- it was, because he decreased your attack so much and hit harder
But Act 4 and the Maestro was where it became obvious that you had to learn how to evade and intercept, along with Realm of Legends with the larger health pools and attack rating for that era
You can't be a great player at this game without Intercepting. There is content that you just won't be able to clear unless you just throw resources at it
But, otherwise, certainly.
Playing this game for a long time will make you know each champs, SPs.
By playing arenas, and, doing content, you learn how and when to dex, parry, and, intercept different champs SPs.
You don't dex the same way for a bullet shooter or a energy beam, for example.
FYI, Dorky Dave is way better than Seatin, to learn the basics of the game.
I already saw players with less than 400k accounts, with 5* R4 5* or bellow (or even 4*) not dying once.
So yes it's possible, skills are not for purchase. Need is some time to understand the mechanics of all the champions and best strategies to defeat them.
Veterans tend, on average, to have the advantage of experience and time to build roster, but that advantage isn't insurmountable. Beginners have advantages veterans didn't have. They can progress through the game faster than we did, so they aren't going to take the same amount of time to build up roster. They have more resources available to teach them game play skills. And they have the benefit of having others around to tell them things veterans had to figure out on their own. So their learning curve can be much faster.
You can probably neutralize most of the advantage veterans have in knowledge and experience in about year or so. It takes generally longer to build up roster, but beginners are building roster faster than veterans originally did: it won't take four years for them to get what the veterans built in four or five years. It'll probably take them closer to two, just because higher tier rewards and champions are much easier to acquire than originally.
The game lets you mostly catch up to the average veteran player in a year or two if you put in the time. After that, whether you can catch or overtake them depends on how much you play (or spend, or both) relative to them. Four or five years of gap sounds like a huge gap to overcome, but when you consider the advantages beginning players get it is more like a one to two year gap in real terms, and that's something you can overcome with dedicated play and learning.
Could a F2P player come in today and catch up to a vet, even if they are F2P? Skill wise, sure but account wise, no. Could a big spender come in today and catch up to a vet F2P, absolutely. in a matter of a couple of months with a willingness to spend
Could a big spender come in today and catch up to a vet who has always spent big, no chance.
the variable here though is the effort and the cost. A new player can blow by a vet if the vet is not completing the latest content. If the vet is actively 100% everything then no, the new player will never catch up outside of out spending