So my Christmas AG ended up being a Cosmic Gem, finally one I can use immediately, and have two great options to use it on.
Which should I go for, I'm leaning more towards Hyperion just because of how Amazing his Sig Potency is even at Low Levels but I'm open to arguments for Corvus as well.
I currently have 22 Cosmic Sig Stones I can put into them plus the 1 Sig from being Awakened, as well as 46 Generic Sig Stones I could use with the Cosmic Sig Stones to get them to Sig 69 😏 though I'm not sure about using those Generics because I may save them for my first Rank 5 I will soon have depending on who it is.
Anyways I took the liberty of looking up how the Sig Potency would look for each Champion depending on their Sig Level.
First here's Corvus at Sig 23:
Then Corvus at Sig 69:
Now Hyperion at Sig 23:
Then Hyperion at Sig 69:
Corvus sig is a very nice utility, which keeps him alive from DoT effects, which is fantastic and everything, but he is amazing even without this.
Hyperion's sig transforms him from barely sustainable in damage, to a sustainable damage dealer. His awakening is crucial to his gameplay.
Corvus is a beast even anawakened.
More on topic: awaken whoever you have more fun playing with, if that’s Groot or Carnage, so be it 👍
Yes I get that hype is a beast and he gets extended buff duration.... still a better investment into Corvus
So 199 sig stones equals 6% more buff duration relative to awakening at sig 1. That's very difficult to notice on a practical level.
I don't do AW, already done initial clear on Variant 2, 3, and 4, as well Act 5 initial clear and usually clear Uncollected EQ every month as well as 100% Chapter 1 then Sometimes Chapter 2.