Need the communities help on who to r5 please

Currently have 1 5* r5 as CMM and have enough to r5 another 5*. Thanks in advance friends
Need the communities help on who to r5 please 36 votes
That being said, pick the champ that you like to use the most for your next R5. Those are all great options so there aren't any "wrong" choices. As your second R5 this champ is going to be used a lot, so pick someone you have fun playing.
Just to add some further context. I'm cavalier and working towards fully exploring Act 5, progressing in Act 6, completing realm of legends, etc
If not then Cap IW. his versatility is great
Out of all those Hyperion is the only one who doesn't need any synergies to wreck stuff... but if you have their synergies I'd say Ghost or Blade. As CAIW isn't duped I'd leave him at r4 until you do.