wait what??? look at those stats and then look at that PI are u using boosts? I have a 4/40 4 star corvus and he's barely 3,000!
If your 4/40 Corvus is barely 3000, then your masterys are not at full optimization. Don't know what level you are (Ill assume low level from your user name lol), but at some point you should be able to have a basic mastery setup that will bring your 4/40's well past 4000. Mine is at 4917 without suicides.
Here’s mine
It's a baby corvus
Fear me peasants
How did you get 4000 crits
It’s a House Crow of the Corvus Splendens genus
Love having 2 ranked up
Awww yeah, my 3* and all his max sig and max rank glory! 😂😂😂 Still hunting for that 5 or 6* (heck even a 4* would be welcomed at this point ☹)